Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:52 AM

Chapter 6

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Boreas POV

"So what does the blessing do?"

"Just...shut it, you proved your point." she said as she got on the boat and sat with her head down.

"You're not going to cry, right? Because I'm not social enough to comfort people crying."

"I was tricked by a kid..."

"If it helps, I'm a kid with a goddess' blessing."

"I sense no such thing from you."

"You can sense blessings?"

"No, a goddess' blessing is special, if someone has it, I'll know."

"The underwater ruin doesn't have any important relic or treasure, right?"

"If you like old relics and other symbolic artifacts, then sure."

"I'll come later then."

I can steal them and sell them off for money.

"You're cooperative. Diid the blessing make you obedient to me?"

" consists of water-breathing, regeneration, water camouflage, aquatic communication, siren-like voice, and water purification."

"I know I just kept rowing, but why are you here with me on land?"

"To file a formal letter of complaint against you, so bring me to the baronet." she requested

"How long can you stay out of water?"

"I can stay out all the time, it's just that I can't stray too far from it and it's not like this village is far."

"You tricked a nymph?" Dad was now doing the Shinji chair pose while my mom was looking after him while his advisers are looking at the nymph.

To me, she looked just like a really beautiful human woman, but to them, apparently, they could sense that she was someone special, and with her revealing her identity, they believed her immediately. I wouldn't be able to tell, the only reason I did was because she emerged from the water.

She started her formal complaint by introducing herself, she went by the name Marianna and was the last remaining nymph guarding the ruin due to the others passing away because of natural causes, and the complaint was just her ranting about what I did, exaggerating it, and saying how I offended her on many levels. My dad and the others just sat in this large meeting room and listened to every last bit of it without any interruptions, their face when they heard of the "glorified fish" bit were incredibly funny though.

"I mean...I did what no one else could, that's an achievement, right?"

"It...unfortunately is." Dad sighed in defeat

"Does this mean I can go and torme- I mean study in the youth program along with my other future vic- companions?"

"You were about to say torment and victim, weren't you?"

"Whaaat? Maybe you're just tired after hearing such a defaming accusation against your lovely innocent son."

"Uh, I've heard it too." Rob, the same watchman from the earlier chapters, said, "You basically manipulated this poor woman. This is like borderline theft."

"Are there any laws against what I did?"


"So what I did wasn't wrong?"

"Legally, but morally..."

"Hey, most noblemen exploit commoners all the time and get away with it, so why can't I?"

"If you're comparing yourselves to such people...well, I can't say too much as your mother." Mom replied

"...He even tried lying about being blessed by the goddess when we returned." Mari said

"All I said was that I've talked with the goddess before on the way back."

"Well, he does surprisingly pray a lot, so that's probably the reason for the claim...and I thought my dad was religious." Rob pointed out

"Him? Praying?" Mari looked incredulous

"You can ask everyone, he prays toward the goddess at the local shrine very often."

"Well, I think I have a suggestion." Dad raised his hand, "Due to my son being quite young, we're allowed to send someone along with him for the youth program, and one of the reasons why we haven't sent him away was because we had no one who can fill that role can. You can watch over him and maybe lead him in the path where he'll become the right person who utilizes the blessing well."

"How will she leave?" Rob asked

"Some nature spirits can attach themselves to humans...she can change her connection to the sea to his blood." an elder suggested

"He's still quite young and he's your only child...wouldn't it worry you to send him away?" Mari asked

"It would...but it would hinder his potential to keep him here for too long, and so we're hoping that you can at least come back every year or so."

"What if, this is a big if, some nobleman hired a super strong mage to pull her away and separate them?" Rob asked

"That would depend...she will have to find a way to dissolve herself and stay within his blood before she gets pulled too far away since it'll be only her who's going to suffer the consequences." the elder answered, "For the should be good for him, he'll have a very knowledgeable person to guide him, and if any noble try to antagonize him, she can protect him, she's very strong after all."

"No offense, can't I just go alone? I can just say something so outrageous that I'll stun the noble, I'll then-"

"This is exactly why we're worried." Mom interjected, "We're worried about what you might do. I sent you to the beach in hopes of wasting your time and...look at where we're at."

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to top the charts and use my connections to get us lots of money."

"Why are you so money-hungry?" Mari asked, "Money doesn't buy you happiness."

"The only ones who says that are either really poor or really rich. Poor people say money doesn't buy happiness because they don't have any and have already accepted their reality. And rich people say it because they've already got everything money can buy."

"I'm not poor."

"Yeah, that's because you got nothing to begin with."

"Well, he's not wrong." Rob agreed

"Don't encourage him." Dad grumbled

The next day, I left home to go back to the sea. Mari took our guestroom and is staying with us as an apology from my parents, and she accompanied me today as I left to go to her underwater ruin. She didn't say a word to me and ignored me all day. 

I hired the same boat and rowed to the spot instead of swimming there. I proved the blessing to be true by using magic to levitate a lot of water to put on my head in an attempt to drown myself, but I was breathing fine, and I didn't even have gills, so I could still keep my good looks.

After rowing even further than where I was yesterday, she signaled for me to stop.

"How deep is it?"

"Deep enough." she replied for the first time

"Man, I can so make a joke right there. So do they have the Excalibur or anything of the like?"

"What's that?"

"I forgot that things like that don't exist here."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you later, it's why I pray a lot."

Lucille POV

It's okay, he has the potential to save the world, you've made your choice. You can bear hearing inappropriate and insulting comments made toward you. Luckily that nymph made the mistake before I could and revealed it to be a trick.

I've been watching the 3rd hero I've sent to this world, and I can tell that his potential is high, probably the highest amongst the 3...but where's the cautious hero trait I've read about?! Why is he so reckless and stupid?!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!