Published at 26th of May 2024 10:42:58 AM

Chapter 60

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Boreas POV

The next day, I found myself walking through the town just outside the academy grounds with the invisible Jett, Chris, and Camila. As I strolled along the streets, I kept an eye out for anything suspicious. The town was bustling with life as always, something that was too cheerful for something of a laced or altered drug to appear. It was hard to imagine a drug ring operating amidst such normalcy, but I knew better than to be deceived by appearances.

But as I walked by an alleyway, I sensed something weird, a large mass that had no presence. I then headed to it and once we were deep into it, there was a figure slumped against the wall, motionless, giving me an easy explanation of why he gave off no presence. It was a young man, his clothes disheveled and his face pale. I knelt beside him, quickly assessing the scene. No signs of a struggle, but his skin was clammy and his breathing nonexistent.

I started with his face, noting the dilated pupils and the faint trace of powder around his nostrils, meaning that laced or genetically altered cannabis wasn't the only thing. Carefully, I pried open his mouth to check for any signs of oral ingestion but found none. Next, I examined his hands, looking for puncture marks that might indicate intravenous use. His fingertips were stained slightly, suggesting he had handled the drugs himself.

Moving to his pockets, I found a small bag. I took a closer look at the remnants inside, confirming it was likely some potent drug. I took out my notebook and jotted down the details: location, condition of the body, and any noticeable marks. His clothes were of good quality, but they were now disheveled and dirty. I checked his wrists and neck for any signs of restraint or struggle, but there was nothing. The lack of physical trauma suggested he wasn't attacked or involved in a fight before his death. This was purely a case of overdose.

I carefully rolled up his sleeves, revealing unblemished skin, and no signs of long-term drug use, like track marks from needles. This could mean he was a recent user, or that he preferred other methods of consumption. I examined his watch and found it intact, which implied this wasn't a robbery gone wrong. The fact that he's a new or recently addicted is bad, he should have used magic to try and heal himself and yet not work, and the fact that the academy hasn't sensed the loss of a life signature...someone within the school's upper echelon is a part of this.

Looking around, I noted the surroundings. The alley was narrow and somewhat secluded, making it a perfect spot for illicit activities away from any prying eyes. But still, the fact the the school hasn't found him with a system that should have alerted them immediately...who could have covered this can only be someone from the school's board. I relayed my information to Chris and he basically thought of the same thing as he also noted it down.

"We’ll need to trace his movements, find out where he got the drugs. This could lead us to the supplier." Chris said, "And the fact that there are other substances in the's not considerably shocking, but more people will drop like this."

"How are you 2 able to stomach such a scene?" Camila asked

"Simple, I'm used to it." Chris shrugged

"As for me...well, I've killed animals before, it feels and looks the same."

"These are humans though."

"What kind of species do you think kill the most humans after the demons?"


"Exactly, sometimes killing one or seeing one dead and yet not feeling's quite a scary feeling that I rather not get used to."

I called Mari and told her to go and check around the school when she's free and to take Kai with her since we don't know who we're up against, I gave a small brief to Laurel over the call and she said that she'll see us in her office but Camilla can't join us since there might be secrets, so Chris instead sent her to go around town and investigate on her own while I secretly told Jett to follow her and help her out if things go bad. We got to the headmaster's office and reported the whole thing as she then gave a call to check up on the people covering up the corpse.

"So you think that one of the people on the board of directors is it...well, I can't disagree." Laurel realized after we told her, "So how do you propose we should go about this? There's a reason why I can't let Camila in, a few members of the board are kept secret for safety reasons since they are considered the next-in-lines, and we don't want them to be influenced in anyway."

"And you trust me?"

"Despite your constant sarcasm and annoying personality, you're honest and I know you usually have no ill intent."


"I know too much about you already, you're safe."

"I feel slightly offended that you're not threatened by me in anyway."

"Thank you for your honesty. I'll be sure to improve on myself."

"I suggest you hold an emergency meeting." Chris advice, 'Then we can lock them in and investigate them there, I can do the questioning since I'm not affiliated with anyone in this school apart from my Camila. Boreas can be the second option if things don't go well on my end."

"You want them to trust a 15-year-old to do all that?" Laurel asked

"He's almost of legal age, it's fine, besides, he's accomplished more than a lot of students of the academy already, they don't mind being on his good side since he might be more successful than them combined, not only that, they got nothing to lose since we'll be helping you root out an impostor."

There's an impostor among us...

KingSilver It's too late to be making that kind of joke, it's 2024.

The only thing that's late here is your recent upload schedule.

KingSilver Hey, I got projects to do.

And are those projects impactful to the current world?

KingSilver Well...








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