Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:34 AM

Chapter 55

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Boreas POV

"There's more of them today." Mari commented

"Really? Then why can't I smell or sense it? It felt the same as yesterday." Jett replied

"Just less experience, but you'll pick up soon enough." Mari reassured him, "I can see why you feel that way, but there are at least 10 times the number, we might want to pull every noble away."

"I'm trying, but people are interfering with my calls, and teleportation isn't working either." Laurel commented, "It seems that they've noticed and decided to face us head-on."

"Alright, let's run."

"Run? We have them right here." Matt countered

"Exactly, it'll take less effort to break all of this and escape and call reinforcements."

"But they'll get away."

"And we're the heroes, and in this world, being a hero only amounts to an honorary title, but an actual job, our lives are worth something, so we can't just risk ourselves and put us in this trap."

"But they'll escape and will go kill innocent people, you should know better, that's who we're trying to save."

"And who will be there to save them if we're done for? it weird...damn it...why is Richard here?"

"The guy who's bullying you is what's making you hesitate?" Eve asked, "He's a member of the elite class though, so there is a lot of value in saving him."

"No, why IS he here? I know that a guy like him would get an invite, but not when he knows that I'm here as well, the only commoners he accepts are those working as the waiters or as part of the staff, unless it's a super important event, he rather not attend a party where commoners are there as's why he makes the least appearance compared to those from his house."

"Are you implying that he may be a part of this trap?" Laurel asked

"It can be..."

"As an educator, I would give him the benefit of the doubt, but don't spare him if he's a part of this."

"Kill him? Are you 2 insane?" Matt exclaimed

"These are demons, Matthew, they should not be negotiated with, I know that not all demons are monstrous, but...even then, if Matthew happens to be willing to betray the trust of his family, the trust of his school and sacrifice all of us just for some petty revenge or promise of power...he's better off dead, having him by our side will not benefit anyone...and even if we spare one else will. but that's why we'll give him the benefit of the doubt, so I'll trust that he's here at the party just for personal reasons."

Knowing the type of character Matt is, he's one of those protagonists who's too kind and has a heart of gold so big it could probably power a small city. The kind of guy who'd offer a handshake to a demon lord and forgive him after everything they've done. Look, I get it. Redemption arcs were a thing. Talking your way out can work sometimes, I did it with Sir Wiles...but not every time.

The worst part? I knew Matt probably wouldn't even fight back if they came for him. He'd just stand there, pleading for them to see the good in themselves. Naive? Absolutely. But somehow, that blind faith in the power of words...made me want to believe too—just a little. The irony was, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually worked on some of them. Demons weren't exactly known for their emotional stability.

"So, why are you surrounding me, Richard? I know that I'm currently isolated, but you already know that I can control my emotions enough that none of your words could provoke me."

"Unfortunately, I'm only here to introduce you to Viscount Edward Charmant Hampton." He said as I turned to some super tall and slightly overweight guy whose hairline goes way back to Adam and Eve, like isn't there magical treatment for that?

"And what does the viscount want with me?"

"Simple, I have to seem to take an interest in your nymph companion, she's quite a beauty." the viscount commented as he took a look in Mari's direction, "How much?"

"She's an independent person, I'm pretty sure you can go ask her that yourself."

"Independent? Stop trying to be funny while I'm still generous with my about 10, 000?"

"You're joking...right?"

"100, 000 and I'll use her for 7 days."

"I don't think that you're getting why I'm reacting the way I am."

"You're quite stubborn, aren't you? 200,000 then, and we'll keep it to three days. I'm sure she can endure that long."

"Viscount, you're missing the point entirely. Mari is not for sale at any price. She has her own will and her own choices. You can't just throw money at people and expect them to bend to your whims. And especially not me. Like I couldn't care less.

"You really believe that nonsense, don't you? She's a nymph, a creature of beauty meant to serve. 500,000. Final offer."

"How dare you deny me! A noble such as myself is showing you generosity, and this is how you repay me? This is exactly why commoners like you lose everything of value. You don't understand your place."

"What nation are you from? Because I'm sure you'll lose your status if you're from the Eastern Empire."

"I am."

"Well, enjoy your status after this, because you'll lose everything to the people you hate most."

Before I could take more than a few steps, I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder, yanking me back. I spun around to find myself surrounded by the viscount’s entourage, their faces a mix of amusement and disdain. The viscount himself stood at the center, his sneer now a twisted smile of satisfaction.

"Leaving so soon?" he mocked. "I don't think we're finished here."

"What do you want now, Viscount?"

"Respect," he spat, "Something you seem to lack. Perhaps a little lesson in humility is in order. Did your school not teach you?"

"Unfortunately our academy treats everyone and expects them to act the same, as equals, as if nobles can be equal with such filth." Richard chimed in, "I mean look at him, it's rude enough that he rejected our first offer, a commoner should sacrifice anything without question for those of righteous blood."

The men around him closed in. I could see the viscount watching with cold satisfaction, clearly enjoying the spectacle. The viscount stepped closer, his face inches from mine.

"You need to learn your place, commoner. You're nothing more than an insect beneath our boots, and we can crush you whenever we please."

Unfortunately for him...half of his crew were demons in disguise, but even then, as they tried to push me around, I wouldn't budge, much to all their dissatisfaction.

"It seems like half of you here are jokester."

3rd Person POV

From her private bedroom, Isabella listened intently to the conversation as Boreas turned on his call crystal and called her shared call crystal with Amelia, so they both heard everything, not only that, Bores said their code word for demons, jokester, and the same code word came from everyone else, even their own private royal mages who can now detect the demons due to just how many there are and how they're slowing no longer hiding their presence and releasing their true aura.

"Since when did you give him our call crystal?" Amelia asked, "And why?"

"He may be rude, but at least he's the only one who's honest with me." Isabella replied, "Rude or not, I can use that."

"So, what will you do now? Some nobles tried to leave early but aren't being allowed to, it seems that the demons have infiltrated our forces as well...not only that if you order the attack, some of the civilians will get caught in the process."

"Can we break in yet?"

"No." Amelia answered, "It seems like some members of the Blood Ravens have interfered as well, it's going to be hard to believe that the Blood Ravens and the demon lord are 2 different sides despite both housing demons and always being in similar locations like now. They interfere with our missions all the time, it could just be several coincidences or simply they both don't mind each other as long as we exist."

"Give them the headmaster the order to release the artifact." Isabella responded

"The disguise-dispelling artifact will work, but its dispelling force will push people down due to it being powerful, the nobles will not like that."

"Doesn't matter."

"Eradicate them." Isabella commanded

"Well, I better be ballin' after this, I don't like hard work going unrewarded." Boreas replied from the other end

3rd Person POV

Without warning, Boreas stole and drew one of the entourage's blades Gasps rippled through the crowd as he advanced on the unsuspecting entourage of demons disguised as nobles. The demons barely had time to react as Boreas quickly cut them down, their human facades dissolving as they fell. Panic erupted in the ballroom. Nobles screamed, and some stumbled back in shock, while others demanded explanations. The sudden brutality was both horrifying and bewildering.

"What are you doing?" Richard shouted as his face pale with fear and anger, "Have you lost your mind?!"

"Lost my mind...? HahahaHAHAHAHA." Boreas laughed,  "I've lost my mind a long time ago, you housed and used demons to intimidate other people, and unsophisticated friend...deserves capital punishment."

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