Published at 10th of June 2024 09:18:50 AM

Chapter 69

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Boreas POV

The prison erupted into utter chaos as I burst through the cell doors and freed any animals they had to just create chaos, flames licking at the walls and screams echoing through the corridors. The inferno Jett had unleashed spread rapidly, engulfing everything in its path. Guards scrambled in every direction, their shouts of panic barely audible over the roar of the fire. Jett proceeded to shoot out more flames and lit everything up.

His fire breath turned the prison into an inferno, the heat so intense it warped the very air. Guards tried to douse the flames, but Jett's relentless assault left them no chance.

My goal was simple, and it was to create as much disarray as possible. The more chaotic, the better. Kai was a literal whirlwind of destruction beside me. His blade flashed in the firelight, slicing through any guard foolish enough to stand in our path. A guard lunged at him, but Kai sidestepped effortlessly, his sword flashing as he cut the man down. Another came at him from the side, but Kai spun, the blade singing through the air as it found its mark.

He deflected a blow from another guard, then spun and slashed across another's chest. Blood sprayed, and the guard crumpled. A third guard aimed a crossbow at him, but Kai was faster, his sword flashing as he sliced the bolt out of the air before dispatching the archer.

Mari had water swirling from her hands with such force that it tore through walls and sent guards sprawling. She blasted a hole in the side of a building. A group of guards tried to rush her, but she swept them away with a tidal wave, their bodies crashing into each other before slamming into the walls. Guards were running in every direction, some trying to fight back, others just trying to escape the inferno. She then blasted some guards through another wall, the force of the water leaving him unconscious.

Theo was just running around and freeing any captured animal and collecting evidence of the criminal organization and I helped chopped in to create more property damage with Mari. A particularly brave guard charged at me, sword raised. I dodged his clumsy swing and drove my fist into his gut, knocking the wind out of him. He doubled over, and I delivered a swift kick to his head, sending him sprawling. Another came at me with a spear, but I sidestepped and grabbed the shaft, wrenching it from his grip and using it to sweep his legs out from under him.


We fought our way out and caught John Edward, who was trying to run away, and had Theo carry him as we walked out of the prison. Like despite the size, he was quite easy to take down, due to his size, he had limited mobility, but with a strong kick to the nuts and Kai slicing some of his important muscles, we were good.

I eventually emerged out of the base and felt the cool breeze of cold air.

"Did we have to burn everything?" Theo asked as he used magic to lift John up in the air

"Yeah, for funsies."

"Why am I close with you again?"

"Because of my reputation, all your seniors love to push you, and have you responsible for my antics?"

"I like how self-aware you are and yet still constantly choose to be problematic."

"I know."

As we walked, an arrow shot in our direction and I caught it as everyone took on their battle stance. That's weird. Shouldn't the base be surrounded by our forces right now? After defending ourselves from a couple of arrows, we ran to the forest and attacked any archer or basically anyone belonging to this organization as we ran, eventually, we met with our raid teams, Sir Wiles just tapped me on the shoulder, and tripped me and Mari before leaning in to whisper.

"Good job, but never let your guard down around me." he said, "Anyway, we were a bit late due to some unnecessary interference, which Chris is handling."

"Just a good job would have sufficed." Mari replied, "You know what? Why am I involved?"

"Because you are also my student."

"I'm older."

"And I do not care." Sir Wiles chuckled and he and the raid tea

In the aftermath of the raid, the scene of the place we were at can only be described as an utter devastation. The whole place had been raided thoroughly, leaving nothing but rubble and ash in its wake. Sir Wiles had led the charge, and with his unmatched prowess, none of their stronger mages stood a chance. The resistance had crumbled almost instantly under his onslaught. With the Sword Saint in, it was over before it even started. 

And I'm not going to get too much into the details, but their linkage to the Blood Ravens just increased that organization's bounty even more, driving their infamy. The raid had been a success, but the mystery of what they did to Jett still remained a mystery. I needed to put in a serious effort to uncover the truth. What exactly had they done to my dragon, and why? We have a clue of why, it's probably something about trying to extend their life span...but we need to be 100% sure.

The Blood Ravens' connection to the demon lord ...are they allies or enemies? Frankly, I didn't care about their relationship status. What mattered was the information they held. I can't trust those guys just yet, I need to find this out on my own, I can ask the demon lord later...but... If the Blood Ravens were working with the demon lord, it could mean that I can make this whole situation easier to understand as taking one would usually weaken the other severely. If they were enemies, it might open up opportunities to exploit their rivalry.

As for Chris, basically, he led a team to destroy a team that Francisco Eloy Suro sent or whoever he is, the author totally didn't use Google to help out with names as all his names were too basic and similar. Chris said the team he sent wasn't that strong, meaning that this place wasn't that valued, a disposable base of operations, something that did not make John Edward happy as he became a tad bit more open to giving out information.

But we did learn something from that reinforcement team despite their weakness, it's that the Francisco guy is revealed to be a commander of their research team, which Jett noted down because if that falcon something guy was right about Jett being used for some experiment, this Francisco guy is involved one way or another.

"Isn't it close to your birthday? Wanna go grab a drink then?" Theo asked while we were having some coffee

"Nah, I got plans on that day. I plan to unwind ahead of time since I'll be busy with our festival."

