Published at 14th of June 2024 05:40:53 AM

Chapter 34

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There's no going back from this. I look down at Hestia, who's unconscious rather than asleep. Her wings are jet black, without even the sign of a gray left, let alone white. I couldn't help her before, when she suffered due to the effects of her wings becoming discolored, and I haven't learned anything new since then. I don't know what I'll do if she starts to show such symptoms again...

But for now, I'll have to do something about the way she looks and our location. She's a real mess, sticky all over, and the nights are still cold. We're on top of a three story building, though, and I don't know how I can get down with her. Since she doesn't look like she'd be able to fly anymore after this.

Well, I have her genetic material right here. This will be the first time in quite a while that I'm doing this. Not counting the sheep, humans and trolls I consumed along the way, it's been since my time on the Dark Continent that I last consciously used this ability of mine. I take a sample from Hestia - not telling from where exactly - and begin my transformation. I have more than enough biomass to replicate the wings, and for solidarity's sake, I'm turning them completely black, too. I look like a perfect copy of her. At least the parts I can see, especially when looking down on my enlarged chest. If I had real muscles in my back, I'm sure they'd start to hurt pretty soon.

Now, for a test flight. I was able to run on all fours perfectly after consuming the Vularen, so this shouldn't be a problem, either. But I still don't want to crash with Hestia in my arms. Spreading my newly grown wings I swing them around and feel their air resistance. This is such a strange feeling, it's like having four arms. Flapping them, I try to fly upwards directly, but realize that I can't seem to generate enough lift that way. What's going on? I try to remember and realize that whenever she flew, she did so by falling off somewhere first. This means that's the way to fly. Well, the bigger the bird, the harder for it to take off from a standing position, I think.

I jump up into the air and try again, but it's not enough of a drop to actually take off from. So I will actually have to drop off the roof. I'm a little scared of heights. But I'd rather not have to call out to someone to bring a ladder or something, and I think asking Hestia isn't an option, either.

There's no point in wasting any more time. I let myself fall from the edge of the roof and spread my wings. My instincts tell me what to do exactly, and I begin to fly, in the same way as I've seen Hestia do it. This feels so liberating, I can't believe that flying out of your own strength can be this nice of a sensation. I ascend, higher and higher into the sky, towards the clouds. Wait... I'll have to look down to descend. I don't wanna!

I flap my wings and fly in circles, refusing to look down, but I will have to do so eventually. There's nothing to it, I can fly. I turn my eyes downward and realize that I've already risen quite a bit. I can overlook the entire citadel, and Hestia is just a tiny spot on top of the library building, which looks like a child's building block. Crap crap crap!

Maybe I can glide slowly, descending without looking. No, I can't do that. I have to get over this fear. I close my eyes and visualize the flight path with my newly gained instincts, before folding my wings to my body and falling towards the ground, faster with every passing moment. The rooftop of the library begins to fill my vision and I pull up at the exact timing to come to a perfect stop right beside Hestia.

I think I'm over my fear of heights after this, but my heart would surely have been beating incredibly fast, if I had one.

Now, to do the same with someone in my arms. Someone who also has large wings that may create air resistance. Well, I'll somehow manage. Just that I won't be able to hold her in a princess carry due to her wings. What a shame. I wrap the nightgown around her body and hug her to me. Unfortunately, we both have large breasts and it only gets in the way in carrying her. So that I won't accidentally drop her... yes... I have to commit the blasphemy of making my breasts go away almost completely. Sniff...


After some struggle, we're back in my room. Kamii didn't even notice that I was gone and is sleeping on her side of our bed. That's kind of sad. Senka apparently never sleeps, as her inquisitive eyes are fixed on me the moment I enter through the window. She obviously has night vision, too, as I can see her eyes going over my newly attained wings and an eyebrow going up at the sight.

"At least you didn't do it in the room..." She frowns at the sight and smell of Hestia's body. But most of all, she's looking at the black wings. "No turning back now, you went all the way." Yes, literally. And I'm proud to say that I achieved my goal to get the legendary ahegao double peace - several times. Oh wait, she's talking about the corruption.

"Now we see what happens to a Fata when her wings turn fully black." She's clearly not dying, even though she might have sounded like it earlier. I can't feel her fever anymore, either. Sometime along the flight her breathing became calmer and unconsciousness turned into sleep.

