Published at 24th of June 2024 01:04:01 PM

Chapter 74

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Arthur POV

"You're looking better." Kai commented as he set the table for our breakfast, "Had a good workout, or did Mari gave you a good talking to?"

"A bit of both."

"Just know that I'll side with you once the actual fight arrives, I won't betray my word, just spare the ones I want you to spare, and don't kill my kind mindlessly and we're good."

"Yeah, I guess the same can be said of you."

"Does this mean that I'll also be getting an increase in spending money?"

"We're a bit tight with money for now, I'm basically using all our savings from the missions and all the other things to purchase a lot of cheap properties for our village, we can't depend on my girlfriend too much."

"How was it so cheap?" Jett asked

"Simple, a town that is within walking distance of the capital that used to have a high crime rate, which created the supposedly haunted homes, so it's cheap. So for now, we can afford all of that...Well, Sir Wiles also chipped in quite a lot, like we're going to have to deal with the low spending money for now."

"Can we not do the pyramid scheme? There are a lot of scams from your previous world that don't exist here. We can even create those psychic tents for love compatibility and charge ludicrous amounts of money."


"Don't even think about it." Kai said as he handed me my cutleries, "You don't want those scams to be named after you. The Silver pyramid or the Silver love tent."

"Ugh, that's horrible. Why do criminals get better names than I do? Jack the Ripper? Golden State Killer?"

"Isn't what Jett suggesting criminal activities?"

"Apart from the psychic one, a pyramid scheme is indeed illegal."

"Fake psychics are allowed, isn't that a scam?"

"You should learn about prescription glasses. But people actually believe in psychics, so who knows? Maybe it's true, we got a prophet."

"Who's currently missing in action."

"You look cheery." Matt commented as we finished up our close combat class, "I noticed you were down a couple of days ago."

"I've made a resolution."

"It's not new years."

"Doesn't have to be. I plan on going on more dates."

"So you plan to suppress your demons and fears with women and pleasure?"


"Isn't that...not a good thing?"

"Don't worry, I got a girlfriend, and I plan to get rid of Mari's demons after this, maybe I'll take her on a date, but I need money first."

The days leading up to the beach festival were hectic. My days were packed with studying, making sure I knew everything I needed to know. It felt like I was drowning in swords, spears, axes, books, and notes, but I couldn't afford to slack off. The festival was important, but so was keeping up with my studies. In between all that, I made time to visit my family. My parents were mostly okay and didn't really need my help, but I do help them anyway, especially with expediting the reconstruction of the haunted town that is to be our new home.

Sir Wiles was with them this time as Chris went to investigate the attack. Chris did pinpoint the attack to demon generals to lessen the panic but it's not a good sign. On a good note, since it'd be safer if everyone attended the festival, my parents and the whole village were invited to join a private ship there, my ship had the royals, a couple of my teachers, the headmaster, and my group. Though, in return, I'll have to meet with Isabella's uncle and my parents and the village will still get questioned about the attack, I'm quite nervous about this whole thing. Since that uncle didn't even give me a lick of a smile ever since he met me.

The moment I got on the ship, it didn't take long for a messenger to approach me and say that Isabella's uncle wanted to talk to me in private. I got to this office room of his where I got Kai, Mari, and Jett in there with me since he permitted it.

"Good evening, Silver." he greeted me

"Good evening, Mr. George." I replied

"I'll be straight to the point. I've been observing your progress. Your talents are exceptional, far beyond what the academy can nurture at its current pace."


"We want you to join the Empress's royal guard, your skills are needed, and we're willing to offer you early graduation and advanced training with our top fighters. The academy's training is too slow for someone of your potential."


"This is a serious offer. We know you and the Empress have had your differences, but both of you are honest and understand each other's capabilities. With the rise in demon attacks and your known hatred for them, it's a perfect match."

"And Matt?"

"Unlike you, the academy fits him more, despite his genius and because you’re the only one willing to do what needs to be done.”

“Because you’re the only one willing to do what needs to be done.”

“There are records of your classmate, Matt, sparing demons and other enemies. It’s commendable, truly. He’s praised for his mercy, and many see him as a true hero. But some of those he spared have come back worse than before. They learned from their mistakes and returned with greater strength and vengeance. Mercy has its place, but not in a war against the Demon Lord and his armies. We can’t afford to spare them. No offense, demon swordsman." he said to Kai

"None taken." Kai replied

"Does Matt know this?"

"Of course not." George answered, "It'll be easier for him to continue his progress as is, and the academy can nurture him wonderfully."

“So, you think I’m the perfect candidate because I’m willing to kill." I summarized

“Yes,” George replied without hesitation, “You understand the stakes. You know that sometimes, the only way to ensure lasting peace is through decisive action. The Demon Lord and his followers must be eliminated completely. You have the strength and resolve to see that through. Besides, your mission completion rate is 100%, and they're not missions a student can complete easily."

"Thank you."

“This position is especially important because Isabella is about to step down from the throne. When she does, the royal guards will be reassigned to the new king, and a new team will be needed to protect her. You should be more than ready by then since you should be working and training with the current team."

“What exactly does this position come with? And how will my group fit into this?”

“You’ll receive substantial financial compensation,” he answered as he leaned back, “A position of considerable power and influence, close to the former queen. You’ll have access to resources that can help you and your team grow stronger. Your group will be integrated into the new security detail, ensuring you all stay together. But the most important thing is that you’ll be close to the queen at all times. Protecting her, yes, but also supporting her since you're both quite similar, so...maybe she'll also be less lonely.”

"That's actually a great offer, I'll think about it."

So I get a position that can help me stay close to my girlfriend at all times, I have more free time...I get access to more resources, this is basically the best. I just need some time to extract some information from the academy first...

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