Published at 31st of May 2024 08:55:33 AM

Chapter 62

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KingSilver Currently writing "The Totally Normal Guy Who Transmigrated", check it out if you're curious, sort of a different tone, but it's still a parody-style novel.

Theodore POV

As usual, I made my call to my sister, who should be free around this time, and it didn't take long for her to pick up the call.

“Hey, sis,” I greeted her,  “Got a minute?”

She looked up, a smile lighting her face.

“Theo, always a pleasure. What’s on your mind?” she responded

“Just wanted to catch up,” I said, “How’s everything going with you?”

“Busy as always, but it’s good. The Queen keeps us all on our toes. And you? I heard the academy launched a secret investigation.”

“Complicated, but nothing I can’t handle as I wasn't involved,” I replied. “Anything interesting happening at the palace?”

“Actually, yes. We’ve found two candidates who might be the Queen’s future partner.”

 “Oh? And what makes them special?”

“They’ve both received favor from dragons,” she said,  "Just like the prophecy, even though the candidates don't necessarily have white hair and I don't think their dragons are still alive either, but the prophet never said that they have to be born with hair as white as snow as they can just have them at an old age and she didn't say that the dragon has to be alive either."

“That’s not something you hear every day.”

“I know. Both have been granted special blessings. One has the gift of fire manipulation, and the other has been granted enhanced strength and endurance,” Amelia explained

“Interesting,” I commented, “Guess the Queen’s got some tough choices ahead.”

"The problem is her attitude." she sighed, "One is 20 years older and the other is 10, the problem however, is that she doesn't like them one bit, especially since both of them are very enthusiastic about getting together with the queen herself, something that she doesn't want, and they're both from other nations...both are high ranking, marrying them is quite risky."

"The only other choice is Boreas, who fitted all the criteria, and you saw how that turned out. Have you asked Madam Jane for a clue?"

"She won't answer." Amelia shrugged, "Besides, you should have seen the initial reply letters that Her Highness wrote, she first criticized their poems and their love letters as a whole, saying something about just because she's fated to be with someone with a dragon's favor, it doesn't mean that it has to be with any of them...she somehow managed to write a lot of words that I'm pretty sure that no one in the castle knows."

"Didn't you teach her those words?"

"Yes, but I'll send you her initial reply letters, she also criticized the love letter cliches in it, I doubt they'll still have a crush on her if they knew."

Boreas POV

After the stupidly short capture of that human resource director, Chris was asked to join the interrogation and I was left with Camila, who I was pretty awkward with, she doesn't get my humor at all, even Mari does despite her stoic face. But I can understand her thought process quite easily, she's got the talent for this kind of stuff, probably better than me, she just needs experience. I guess I know who to invest in for the future.

Unfortunately for all of this, the suspects and people involved are great in number, and if it leads to something greater, then so be it. I'm not associated with anyone anyway, my ultimate goal is definitely to help the goddess since I rather not have the world destroyed in any sort of way.

This whole investigation was basically kept a secret and no culprits or victims were revealed to anyone. On my way to school, I could see a crowd gathering at the arena for something, so I followed behind, I then could sense Mr. Sebastian, my weaponry teacher, and Sir Wiles going at it. I went to find a seat and there was a section that was pretty much empty, and it was where Kai was at. Our first class is weaponry anyway, and so waiting for our teacher should be fine.

The duel was obviously one-sided, Sir Wiles won every bout, even using a spear. Apparently, Sir Wiles was challenged to use anything other than the sword and he went for the spear. He was still winning by a mile, as I continued watching my own master win against my weaponry teacher, I felt a bit of joy to see the guy who tried to beat me every chance he got.

After that, Sir Wiles asked to meet Eve in private and have some sort of private conversation as we moved to our other classes, the day then went on smoothly, even my after-school time in the student council room, the only thing that bothered me was the legal loli, I mean the vice president, Francesca, occasionally stealing from my cookie jar. Heck, the whole student council did, including Eve. I baked them myself, and I'm glad that they enjoyed it, but at least just ask instead of just taking it.

Later that night, Isabella gave me a call, saying something about Amelia finding 2 more people who fit the prophecy, who all coincidentally also have a crush on her, she then read me their letters and I couldn't help but they do realize that she's still an empress, right? i then just gave her some info that the academy is still keeping secret before Jett told Kai who I was talking to, he then gave me a thumbs up before heading into his room, which is Mari's old room.

I woke up to Mari's soft murmurs and movements, pulling me from sleep. Her face showed distress as she kept muttering to herself in her sleep while shedding a couple of tears, meaning that she was having regular nightmares about her time in the underwater temple, something about her witnessing the death of her kin and living alone.

"Don't leave me alone," she whispered with fear as she was shivering, "Please..."

I reached out, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from her face.

"I'm right here," I whispered softly.

Leaning in, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead to soothe her. Her breathing steadied and she slowly stopped shifting as I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close as I had done so many times before. Eventually, as she calmed down, I fell asleep myself, though I ended up dreaming and meeting a familiar guy with a slightly rough voice.

"Hey, brat." Craven greeted

"What do you want?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!