Published at 24th of June 2024 01:04:00 PM

Chapter 75

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3rd Person POV

The ship sailed smoothly as the southern kingdom gradually came into view. The sun cast a warm glow over the deck, where the crew went about their duties as the passengers enjoyed their trip. Suddenly, a horn sounded, cutting through the calm atmosphere. On deck, the mood shifted instantly from relaxed to tense. Crew members scrambled, rushing to their posts as the captain barked orders. Scouts peered through spyglasses, their faces growing grim as they spotted the approaching ships.

“Enemy vessels!” one of them shouted, “They’re closing in fast!”

Panic rippled through the passengers. Teleportation mages tried to activate their teleportation spells, but their efforts were in vain. Communication through call crystals failed as well. A sense of dread settled over everyone as they realized that the enemy was using jamming crystals, blocking all forms of magical communication and transportation. To target such a ship means that the enemies were prepared to go against the sword saint, the headmaster of the world's best academy, and the royal mages. Usually, it sounds like a death wish, but it can also mean that the enemies are prepared to go against such foes.

The ship rocked as the enemy vessels closed in, their black sails and menacing flags marking them as pirates. They surrounded the royal ship in a tight formation, cutting off any chance of escape.

As the tension mounted on the deck, a sudden, shrill voice blared over the ship’s microphone, crackling with authority and malice.

“Attention, my dear daughter!” The voice boomed, “It’s time to make a choice. You will select one of the suitors I’ve chosen, or there will be consequences!”

Laurel's eyes widened in shock and anger. She recognized that voice instantly.

“Mother?! What in the name of all that’s holy are you doing?” she shouted before telling everyone else to stand down for now.

Her mother then appeared on the ship's bow, she looked very similar to Laurel in appearance. She was Juniper Greenfield, a beautiful elf, she looked to be around her mid to late 30s, 176 cm tall, with bronze skin tone, dark black hair, and dark green eyes. Boreas whistled at the sight, which earned him a glare from the headmaster.

"Seriously?!" she exclaimed, "My mother?!"

"It was a joke, besides, I thought you said you wouldn't mind." Boreas replied

"If it's from you, then yes I do mind...ugh, I'll strangle you later." Laurel then turned to her mother, "Mom, why are you on a pirate ship?! And do you not know who you're attacking?!"

“Oh, sweet Laurel, I know exactly what I’m doing. These pirates don't follow laws. They answer to me.” Juniper replied, "This ship belongs to my new husband." 

"New husband?! There's someone out there who's willing to marry a prostitute like you?!"

"I told you many times, I'm not a prostitute, I'm an escort."

"An escort who gave out sexual favors every time her service was needed!"

"Money is money, dear. Now, desperate times call for desperate measures. You will marry one of the suitors I’ve chosen, or I will let the pirates do as they please.”

“Mother, you don’t know who you’re dealing with. We have the sword saint on board. I alone am more than enough to handle these 13 ships, and you're threatening a vessel carrying royalty.”

“You're bluffing. I know your tricks, Laurel.” Juniper smirked, "I saw past every one of your fake boyfriend tricks, I got many suitors who are interested in you, I even got a good-looking 8-year-old boy if you want, since you know, as they say, if you want the perfect spouse, raise them."

"What the fuck?! Ew!"

"Your choice daughter, marry or have your people harmed."

“This isn’t a bluff. You’re putting yourself and your pirates in grave danger. The staff and mages on this ship are the deadliest there is. You need to retreat before it’s too late.”

“I’ve come too far to back down now. Your empty threats won’t deter me.”

"I see." a new voice said, everyone turned and saw that it was the sword saint, "Ho ho have quite the mother there, headmaster."

"I'm sorry for endangering you all."

"No no, I quite understand difficult parents, I have dealt with them in the past, but to think she was forcing her own husband's fleet to their's quite something."

"Shut up, old man, whoever you are, go tell the royals to force my daughter into submission, or else."

"Old man...he he he...I guess, I might need a stretch after such a long trip." he said as he stretched out, "Boreas, what is the 4th stage of sword aura?"

"Absorption and expulsion."

"Right, at the 4th stage, sword aura can absorb and store magic and the user can expel it at will. Kai, what is the 5th stage?"

"Anti-magic, sir." Kai answered

"Correct." Wiles nodded, "Now, I will demonstrate the 5th stage and destroy 10 ships, and as for the main 3, I'll leave it to your group."

He then stepped to the edge of the ship. With a single powerful leap, he soared through the air, landing gracefully on the deck of the nearest pirate ship. The pirates barely had time to react before he unsheathed his blade. With a swift horizontal slash, he cleaved through the mast, sending it crashing down onto the deck, scattering pirates in all directions. In the same motion, he spun, deflecting an incoming fireball with the flat of his blade, slicing it cleanly in two. The spell dissipated harmlessly into the air as he moved to the next target.

Wiles dashed across the deck as both his movements and attacks were faster than a blur. He cut down pirates with ease as they all died in one strike. A group of mages tried to cast spells at him, but he moved faster than they could cast, and even if they did manage to shoot it out successfully, he either cut it down or dodged it completely.

With a single upward slash, he sent a shockwave that shattered the rest of their spells mid-air and sent them sprawling. He leaped from the first ship to the second, landing amidst the armed pirates. They closed in on him, but he remained unfazed. With a series of rapid, fluid movements, he cut down pirate after pirate. His blade moved with such speed that the pirates seemed to fall all at once, collapsing in a crimson tide.

As Wiles reached the center of the second ship, a powerful mage cast a lightning bolt at him. He turned and sliced the bolt in half, the two halves arcing harmlessly to either side of him before dissipating completely. Without breaking his momentum, he closed the distance to the mage and struck him down with a single, precise thrust.

Wiles continued his assault, leaping to the third ship. By now, the pirates were in a state of panic, but he gave them no chance to regroup. He moved like a phantom, appearing among them and cutting them down before they could react. He deflected another barrage of spells, the magic dissipating harmlessly as his blade met each attack.

In less than a minute, Wiles had decimated the crews of three ships. He jumped to the fourth, then the fifth, each leap carrying him to a new vessel. Each ship fell to his blade with terrifying speed and efficiency. He sliced through rigging, cut down masts, and shattered spells with the same ease as if he were cutting through paper.

On the sixth ship, a pirate captain charged at him, wielding a massive axe. Wiles sidestepped the wild swing and, with a single, smooth motion, severed the captain's head from his shoulders. He continued his relentless advance, the seventh, eighth, and ninth ships falling to his blade in quick succession. By the time he reached the tenth ship, the pirates had abandoned all hope of resistance. They tried to flee, but Sir Wiles cut them down with merciless precision.

The remaining three pirate ships, including Juniper's, stood at a distance with the whole crew watching in stunned silence as Wiles turned to face them with a calm expression. He then jumped back onto his original ship.

"You see, once my blade cut down those weak speaks, even if they look like they're still flying at you, it became very harmless." he explained, "It's why a swordsman or any weapon master who reached the 5th stage is a mage's worst enemy, now, Boreas, Kai, why don't you 2 try to make your progress into the 4th stage first? And Mari, you should also try to reach the 3rd stage, no? After all, I did teach you more than the basics."

"I can now see why you still haven't beaten him even once yet." Kai muttered

"You see that now?!" Boreas retorted

"Well, I know he's the sword saint, but...I didn't think the difference was that big."

"What the hell are you 2 still talking for? We got enemies." Wiles sighed, "Go and bring your dragon too, his invisibility only worked because you're surrounded by fools and...try and spare the headmaster's birth mother and supposed pirate stepfather...they will need to be punished."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!