Published at 10th of June 2024 09:18:51 AM

Chapter 68

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Boreas POV

"Please shut up, I beg of you, we're running out of guards!" a guard begged

"Why are you running out of them?"

"They've quit! How the hell can you keep talking for 4 days straight!? We didn't even give you food or water."

"So you think you can let me go and give me my cut now? My services aren't cheap."


"Then you tell me what I need to know and I'll give you silence."

"Fine! I'll do anything!"

"Tell me who's in charge of this organization of yours, where they are, and what's the biggest criminal act they've committed lately."


"You were about to lie. Again."


"You were about to lie. Again."

"I told you, it's-"

"You were about to lie. Again."


The same guard is now muttering "You were about to lie. Again." and sucking on his thumb in the corner as a superior has come to replace him. A few of the other guards were now helping to move him away while I just kept yapping on about movies or fictional stories according to these bastards, I was driving them insane.

"Francisco Eloy Suro, he's a commander of the Blood Ravens, his division is grey and we gave all our materials to him, he's in charge of their weaponry and other crafting-related matter, that's all I can know." the replacement said after I told him my demands, "If anyone wants the materials, you can't get it back, the moment he receives it, he will use all of it, he plans on creating the ultimate weapon and the trials and error will be immense, that's why he needs all these materials that we stole on his behalf."

"I see, would John Edward know more details?"


"Alright, once I'm out, I'll turn him in and take credit because he pissed me off. He'll provide the authorities with the info we need."

"That's a huge if."

"What if? I'm already out of my chains and cuffs, I was tied up and now talking to you face-to-face, I'm already out."


I then grabbed his hair and slammed his head against the cell before breaking out."

"That took you way too long." Jett said as he appeared

"I know, but it's cool that you can turn invisible and remain almost virtually undetected, I should get a phoenix too since they can do the same."

"I'm stronger than a phoenix, why would we need another one?"

"Another what?"

"Another animal in the party, I already have less screen time as is, I haven't even shown off what I can do."

"That's because it ain't your time and screentime? What are you? Me?"

"Who do you think I spend the most of my time with?"

Damn, I really am a bad influence. Maybe I should change my ways...wait, isn't he technically older than me physically?

"My maturity levels are low due to my isolation, in case you've forgotten." Jett read my mind

"I should reduce spending time with you."

"Do you want to die? Do you have some other animal you're seeing behind my back?"

"What are you, my girlfriend?"

"The possibilities are there, you're seeing 3 different women of 3 different races, talking with the goddess directly as well, what's stopping you from having 3 other animals?"

"You're unusually annoying today."

Whistling a carefree tune, I strolled down the corridor, spinning the keys I had swiped from a guard on my finger.

Every now and then, I passed a guard, their faces registering varying degrees of confusion and surprise. Some of them started to open their mouths, but my confident stride and nonchalant demeanor made them doubt their own eyes. They exchanged confused glances, some even rubbing their eyes.

Who would be brazen enough to walk out so casually?

A couple of guards did a double-take, their brows furrowing as they tried to process the absurdity of the situation. One even raised a hand, but I met his eyes and gave a slight nod as if I belonged there. His hand slowly lowered, and he shook his head, convinced he must be seeing things. Another guard looked me up and down, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, before deciding it wasn't worth the effort to question my presence.

I turned a corner and nearly bumped into a patrol coming the other way. They halted abruptly, eyes wide with confusion. I simply kept whistling, giving them a friendly nod as I walked past. The patrol leader scratched his head, looking back at his squad with a perplexed expression. 

" him...ARREST HIM! JOHN"S ORDERS!" a guard said as they ran up

"Man, did y'all like my whistling at least?"

Jett then sprung into action. I turned around to see a group of guards charging at me, but before they could reach me, an invisible force lashed out. Flames erupted from thin air, an inferno spewing forth and engulfing the guards. They screamed, their cries drowned out by the roar of the fire. The flames burned everything in their path, turning the area into a blazing hellscape.

"Thanks, Jett."

I then walked past the flames and saw the others as Jett also made himself appear.

"You looked banged up." I said to Kai

"They've been putting me in a ring and I've been dueling them for all the times that we've been here, luckily Jett came and gave me the signal after you got the info." Kai said as he then turned to Theo while he tried to heal his cut-up body, "How did you do?"

"Fine, luckily that John guy was kept busy by a lot of complains from Boreas' antics." Theo shrugged, "I was fine. What about you, Marianna?"

"Apart from a few people dying as they tried to put their hands on me, I am fine." Mari answered, "Do we go out by force or by the vents? I used water to scout and feel it out already."

"We're in a novel, the former sounds more fun."

"Of course."

"But we should hurry, I kind of want to go see my girlfriend as well, one of the guards apparently gifted his wife something and he received a lot of love and affection, so I planned to do the same thing."

"Are you going to gift her flowers?" Mari asked

"Wait, the girlfriend thing is real?" Theo asked, "Who is it?"

"Nah, I'll bring her on a proper date, we haven't gone on one yet."

"You should find somewhere private." Kai suggested, "Remember who she is, the public is not your friend."

"I know, anyway, let's bust right out of here."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!