Published at 31st of May 2024 08:55:32 AM

Chapter 63

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Marianna POV

"Does she come around often?" Kai asked and pointed to Isabella who just arrived for a surprise visit.

"This is only the 2nd time."

"Why is the dragon more excited to see her than her boyfriend?"

"Because Boreas jokes around before coddling him while the queen just gets straight to the point."

"How deep is he in the well?"

"Is that a regular saying?"


"Then...if he separates from her, she'll kill him. Love at first sight and they're stuck together since."

"I see, so I should treat her like I treat Boreas then."

"You know that you don't have to follow his every order, right?"

"I know, but I do it anyway, it feels like I have some purpose since there are no enemies that are out for his head."

"There was, but people actually found him competent lately, that woman is also helping to tame him down a bit."

"What's the relationship between you 2 then?" Kai questioned, "You and Boreas seem to be a bit more than friends."

"I don't know either, I don't see him as a brother, but not as my best friend either, something more...but we haven't reached the romantic stage yet. I don't mind actually marrying him in the future, but for now, I'm just trying my best to help him accomplish the goddess' will. I'll figure it out after that."

I then spent my free time wandering around the town on the island and just basically splurged on myself, some clothes, food, and all other expenses that Boreas would usually stop me from wasting my money on, sometimes I got mad at why he stopped me, but by the 3rd hour, realizing that I have no more money for the week hurt quite a bit. The money from that megaphone thing is flowing in nicely, but we got 4 to feed, and we also have to send some money back home...we do have some money from Sir Wiles, but that's all in the savings...let's hope our stall at that festival will be very profitable.

As I passed by a newsstand, I overheard a group of townsfolk engaged in a heated conversation. Curious, I slowed my pace, pretending to examine the day's headlines while eavesdropping on their discussion.

"Did you hear about the attack in the south?" one man said,

"Yeah, it's being talked everywhere on the mainland," another replied. "They say a large quantity of materials was stolen. Hopefully, it isn't that big of a deal."

"It is, that's why it's all over, are you stupid? How'd they accept you as a vendor here?"

"Hey, I don't need to be smart to be a good businessman."

"For a nation that specializes in crafting, losing those materials is a serious blow. It shouldn't affect us for now, but if it goes on for one more month or so, we're going to see increasing prices due to the dwindling supplies."

"What's worse is that they haven't named any suspects. Whoever did this knew what they were doing." a third joined in

An attack in the south, and stolen materials, was troubling news indeed...losing valuable materials would have a ripple effect, impacting not just the economy of the southern nation, but the world as well...and this is a good chance for me to get more spending money, it's a mission. We just have to get the approval, we got the student council one since Boreas is a part of them, but the headmaster's...that might take a bit.

Got back to the dorm and headed for ours only to see the headmaster there being greeted by Kai, who was rejecting her from going in, he saw me and gave me the look, and then I realized...the queen, she's still here, so I intervened.

"Hey there, Laurel, how may I help you?"

"Why are you acting so weird?" she asked

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I already know about the foreign life signature that came here, and my theory about him faking a girlfriend was true, so fine, I already had Theodore cover for it, I came here to give Boreas a mission, and Kai said that he'll pass on the message...again, fine, but...the way you're all acting is strange. Not only that, but you guys are using concealing items to hide your presence, which is not allowed on campus."

"Well, it's for our safety."

"Yes, and for our safety, which is the main point of why I'm not leaving until I get a proper explanation, he's not allowed to bring in foreign guests without approval, and even if he's the student council secretary, he can't just have someone use a powerful teleportation device to teleport into our school grounds...that kind of device...luckily the demons don't know it exists, no offense." she apologized to Kai

"Let's get inside before any of what you may say leaks out."

"I can keep this hidden, but you seriously can't just continue to abuse my trust." Laurel exclaimed, "I'm putting myself at risk for hiding this, a device that can bypass our anti-teleportation barrier. The barrier only allows those within it to teleport inside the island and would definitely stop anyone from coming in...someone who has that kind of device is either a terrorist, working with one, or someone of a high rank of nobility, either way, I do not stand for this."

'There's a reason why we're hiding this."

"You do realize that this is grounds for expulsion, right?"

"...Since Sir Wiles is staying until my sword gets delivered, what if I ask him to autograph your sword and give you a free private training session? He's my master, and he does like me, he'll listen to me."

"Who are you? Boreas? Are you seriously trying to bribe me?"

"Bribing? No, that's illegal, I was just offering something so valuable that even money can't buy."

"That's bribing!"

"No, no, no! Bribing involves money, and I said this is beyond money. It's a... strategic persuasion technique."

"Oh, strategic persuasion technique. I see. And what exactly is this 'beyond money' offer?"

"A lifetime supply of pizza. From Luigi's. Extra cheese."

"Luigi's? The place with the pizza so good it's practically a religious experience?"

"Exactly! See? Not bribery. It's divine intervention."

"Divine intervention, huh? What if I’m lactose intolerant?"

"What kind of person with lactose intolerance would turn down pizza with extra cheese?"

"Fair point, but this is clearly bribery."


"Kai, don't let them rub off on you." Laurel advised to which Kai nodded and noted it down, "Now, who's that person? I don't mind kicking the door down even if they're in the middle of...of...oh."

The door opened and the queen herself emerged, her hair was quite messy and...the headmaster fainted. Great.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!