Published at 6th of June 2024 12:25:03 PM

Chapter 67

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Boreas POV

"I'm John Edwards, no need for yours, I know all of them already." John introduced himself, "So you want me to be your distributor, huh? Before we start, know that I call the shots here. I dictate the terms. Got plenty of suppliers lining up. I can afford to lose you. Now state your terms."


"Hahahahaha, 85%?" he laughed, "You've got a sense of humor, I'll give you that."

"I know what I’m offering, this product is better than anything you've got. You know it, I know it. It'll bring in more customers, more money."

"You must think I'm an idiot, kid. I'll give you ten percent, and that's generous."

"80%, and I get exclusive rights to the recipe. This isn't just another batch of street junk. It's quality. People will pay top dollar for it."

"You're pushing your luck. 15%. Final offer."




"I could just keep you for ransom money. Maybe that's the best way to deal with your arrogance."

"Go ahead. I dare you. But if you think you can just ransom me off, you're sorely mistaken."

"Alright then, smartass. You can either share the recipe or stay here until we get the ransom. Your call." he called my bluff

"You really think you can keep me here and make me give you the recipe?"

"Try me. You're in my territory now. Either we do this my way, or you don't leave this room." he snarled as he leaned forward

"First of all, you need to brush your teeth because it smells like an Asian fish market, and secondly, you think you can intimidate me? I'm not some scared kid off the street. You need my product as much as I need your distribution. You have a lot of competition selling the same drugs anyway, you need the upper edge that I can give you."

"Then we better find a middle ground, or this partnership is over before it even starts," John snapped.

I shook my head. "No deal. I'm not compromising on this."

John's face darkened, and he signaled to the guards at the door.

"Alright then. You leave me no choice." he shrugged and snapped his finger

The guards moved in, grabbing me roughly by the arms. I didn't resist, letting them drag me toward the back of the room. Internally, I was grinning. This was exactly what I wanted.

"Lock him up," John ordered. "We'll see how stubborn he is after a few days in the hole."

"Wait, Boreas, I thought you said this was safe!" Theo acted his part

"Safe? Did the brat promised you that, Theodore?" John laughed, "You're quite pretty...I could have some fun with you."

"!" Theo's face was now revealing actual fear, "Let me go!"

"Keep him pretty for me, I could use him a bit before I sell him off to some old ladies." John ordered much to Theo's horror

As soon as the cell door clanged shut, I settled myself comfortably on the floor and started talking. I figured that if I was going to be stuck here, I might as well make the most of it. Well, it's also my job to break out.

"Hey, man." I asked one of the guard, "Who's the boss of this place, John doesn't look like it."

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you." he answered


"Yeah, now go in." the second guard demanded as he added cuffs to my legs and chained me down to the wall before locking the cell in this super dark area as they both stood guard, I was separated from everyone else, but that was fine.

"You ever think about space?" I asked, "I used to want to be an astronaut when I was a kid. Imagine floating up there, seeing Earth from above, all those stars around you. It’s crazy to think about how small we are in the grand scheme of things. But then I figured, space is cold, and there’s no Wi-Fi, so maybe it’s not for me. You know what else is fascinating? The human brain. Did you know that it's the only organ that named itself? Think about it. The brain is sitting there, inside your skull, just naming things, and one day it goes, 'Hey, I’m a brain.' That's wild."

"What's Why-Fi?" the first guard asked

"Kid, do you ever shut up?" the second one added, "A prisoner usually just begs to be let out, not talk about what's above the clouds."

"Not really. Talking keeps the mind sharp. Plus, I figure if I'm gonna be in here, I might as well make friends. Speaking of friends, you guys ever think about how weird it is that we trust strangers with our food? Like, we go to a restaurant, and we just assume the chef isn't poisoning us. That’s some serious trust right there."

"Just stop, alright? No one cares."

"Or what about dreams? Why do we dream? Some scientists say it's the brain's way of processing information. Others think it's just the random firing of neurons. But me? I like to think it's a little bit of both. A mix of our subconscious mind and a bit of randomness. Makes life more interesting, don’t you think? And then there’s the ocean. We’ve explored more of the surface of the moon than the depths of our own oceans. Think about all the undiscovered creatures down there. Maybe even monsters. There could be a whole alien world right here on Earth, and we wouldn’t even know it."

"Will you shut up already?"

"But where's the fun in that?" I replied cheerfully, "Besides, what else am I supposed to do? It’s not like I have a deck of cards in here. So, let's see, where was I? Oh, right. The universe. You know, some scientists believe in the multiverse theory. That there are infinite versions of us living out infinite scenarios. In one universe, I might actually be an astronaut. Or a chef. Or a rock star. Maybe I'm an author, my author's username is KingSilver...I'm...Silver...totally an audible gasp...maybe I'm being written by an alternate Boreas Silver...or maybe, it's future me detailing myself in some boring biography."

That earned a groan from both the guards.

"Anyway, enough about space and my existential crisis. Let's talk about you guys. How'd you end up working here? Ever think about doing something else? I mean, there are probably less dangerous jobs out there. Like, I dunno, being a librarian. Books don't usually try to stab you. Unless you're in some weird fantasy novel where the books come to life, that would be cool though, wouldn't it?

"You know, I've been wondering about your workplace. Like, do you guys even get paid enough for this? Working for John and the higher-ups? They probably take most of the cut, right? Leave you with scraps while they live it up. Ever thought about that? Even if you think you get paid enough, think about it. You're risking your lives, dealing with all sorts of shady characters, and for what? A few coins? Meanwhile, John's probably sitting in his office with a nice bottle of whiskey, feet up on the desk. Ever wonder why he gets to be in charge? What makes him so special?

"Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. But it doesn't take a genius to see how things work. The higher-ups always take the lion's share. They make the rules, call the shots, and leave you guys to do the dirty work. I bet John barely lifts a finger while you guys are out here, putting your necks on the line. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

"And let's be honest," I continued, "what's the career progression here? Stick around long enough, and maybe you'll get a small promotion. But at what cost? Your health, your safety? You ever think about what you'd do if you got out of this line of work? Maybe start a small business, and live a quiet life? I bet John's not thinking about your future. He's just using you. And what about benefits? You guys get health insurance? Paid time off? Probably not. I mean, look at this place.

"Besides, drugs are overrated anyway. I mean, they don't even feel that good. Sure, you get a little high, a bit of a buzz, but it's never as great as people say. Most of the time, it's just a waste of money and time. And I know a lot about them since I've seen enough to know. People think it'll make all their problems disappear, but it just creates more. Health issues, addiction, not to mention the constant need for more. And for what? A few hours of feeling a bit better? It's not worth it. It's not the magical escape people think it is. It ruins lives. And here you guys are, risking everything for something that doesn't even live up to the hype. It's kind of sad, really."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! STOP TALKING!" they both screamed

"Talking about what?"

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