Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:33 AM

Chapter 56

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KingSilver Hmmm, I planned on doing something cool, but I then realized that it wouldn't make sense, so I had to erase 800 words worth of content.

3rd Person POV

Pandemonium erupted in the ballroom. Boreas bolted around a silver blur while slicing through the demons' ranks with his blade. A fireball was shot toward him, but he deflected it and hit it back against the demon who cast it like a baseball. Screams filled the air as the nobles scrambled to get out of the line of fire. Another demon lunged at Boreas with claws extended, but he sidestepped and delivered a swift cut, severing its head from its body.

A group of demons tried to overwhelm him with a barrage of spells. He spun and sliced through the oncoming spell and in one fluid motion, he redirected a particularly powerful spell back towards its caster, the explosion lighting up the room as the demon was incinerated. The crowd watched in awe and horror as our main cast joined in his relentless assault.

Spells were cast and there was destruction everywhere as the demons all slowly lost their disguise, especially after an explosion that send out visible waves and dispelled every disguise. Boreas just kept cutting down the demons with a cold, almost mechanical efficiency. Some nobles had the presence of mind to seek shelter behind upturned tables and pillars, their eyes wide with fear and astonishment.

"What are they doing?" the host shouted as Matt came to his aid, "They're going to destroy the entire ballroom!"

One particularly large demon, more resilient than the others, roared and charged at Boreas after cladding himself with wind armor in the shape of a rhino with its eyes red and burning with hatred. Boreas met its gaze calmly, waiting until the last possible moment before sidestepping and cutting the demon in a quick diagonal slash. The demon staggered, its roar turning into a gurgle as it fell to the ground, lifeless.

The pandemonium had reached its peak when the leader of the demons, a swift and formidable swordsman, stepped forward while dual-wielding 2 swords, he managed to defeat Matt and was about to get to Eve, but Boreas got to him on time and directed the leader's attention on himself. The blades of the leader moved with blinding speed, each swing accompanied by a burst of dark magic that crackled through the air. Boreas deflected it with his aura, but also broke his wrist from the force of the attack.

The demon pressed the offensive, its strikes growing faster and more ferocious. Spells flew from its hands, but Boreas anticipated each one, weaving through the onslaught with a combination of agility and sheer instinct as his wrist healed. The crowd watched in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the two combatants. Despite the demon's clear advantage in strength and speed, the Boreas held his ground.

After what felt like an eternity, the demon paused, its frustration evident. It snarled, its eyes burning with rage as it prepared to unleash its full power. It released and shot a burst of dark energy bolt, but Boreas blocked it.

"Story Magic: 4th wall." Boreas responded as the spell hit an invisible barrier and exploded upon contact with Boreas coming out harm-free, "Hah, the 4th wall can block any *glass breaking in the background*...spell, seriously, that's all it took?"

"I would advise you to give up, I'm a rank 6 mage whose sword aura is at the 4th stage, a stage where a swordsman would be able to kill most mages." the leader replied

"Nah, I'd win."

"Fine, I'll give you one move, prove yourself."

"Why do you bad guys keep letting the protagonist win, it's sad that someone as strong as you won't even get to use your full power before being defeated. Slashing magic: Reality slash.

In an instant, the air around him shimmered, the fabric of reality itself seeming to bend and warp. With a single, decisive strike, he brought his blade down. The Reality Slash cut through the demon and the very space it occupied. For a heartbeat, everything was still. Then the demon's form shuddered, a look of disbelief frozen on its face as it was cleaved in two. The halves of its body fell to the ground as blood flowed out from it.

"Takes a lot of mana, super short range, but it can cut through anything." Boreas gloated as he went to pick up the swords, "Now, how many more is left?"

Boreas POV

"Isn't that overpowered?" Eve asked

"Duh, I thought that magic up just in case there's an unbreakable barrier that I need to break out of and to kill an opponent who'll beat me in any situation that doesn't involve them giving me time.

After a while though, mages sent by Isabella arrived, it was late, I'm surprised that they couldn't come sooner but there was interference. Great. Just great. It wasn't enough that I had to fend off demons in the middle of a royal ball and not be able to kill that viscount and Richard. Now I had to worry about Blood Ravens messing things up even more.

This day just keeps getting better. The nobles around me were still in shock, some casting wary glances in my direction, unsure whether to thank me or curse me. I then wiped the blood from my swords just to scare them a bit before turning it in, well, one of them anyway, I'll give the other to Kai as a part of a contract or something.

I was then pulled aside, ever since being revealed as a hero, she has been pulling me aside a lot, especially after I revealed the other 2 to the headmaster, even though she would have figured it out based on the fact that they're the only other 2 I talk to, though she didn't really think or know of our origin, like the others, she just think that we're newborns and blessed from birth, not reincarnated souls.

However, something did give her a hint though, because when she used that artifact, an artifact that would reveal someone's true self, our forms flickered for a quick second and...based on her description, it was the bodies of our former lives. Of course, I looked similar, but not for the others, Matt was a bit plainer and had quite a lot of freckles, and average looks, while Eve was still apparently pretty, but looked to be somewhere in her 30s.

"Considering how the 3 of you know too much for your you sound experienced sometimes...are you..." Laurel then hesitated, "Are you all reincarnated souls?"


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!