Published at 5th of June 2024 05:13:25 AM

Chapter 66

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Boreas POV

"I'll keep a lookout." Chris said, 'This really isn't my expertise after all.

After we called Chris, we waited for him to come here, it took him only a day as he just needed a high-ranking mage to teleport him here. We met up and we walked with him through his secret routes to the nearby mountains and went into this old dusty base, I had Kai and Jett clean the place while Theo and Mari cleared a room to use for our drugs. I bought some common street drugs from local distributors as well since I could use some of them in our mixture.

It was quite easy to get. It's like a medieval fantasy environment after all, these are just everywhere, and you don't really have to know someone to get some.

First, I grabbed the mortar and pestle, tossing in a handful of medicinal herbs. I ground them down with quick, rough movements. These herbs were potent, and when mixed right, they'd mimic the effects of real street drugs. I needed this stuff to look and feel genuine, no half-measures. I poured a few vials of the street drugs into an old pot while I gave some of the others for Theo to produce his, we need to provide them with options after all.

. I dumped in the powdered herbs, stirring the mix with a rusty spoon. The heat from a small burner under the pot helped blend the stuff together, thickening into a grimy concoction that looked just right.

The room is filled with a mix of herbal and chemical stench, the kind that clings to your clothes and makes your eyes water. I poured the mixture into several small, grimy vials, sealing them with makeshift corks. The greenish tint to the liquid was perfect and I then poured them out on these trays and used magic to dry them out and turn them into powder.

"Alright, we got the drugs."

"You look way too natural for your first time doing this." Theo commented

"If it wasn't my first, why did I just mix in random drugs?"

'You clearly knew of the different effects and how they'll react when they mixed together...I'll trust you for now."

"I'll go approach them and talk to em, you're way too suspicious, they'll know that you're undercover."

"Seriously, are you sure that you haven't done this before?"

"I have totally never been jailed in this life."

I got to somewhere near the meet-up spot and sat on a rock while I just watched people walk by, a couple of them recognized who I was and whispered about it, but just kept moving with the occasional glancing back. I then went to the meeting spot itself and lit up a prop cigarette, those herbal cigarettes that shouldn't have any effect on me, and I saw several of them approach me with a curious look.

KingSilver I'm just gonna put this here. Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction and does not condone underage smoking. Smoking is a dangerous habit that can lead to serious health problems. The events and actions portrayed here are for entertainment purposes only and should not be imitated in real life.

"Hair white as snow with skin in the shade of light're Boreas Silver." one called out

"I don't like being described that way, but sure."

"Aren't you underaged? Why are you smoking?"

"Want one? I got extras."

"Nah, we don't need one." The leader of the group said, "Thanks for the offer, but we're going to ask you to move, I'm about to meet a friend."

"Can't you move to other spots once this is compromised?"

"I can, but I'd rather have it here."

"I see, I'll be on my way then...but before I go, here." I then threw him a pack of laced cigarettes and the ones Theo made, the purer and stronger version of common street drugs refined by the best healer, "I got these too, test them out, I'll come here again tomorrow, I need distributors."

"Why are you doing this?" the leader asked

"I need money and the academy ain't supplying me enough, anyway, I gotta go now, I can't disappear for too long."

"Whatever you had was good, I gave them to the boss and he loved them." the same leader said as he and a group of people appeared the next day in the same spot, "He said that it might be pricy though, nobles are careful now, we can't just sell these."

"They're pretty cheap to make since we're not hiring anybody. So don't worry."

"Then you have a small supply."

"Don't worry about the mass production, what I need are customers and to do that, I need distributors."

"How should we trust you? You're the secretary of the student council, your discipline officer sold out a group of ours."

"He's a noble, your fault for trusting him."

"Fair enough...the boss will see you today if you want, you can discuss your shares then."

"Would you mind me bringing my crew along? We do everything together."

'The healer, the nymph, and the demon?"

"Those are the ones. You don't have to worry too much, Theo's a pacifist, you can subdue him quite easily."

"Sure, but you'll all have to be blindfolded and fed a sleeping pill, you can still use your senses to figure out where we're at and rat us out, so we'll take these precautions."

"Thought so, but that's fine. I agree."

The sleeping pills didn't work on me at all, so I memorized their movements and used my other senses to figure out my surroundings, with Jett and Chris tracking us down, they'll know where we are as well. Kai was the only one who wasn't immune as he didn't eat them to increase his tolerance over time, Theo has a tolerance toward them since the teachers are trained against spiked foods or drinks.

Eventually, we were brought into their base where they woke us up and we were brought to see their boss. A large bald elf about 2.5m tall, he was like the elf version of Marvel's kingpin, except he didn't wear a suit and had a 10-pack somehow.

"Well, what do you want to discuss first?" he asked

"I want to know how you intend to distribute my products and I want to know what our cut will be."

"Simple as that?"

"Simple as that."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!