Published at 3rd of June 2024 12:21:02 PM

Chapter 64

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Boreas POV

The assignment was straightforward, go to the south, get kidnapped on purpose by the group who is allegedly responsible for the stolen materials, infiltrate their base, and then break out. My task was to find out who was in charge from the inside, all while being monitored via a tracking crystal I already had on me and Jett, who was close to me at all times while invisible. That's the mission that Laurel wanted to tell me, it was assigned by the queen herself, who already told me and I already planned on accepting it.

The thought of intentionally getting kidnapped sounds fun. The reason why I have to break out myself is that the base will be surrounded and be prepared for a raid while that base will be slowly isolated from the outside, eventually, they will harm me and try to take me down with them, so I need to get in, find out as much as I can and dip. The leader isn't stupid enough to stay at their most populated base, so it's my job to just find the name. I'll be accompanied by Theo, Mari, and Kai, the 4 of us should be more than enough to break out.

The problem was that this mission was secret since Sir Wiles and Chris agreed to join the raid, that's why Laurel came to inform us herself, but she came a bit too early and we expected her to call me to her office, not for her to come here instead.

"I can hide and we can make her believe that what she saw was her own hallucination before she passed out." Isabella suggested

"She'll find out soon anyway."

"Fair, but you should do a better job as a protagonist, you can't just have all of your secrets revealed this early."


Currently, Laurel is on my bed resting, and we're just waiting till she wakes up. Isabella is planning to stay the night again since she got a lot of free time. That dream with Craven a while back...that wasn't a good dream.


"Well, well, if it isn't my least favorite person in the world."

"Least favorite, I helped bring you over and gave you an arguably better life, you're not that popular in your previous one." Craven countered.

"Still licking your wounds from our last encounter? Thought you'd have moved on by now."

"Moved on? You mean moved on from your blatant cheating and underhanded tactics? Please. I could have won if you hadn't played dirty."

"Cheating?" I laughed, "Just because I outsmarted you doesn't mean I cheated. You lost fair and square, Craven. Face it."

"Fair and square, my foot. You used every dirty trick in the book. If you had any honor, you would have fought clean."

"Honor?" I raised an eyebrow, "This coming from the guy who tried to run me over with a truck and come at an unarmed man with a bat? Don't talk to me about honor, Craven."

"You always have an excuse, don't you?" he smirked, "This isn't over, you know. I won't let you get the best of me again."

"Keep telling yourself that, but if you're here to trash talk, let's get it over with. I've got more important things to do than waste my time on you. So, what do you want?"

"You always manage to get under my skin. I'll give you that."

"Glad to know I leave a lasting impression."

"I went to see Madam Jane, the prophet."

"Why her and not the goddess?"

"There are other powers than the goddess, and time is one of the things that the goddess isn't allowed to see." he answered, "She said that while you are indeed essential, the you of right now isn't the one who can save us. She foretold that you're going to face a huge, unavoidable loss in the future. Only after that will you turn into someone who can truly win."

"So, I'm destined to lose before I can win? Great pep talk, Craven. Really uplifting."

"This isn't a joke. Madam Jane's prophecies are rarely wrong. You need to prepare yourself. Whatever this loss is, it's going to change you."

"And why should I trust her?"

"There are forces at work that even the goddess doesn't control," Craven said, "Madam Jane sees things differently, and her warnings aren't to be taken lightly. I'm telling you this because, despite everything, I want you to be prepared."

"Alright, I'll take it seriously. But you better not be leading me on a wild goose chase."

Laurel POV

The sight in front of me is strange. So I woke up in a bedroom with a somewhat familiar scent, it was Boreas'. It's not a bad scent, but the fact that I know who it belongs to is somewhat strange. I saw that it was late at night, and when I went out of the room, I saw Boreas sleeping on the couch, the couch was bent over and turned into a bed, and on it was Bores sleeping in between Marianna...and his supposed worst enemy, the empress herself.

Jett was awake and he then went to try and wake Boreas up, but ended up waking up all 3.

"Sorry." he apologized, "I only meant to wake up Boreas."

"It's fine, I prefer to explain things myself involved anyway." the queen then stretched and yawned

"So...are you pregnant?"

"What?!" the queen exclaimed

"Maybe you got drunk and slept with Boreas by mistake and now you're both reconciling for the sake of the child."

"How careless do you think I am?"

"And how low do you think of me? I wouldn't just sleep with a beautiful drunken enemy." Boreas added

"If I'd sleep with him, I would be sober, I would want to remember how it went" was love at first sight...of course...the princess who made 10 of her tutors quit and the guy who made his teachers depressed are a couple...great...why can't the world just end already...hopefully their love would give us good fortune when they scam foreign diplomats.

"So you could tell at a glance that you 2 were alike?"

"His speech and rants confirmed it, but yes." Her Highness nodded, "The only disagreement we currently have is that he's not willing to give me 20 children."

"I'm sorry, 20?"

"Yes, is that so shocking?"

"Uh, yes?"

"OK, I just needed a 2nd opinion, I'll reduce it to 10 for now. Amelia also said 20 was excessive."

"I'll keep your relationship a secret, but I just need to know why your hair was a mess earlier."

"Oh, I was trying to tickle Boreas earlier, but I got tickled instead, it was quite fun."

"I see...and another favor is that please try to lessen your flirting if I'm around, I may pass out again."

"We're not doing it though."

"That's why I'm still awake, milady."



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