Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:30 AM

Chapter 59

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KingSilver So funny thing is, I know a friend who uses this platform and he recommended this novel, saying that the humor type is similar to mine. Don't worry, I have thrown him off.

Boreas POV

I brought them to my dorm room, Chris greeted me as enthusiastically as ever while holding a long black, and sleek metal case. Camila greeted me with this warm smile before I led them in where Kai greeted us, I introduced them to each other and luckily no fight got out. Sir Wiles said that he did meet some friendly demons and lesser demons before, so he'll give Kai an exception. Chris had the same response while Camila was a bit nervous being close to Kai, which he didn't mind as he was more awestruck in seeing his idol in person.

Resting within the case was a sword, unlike any I had seen before. I stepped closer, my curiosity piqued. The blade was a dark gray, designed to avoid reflecting light, a practical feature that I didn't mind. The hilt and handle were black, and the sword overall had a sleek design. I picked up the sword, feeling its weight and balance. It was a bastard sword, versatile enough to be wielded with one hand or two. The design was sleek and minimalistic, devoid of unnecessary engravings.

With a tap, the case folded into a sheath and Chris said that it could turn into the case form at any time, I just have to inject mana into the sheath or case with intent and it'll respond to my instructions.

"It's great, but...I haven't beaten you yet."

"With how much trouble you're getting into lately, you'll need it." Sir Wiles responded, "I've spent a lot of money on it, so use it well, but of course...this is nowhere as good as my sword or anything that can be used to harm a being like the demon lord, but it'll be useful since a sword will enforce and make your sword aura stronger, especially this steel, it's made with enchanted Leviathan bone, very rare, but it should serve you for a good 5 years."


"Swords aren't indestructible, especially for someone as active as you, it should be good for a stage 4 aura user as well since it can tolerate mana, stage 4 is the ability to absorb mana or spells and expel it, even if the aura is the one holding it, a sword can help make it less shaky and stronger if you get a sword whose material can amplify mana."

"Where would I get one that does all of that and also be somewhat indestructible?"

"There's a mythical element of Aether, but no one can find that." Chris chimed in, "Anyway, I'll need an assistant for a case, it's why I'm here, I happened to meet Wiles on the way, and since you're the secretary of the student council, we can get warrants or approval to go around easily. Wiles also plans on meeting that one Western princess since he wants to see a goddess' chosen one with his own eyes."

"I thought you were here to try and set me up with Camila over there."

"I am, that's why I'll ask her to come along, maybe you both can bond over the case."

"What kind of case is it? And why haven't I heard of this?"

"The academy has caught a student who was found to have drugs on him, Cannabis. Even though it's only one instance, he couldn't have gotten it without a supplier. And with a supplier, it means there's more. It's also linked to a larger drug case on the mainland, your discipline officer caught this and was told to keep it a secret by the headmaster herself since the person who's caught is from quite a high-ranking noble. It's been kept under wraps to avoid panic. The administration wants to handle this quietly and efficiently. We're dealing with a potential drug ring that could have serious ramifications since it links back to the blood ravens."

I don't know how I can help, I get his intentions and respect them, but the only thing I know are murders and corpses, something that I can't just reveal due to it being a bit suspicious that I would specialize in such a specific kind of forensics. I also don't have the tools for better analysis either, the ones I had in my previous life were illegal since I couldn't be accepted into even a privately owned forensics lab since I know that working for the police was not an option due to my criminal record, I do have some to help that old man and Susan in case they needed some extra help or they want something to go faster due to the ones they have are overloaded with too many cases.

Chris then placed a bag of it on the table.

"Cannabis Sativa."

"Wait, you recognize this?" Chris asked

"Huh? Well...they can be used for medical reasons, so I would recognize them. Anyway, they're not that dangerous, I mean they are, but not to the extent that you were hired in secret."

"These were bred improperly and altered, their highs are very powerful, and they can cause severe injuries. Oliver Briar, the discipline officer, is safe and isn't involved after we did a little digging, so we allowed him to move separately as he can get in contact with nobles or noble clients better than we do. There are a few who do partake in these purchases, it's why you haven't seen often him lately."

"So today, I got humiliated, got a sword, and put on a drug case that I know I can't solve."

"You recognize the drug due to you being a healer, you can go around and do things without permission since you're the secretary, you can fight if need can help with the case, I'll do the solving and finding of the drug dealer, you just have to help me and allow me to do my job efficiently, Camila can be used to approach the suspects and bait them out."

"Is sir Wiles joining?"

"No, I'm here to challenge your teachers who keep sending me letters and pestering me while also seeing that princess, I'll stay put." the sword saint answered

"Does this mean I can use Kai?"

"How so?" Chris asked

"Don't worry, I'll sniff all the weed out."


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