I carry her into the bathroom while turning myself back into my normal appearance. Two winged people will not fit in there. Putting her down into the bathtub, I shake her lightly. Her eyes flicker open - the light blue irises have turned a bright, faintly glowing crimson - and the first thing she sees is me. A warm, affectionate smile fills her face as she breathes my name softly. "Chloe..."

"Hello, sleepyhead." I pet her hair. "Let's give you a bath." I don't need one myself, since I just took everything that covered my body during the transformation inside me. I'm perfectly clean. Even psychologically, I don't feel the need. Maybe doing too many transformations will remind my psyche of the fact that I'm not human? In either case, it doesn't bother me at all whether I take a bath or not, as long as I know that the surface of my body can be clean whenever I want it to be.

I let in the water and wash Hestia down. She can only move weakly due to the exhaustion from our strenuous activities earlier. Despite that, she has a very tranquil expression and doesn't seem to be in any pain from the corruption. She looks at her black wings but doesn't look alarmed at all.

"How're you feeling?" I'm still worried.

"I... have never felt better." She smiles and I can see that her crimson eyes are filled with something I've seen many times before, as they lock onto mine. That's madness. They're the eyes of someone so madly in love that she would commit genocide to be able to remain by my side. It's an incredible sensation to be at the receiving end of them.

"That's good to hear." I return her smile. "Can you notice whether something changed about your body or not?" Aside from her wings and her eye color, I can't see any other outward change.

"I am no longer a virgin." She says while looking at the trails of red in the bathtub. Fair enough... I'm sorry. Kamii's still technically one, but you weren't so lucky. "And I no longer have any fear of the corruption. I welcome it." Her eyes turn to mine again. I will give you lots of corrupting, whenever you want it~

Perverted thoughts aside, she's not a proper Fata anymore. Her purity is gone, in more ways than just the physical sense, and I can only assume that she received some sort of curse from this, similar to Kamii. I'll have to keep an eye on her for the time being, to see in what way she was affected.

Also, I'm sure the teachers won't be pleased to learn that she has turned into a fallen angel overnight. I'm sure some will even directly accuse me of intentionally corrupting her or brainwashing her into letting herself be fully corrupted. For that I'll have to deal the first strike tomorrow morning and go to Thorvadis with Hestia in tow, so that she can explain that it was out of her own free will.


"You monster! What have you done?" Dregana throws this in my face first thing in the morning, her face a grimace of anger. She reminds me more of a dragon than ever that way. It looks like her flaming red hair is standing up more than usual, too. Kamii, Hestia and I were in the process of leaving the dorm building but we're stopped by a group of teachers. Ninlil, Arcelia and even Madam Idunn is there, and her expression is one of disapproval, too. Several of the teachers look outright hostile, and it's all directed at me.

"It was my will." Hestia steps forward firmly, her wings half spread to shield me. Their pure blackness is in stark contrast with her pearl white skin and silver hair. Her bully-me aura is completely gone in this tense situation and she appears really dependable. At the sight, Dregana's expression of anger mixes with despair at the realization that there are no known means to revert Hestia's purity at this academy. Well, I doubt the person herself wants that either way. "I will not forgive any disrespect towards Chloe."

"Why did you do this, Miss Hestia?" Arcelia asks with a concerned expression. "Do your kind not fear the influence of corruption?"

"I am no longer one of that kind you speak of." She fully spreads her wings and shows off the depths of their blackness. They are just as beautiful, if not even more so than the pure white ones she had before. Yes, I'm the type to prefer sleek black to eye-catching white. "The process may have been painful, but now I feel like I have reached perfection." Her expression is filled with affection as she looks back at me. Sorry that it hurt...

"How can this cursed form be called perfection?" Dregana doesn't believe it and looks at me with murderous intent. "You're controlling her heart, aren't you?" Hey, don't look at me, I don't have that kind of ability. She looks close to unleashing her magic on me or something...

"I am not being controlled. If you display any more aggression towards Chloe, I shall not forgive you." And there it is, her madness is surfacing. The air around her is swirling unnaturally and her voice is carrying a weight unlike anything I've heard before. At the sight, Dregana is taken aback.