"I? Was I not forced to go help you with nothing in it for me?"

"Nothing? I promised a cut of our profits."

"Did you?"

"Uh, yeah, I pay my people."

"Can't you show other genuine gestures of appreciation instead?"

"I can, but would you want it from me of all people?"

"'re right, I'll just take the money instead of whatever you cooked in that messed up head of yours, but how do you unwind? Your parents said that you usually just isolate yourself and sleep for the day, even Mari can't get close."

"I'll be spending it with my girlfriend this time, and yes, she's real, we've been over this even before the previous chapters."

"I know, but it gets more shocking every time. What does she think of you wanting multiple women?"

"She's surprisingly supportive of that."

"And she's okay with you...being you?"


"Seems like you found a perfect match."

"I know."

Isabella was quite enthusiastic to hear me asking her out when I told her to suggest a place since she's the one who can't be seen, she suggested that we go spend a night at her secret beach house, we even got a small portion of a private beach, but we're not going to use that, we can't risk being seen, so we plan on using the indoor pool instead. The house itself was big and Isabella excused herself from wanting to spend time by herself for a week after working hard during the previous one while the reward I asked for after the mission was a private time alone at a vacation home for my birthday.

Since Mari can't be too far from me, she's staying at another nearby home with Jett and Kai who are enjoying some spa treatment or whatever, Isabella had Amelia look after them. I arrived at the house in the morning and Isabella guided me to our room.

"You sure you can be here for 2 days?"

"Don't worry too much, I'm not going to miss a date." Isabella replied, "Would Jett and Mari mind that you're away for 2 days? I know they're close by, but just asking."

"They should be fine,"

"I got the whole pantry stocked, can cook, right? Because I can't."

"If you want, I can mix some drinks as well."

"All in one boyfriend, I like that."

"I'm more worried about you having to stay here for 2 extra days before you return since it'll be suspicious for us to return back at the same time."

"Don't worry, your headmaster will keep me company on the 4th day, while I'll spend the 3rd day on rest after what I planning on doing with you."


"I'm not stuck here with you, Reyes, you're stuck here with me. Remember that." she reminded

"Who told you that nickname? Jett or Mari."

"Both are terrible at keeping secrets, especially that criminal past of yours, so I let them vent it to me. You're not the only one I talk to."

"Glad to see that you all can get along."

"Do you not like the nickname or is it something that you use only when doing criminal activities?" she asked in a somewhat teasing tone.

"Eh, it's more of me not expecting it from you, I have no vendetta against that nickname."

"Is Reyes a normal nickname for Boreas?"

"Nope, just happened to sound similar and people usually get tired of saying Boreas."

"Why did your parents name you that then?"

"They weren't the ones who gave me my nickname. But it had something to do with my Dad liking Greek mythologies, and my name is that of the god of the north wind, due to him also being the god of cold mom suggested it since we got white hair."

"Is white hair not that common back from where you're from?"

"We're fictional characters, so no, we got all sorts of colors, the problem with our white hair is because some ancestor got tortured till their hair turned white or something, unfortunately he was not some ghoul's one-eyed king or whatever."

"He was tortured for the suspicion of being a one-eyed king?"

"Nah, that latter part was just a reference to something, something that the anime destroyed because they rather not follow the source material."

"I sense anger in that last part."


Sinking into the hot tub, I felt the warmth envelop my body, soothing every aching muscle and I clicked this button which provided bubbling water, it felt like a gentle massage, after everything that had happened, this was exactly what I needed. Just a tad bit of relaxation. As I relaxed in the hot tub, my thoughts began to wander back to my previous life. It had started terribly, with loss and loneliness that seemed insurmountable. But there were moments and people I missed deeply.

I don't know what my parents will think of me, I was a criminal and tried my best to change, I helped solve a couple of murders, it was through illegal equipment that I wasn't allowed to own, but it helped people regardless. I

knew I couldn't go back. The people there had moved on, their lives continuing without me. It was a strange feeling, knowing that the world I'd once been a part of continued to turn, oblivious to my absence. I wondered if they ever thought of me, or if I was just a distant memory.

In the back of my mind, I'd always harbored a little thought of visiting my past friends. Just one more time, to see how they were doing, to say goodbye properly. But deep down, I knew it was impossible. That chapter of my life was closed, and it was about time I let go of that lingering thought. Going back might just mess with their heads and it's better that I stay here, and I should just commit to doing so despite knowing that the goddess can send me back.

"You're deep in thought." Isabella said as she slid in right beside me, "What are you thinking about?"

"The past."

"Which one? This past or the double past."


"Well, forget that, for now, just relax, it's your birthday."

"I like your swimsuit."

"I got plenty more to try on if you want. They're not too bold though, I just picked some according to our taste."

"Let's just relax for now. I can see you try your swimsuits at any time."

"Is this not a bold and weird first date?" she asked

"You suggested this, I just asked for a date."

"I thought you said yes just because you wanted to see me in cute swimsuits."

"It was a factor, so yes."

She placed her head on my shoulder, and we sat in silence, relaxing for a while. Eventually, our eyes met, and we leaned in, sharing a kiss. 

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