Published at 19th of June 2024 01:02:39 PM

Chapter 71

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Boreas POV

So the plan is simple really, we had a room where we were to strategize different plans and tactics and we already came up with some, basically during her vacation, she'll have the excuse of still actually working and thinking about the empire, and since I have a similar mindset, I can help her out with how to move the empire forward, it's why I'm here with her. I'm also here in secret since Isabella doesn't want people to know that she's working with her most hated enemy.

We'll go with the route of "I hate that bitch, but I respect their gut" kind of thing. This will be much simpler if Isabella and I want to rule the empire, we don't really have to hide anything, but we have no desire for such responsibilities. I can't imagine people's reaction if I do really become king consort or whatever, but I still have no desire for such things. It'll be more shocking if they find that I'm dating the queen despite the rumors of hatred, but we don't need to work on that story yet. And if you're wondering, we have already prepared for all kinds of situations we just really need to narrow them down.

As I was sitting in a grumpy pose in the strategy room, Laurel and Jett came into the strategy room and told me about Isabella's uncle talking with her while Mari and Kai should be on their way to be on standby. Jett also said that we're surrounded and we won't even win since we're completely outmatched before handing me a letter sent by that velvet falcon guy or whatever, in the letter, all it said was "Don't trust the demon lord if he comes for you."

It was in complete bold as well, and that's all there really was as Jett talked about his brief interaction with the guy before shrinking and going back to his invisible self. Laurel then also talked about Isabella's talk with her uncle about him sensing me and not really trusting me, which Laurel helped clear up as having me talk strategies with the queen was her idea.

"...So, how's your day going, headmaster?"

"Headmaster? Why are you calling me that?" Laurel questioned 

"Laurel it is then."

" tricked me."

"I didn't, you were clearly uncomfortable with me calling you by your title."

"You got me used to you calling me by my name and threw me off by calling me by my formal title."

"Get used to it, you'll be seeing me for the rest of your life."

"You're lucky that I'm not killing you today because I need a favor to ask from you later."

"Is it to pretend to be your boyfriend to not disappoint your parents who want to see their grandchild?"

"No, but my parents are involved...I'll tell you that later, he's here." she said as she went completely silent and put back on her serious facade as Isabella's uncle walked in.

"Hmph, to think you were actually about to have a strategy meeting, and here I thought you 2 were having some sort of secret rendevous behind Amelia's back." her uncle commented

"I'm Boreas Silver, should I address you as Lord Harper or Mr. Harper?"

"You may call me George in private but Mr. Harper in a public setting." George answered, "Where is your dragon? Amelia told me about not worry too much, Amelia is to report to me, and I can easily keep secrets."

I then had Jett reveal himself as I tapped his head. George's eyes showed an expression of fascination and curiosity, but he then put back on his serious face and turned to Isabella.

"I know you trust him enough to not hurt you, but do you trust him with national secrets?" he asked her, "The headmaster is trustworthy, but the boy and the dragon...I'll leave it up to you."

"It's fine, as rude and detestable he is at times, he's capable and loyal." she answered, "We came up with several strategies to deal with the blood ravens and other affiliating members."

"Then I also have several other questions for you, it's why I'm here in person...are you sure that you do not want to become queen? I won't arrange a marriage like last time and you don't have to marry anyone who fits the criteria of that prophecy either...unless you want him in a harem? Heck, I'll make it so that you can rule as a queen without marriage if necessary."

"I would have to reject the offer, I found this position nothing but stressful ever since I was thrust into it."

"I understand." he sighed, "You would have never become queen if we knew that none of you and your siblings wanted to rule...I apologize for putting that stress onto you, but for now...the next successor has accepted his position and it will be Laurence."

"I see." Isabella nodded

George is probably having us keep this fact hidden for a while, this Laurence guy's safety as the next king is going to be prioritized, and having people know of this information too early will only endanger him as he may become a target to hostile entities or be approached by unnecessary people looking to make use of him.

"How long will it be?" Isabella asked

"2-3 years." George answered, "After that, you will have the title of a duchess and I'll allow you to rule over any fief you want or just have that empty've worked hard."

"I didn't." Isabella denied, "I'm almost the worst in history."

"You are only because you think yourself as unworthy and didn't put effort into it, your actions are also way too scrutinized and criticized by those who don't understand, you think yourself too much as a might not have been the best, but you could have been so much better if you put some effort into it...for now...I guess you can get back to your strategy meeting, I won't disturb you further...I have many things to discuss, but we'll do it once your vacation is over." he said before turning to me, "As for you...I will visit you and the sword saint later."

"Um...sure, I'll be prepared."

"Headmaster, I won't disturb your discussion any further." he then bid us farewell, "I do hope that you can cancel some of their plans, if they both have the same mindset, it'll be diabolical."


I breathed a sigh of relief once I sensed that none of his men were there and had Jett and Laurel checked to make sure. 

"I was so worried," Isabella complained before taking a seat on my lap facing the sides while wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a quick kiss, "Well, what now?"

"Human, your body has way too much of her scent." Jett commented, "Were you breeding?"

"Umm...I rather not say...but no?"

"Clearly, you did, you can hide it with the soap after your showers...but even then I can smell her all over you, you were breeding."

"Let's not say breeding."

"Yeah, besides, breeding would imply that we were doing it for a child, I took a pill." Isabella chimed in

"Please, you're not helping, besides, Laurel's here too."

"I would say that I'm shocked, but I have other urgent matters." Laurel responded, "You called me at the right time."

"What do you need help with?"

"I will have an issue with my mother after the beach festival or whatever the princess decides to name it, and I need someone who has an attitude to deal with her." she answered, "I had other teachers before...but they have failed, so I'm going to need a bonehead who's...well, you."

" she hot?"

"If you want to make a move on her, you can, but know that she's a 150-year-old prostitute."

"Huh?" Me, Jett, and Isabella exclaimed

"That's why most teachers had a problem dealing with her, she'll quite literally sleep with anyone, woman, man, human, demon...doesn't matter, luckily only one of the teachers I sent to deal with her does end up sleeping with her, but most did find it difficult to think straight, so I usually have to intervene anyway, which is something I want to avoid."

"Did you fire them?"

"No, I knew the risk and they felt really guilty about it, so we're good, he did pass away 7 years I hold no resentment...anyway, she's about to try and set me up again, and I need you to reject her...she'll make a scene if it's just me...have you heard the rumors of my previous boyfriends?"

"I have." Isabella answered, "In your younger days, one managed to get you to sleep with him and abandoned you after since he got what he wanted."

"I learned later that he was sent by my mother." Laurel revealed, "Of course, she just wanted to set us up and what he did was not what anyone wanted...but I still can't help but resent her as she keeps trying to set me up, elves are not known for their fertility, we live longer as compensation for that, to give us more chances to for elves, it's important to get married early and try and give birth, I'm way past that age, and she wants to see a grandchild as none of my 15 siblings wanted a child, they even had surgery to spite her."

"So I just have to reject her in your stead, right? Easy. I'm very good at being repulsive."

"I'll...I'll give you a kiss if it works."

"Why would I want your kiss?"

"...don't you like me?"

"I do, but if I'm helping someone out, I don't always want a reward, besides, you kept our secret, so this is the least I can do...if it comes down to it, can I slap her?"

"It sounds good in theory...but she's quite used to being slapped. If anything, she might enjoy it."

"Right...of course...anyway, leave it to me, I'll just need Kai and Jett's help...maybe Mari too, it'll be fun."

"It might cause a scene and reduce your popularity."

"And? Causing a scene is what I'm good at."

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