But really, I'd rather we don't begin a battle right now, because I'm sure the teachers will apprehend Hestia together and then attack me. Kamii is standing by my side with a defiant look, too. And the last thing I want to do is drag her into a situation where she might get hurt or even killed.

If push comes to shove, I have several options. Either try and take everyone here out with a volley of spirit spears - which depends on whether the spell can really just penetrate everything or not. Or I'll transform into a Vularen and make a run for it with Kamii and Hestia inside my body. I'm sure nobody here knows that I'm able to transform, so seeing it will surely cause them to be shocked for a moment - enough to gain a head start. There's also always the option for a physical attack using the special characteristics of this body. Mainly by swallowing the teachers before us whole and suffocating them, so that they can't cast any spells.

I'm not very confident in any of these, since I have way too little information on everyone's abilities here. If Arcelia decides to fight as well and hits me with a spirit spear of her own, I doubt it'll leave only a scratch. This is a really dangerous situation. What should I do?

"Cease this foolishness right this moment." An even more powerful voice booms across the heads of the gathered. It belongs to Thorvadis. He walks towards us with Basarab and Astrid by his side. His expression is filled with strictness, as if reprimanding a child that won't listen. Dregana backs off while shooting me another glare, but Hestia remains undaunted. "Miss Hestia, I see you have recovered from your fever." He doesn't say anything about her wings.

"Yes, thanks to Chloe." Hestia smiles softly. She takes on a more ladylike demeanor again. "It would seem that I lost my white wings in the process, but she was able to save my life." Of course, she doesn't say how exactly I did it and I'd like to keep it a secret, too. I don't think anyone observed us on top of the library's roof. Then again, one never knows what kind of magic exists for remote viewing. I have a feeling this cunning old man may have peeped on us through a crystal ball or some other fantasy-like method. "I wish to extend my thanks to the Saint of Luminosity and Madam Idunn for tending to me all this time."

She aggravated the situation on her own and now she practically defused it herself. I'm impressed. And so are the other teachers. But there's still one who isn't happy with this. Dregana looks like she still wants to kill me. What did I ever do to you?

"Everything is alright now." Hestia says with a calm voice. "I relieve you of your duty, Dregana."


"Miss... Hestia?" Dregana looks at her in shock. "What... are you saying?"

"I no longer require your service." She delivers this with an almost cold-hearted look. Even though Dregana is taller than her, it looks like Hestia's looking down on her while saying this. Wait, these two have a history with each other? I look at Thorvadis, but he appears to have known about this, as his face doesn't reveal anything. He remains quiet, though.

"... please, don't do this..." She has an expression of anguish, realizing that Hestia is serious.

"You can return to your home now." That was the final blow. She collapses to her knees and tears begin to roll down her face as her expression goes blank in disbelief, staring into space with unfocused eyes. Hestia turns and approaches Thorvadis. "I apologize for causing everyone so much trouble, but I have no need of the protection of the barrier anymore."

"It would appear that Chloe has found a solution, albeit a very counterintuitive one." The cunning old man's gaze shifts to me for a moment. "You are the first of the Fatas to have completely black wings. Since we do not yet know the full extent of the effects from this... transformation, we would like to keep you in the infirmary a little longer."

"As you wish." She turns to me and gives me a warm smile. "Do not worry, Chloe. I will be back soon." Oh, I'm not that worried that something will happen to you. I'm more worried about the teachers attacking me in your absence. I think Dregana seems to have lost the will to do anything right now, so at least that's one issue out of the way.

"Now, I believe you have classes to attend to." Thorvadis claps his hands and the gathering of teachers begins to disperse. Well, there's still time and I want to have breakfast, first. I did use quite some energy last night, so I have to get an extra large portion.

"Raaaaaah!!!" Dregana suddenly screams and her voice turns deeper. I spin around and the place she knelt in only a moment earlier has burst out in flames. From within a dragon with a red body and golden eyes emerges. It roars and from the spaces between its armored plates streams of fire spew into the sky. Turning its head around, it looks at me with hateful eyes, but Hestia steps in front of me as if to shield me. Flaring its nostrils in impotent anger, it turns away and runs across the field. Accelerating up until the wall of the citadel, it performs a mighty leap and spreads its wings, taking off and flying into the distance.

My mouth is agape. Dregana was actually a dragon?

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