Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:31 AM

Chapter 58

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Boreas POV

I'm back at the academy and I heard some good news regarding Richard, who's currently serving house arrest. My recording of his unacceptable behavior at the ball had been the final straw, leading to his relegation from the elite class and tarnishing his once pristine reputation. Having a powerful girlfriend sure does come in handy, I should start buying her gifts...well, if she's like me, she probably doesn't really like gifts too much, maybe I'll have to think of some other ways to pay her back for this.

The incident at the ball was nothing short of a disaster. Richard, in his arrogance, had aligned himself with a noble whose household was riddled with demon infiltrations. Whether it was ignorance or sheer recklessness, his affiliation with such a compromised house brought shame and suspicion upon him and his household. That resulted in a 2-week suspension. The noble house he had allied with was unaware of the demon infiltration, which spared Richard from expulsion. Nevertheless, his behavior remained the primary reason for his fall from grace.

Plus what he said to me and how he just watched my interaction with that viscount whoever instead of doing anything, he's being relegated from the elite class, it was the final straw. The academy could not overlook his conduct, which endangered the school's reputation, and also questioned his judgment for his willingness to do it in such a public place. He's being replaced by someone named Camila Aubree Ren, the name sounded familiar, and sure enough, it was Chris' granddaughter.

How I know was because the old man called to confirm it, he also then tried to set the both of us up, to which I rejected, though he said that she was really beautiful, and I got it, I saw her, a woman about 168 cm tall, has dark brown hair, and brown eyes with nice facial features, but of course, I'm sticking with my girlfriend as number one.

Kai is currently in my dorm and staying there until he gets an ID where he's allowed to walk around, I plan to send him to the classes for servants, there's a class for beginners and since he said he didn't mind some discrimination, and plans to tough it out, we can see how it'll go, Mari will be with him, so he should be more than fine. I thought about getting a cute dog or a cat since there is an adoption center nearby, but Jett always declined it, saying that there was already an animal in the group and we didn't need another.

Classes went well today, but there was chaos in the student council room, and I wasn't allowed to help out on some of the papers, neither was Eve since we were the party of conflict or something, so we can't handle that paperwork, so I just had to help eve organize the beach episo- I mean event.

Stacks of papers surrounded me, each one a request from a different vendor wanting to participate in the festival. I reviewed each application meticulously, deciding where each stall would be located and what they could sell. Some were easy approvals, food stands, local crafts, and beachwear stalls were all no-brainers. Others required more thought, especially those selling more niche items like magic cooling cloaks, I will have to inspect their products and have an expert help out with that before any approval.

After approving a few more stalls, I moved on to the layout. I unrolled a large map of the festival grounds, marking where each stall would go. Food vendors near the entrance to attract hungry visitors, game stalls along the sides to create a fun path through the festival, and entertainment stages strategically placed to draw crowds without causing congestion.

"Eve, help out, this is your job, aren't you the event organizer?"

"Yeah, but this is my first time, so I'm watching you." she replied

"I'm younger than you, in both lifetimes, and you also have a're the responsible grown adult here with actual experience on this since you're taught this as a princess."

"Yeah, but I've never applied it for an event this big, heck, we're also inviting the empress herself."

"It'd be better if the bitch won't be there to ruin the atmosphere."

"Why do you hate her? Based on what her maid said, her mindset is exactly like yours."

"The only thing alike about us is that we think of ourselves as superior on occasion. In this case, we're fighting for the position."

"So you're both narcissists?"

"Yeah, if you can't think of yourself as the best, you won't be the best."

"I sometimes wonder why the goddess chose you." she muttered under her breath

"I have a very high instinct for survival. I won't ever get killed."

"If that's true, you won't have gotten hit by a truck."

"I didn't, the goddess had to kill me herself."

"Right, and you won against the greatest hero of all time, you should stop using that story, even Matt, the gullible bird brain don't believe you."

I was walking home with Jett and Mari across the academy's courtyard late at night after my super busy afternoon. The night was quiet, the only sounds being the soft rustle of leaves and the soft breeze. Suddenly, a sharp presence pierced the tranquility, a feeling I knew all too well. Instincts honed by years of training took over. In an instant, I manifested my aura into a blade and intercepted the attack.

I turned, locking eyes with my assailant, and my heart skipped a beat. Standing before me, a smirk on his weathered face, was none other than Sir Wiles, the Sword Saint.

"Good evening, Sir Wiles," I greeted,  "To what do I owe the pleasure? I thought that you didn't want to visit."

"Just checking to see if you’ve lost your touch," Sir Wiles replied with a chuckle

Without a word, he lunged at me again, his blade moving with the speed and precision that had earned him his legendary status. I met his attack with a parry as I remembered his patterns of attack way too well and it didn't take long for the familiar rhythm of our sparring sessions to quickly take over before he pressed the attack relentlessly.

He launched into a rapid series of attacks, testing my reflexes and endurance. I struggled to keep up with his relentless pace. Each of his movements was precise, calculated, and faster than the last. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I parried, blocked, and countered, but his experience and skill began to wear me down.

With a final, swift move, Sir Wiles disarmed me, his blade coming to rest just a hair’s breadth from my neck. I froze, breathing hard, staring down the length of his sword.

"You’ve improved, but you still have a long way to go." He smirked and lowered his blade, "Becoming a rank 3 increased your physical attributes wonderfully."

"Thanks, and you're still as ruthless as ever."

"I heard that you beat a swordsman at the 4th stage of sword aura."

"He claimed it and I killed him before he could use it, so it wasn't that hard. He was arrogant and careless."

"The same can be said for you, you keep having yourself in the center of every problem."

"Why are you here?"

"Your sword, I've had it made." he said as he helped me up, "Let's go meet with Chris, he has it."

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