Published at 14th of June 2024 05:40:52 AM

Chapter 35

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"Um, was that alright?" I'm referring to Hestia sending Dregana away like this. "She seemed to really care for you." We're on our way to the canteen, as initially planned, before we were confronted by the staff. There won't be much time to grab something to eat before classes start. Yep, I can return to normalcy after everything that happened.

"Dregana was sent by my father to keep an eye on me. Along the way from the Fatas Triarchy to the academy she began to get strange ideas about our relationship." When she looks at me, her demeanor changes completely. Gone is the dependable girl who can stand up to the entire teaching staff and face them down on her own. Instead, submissive eyes of mad love shine through her otherwise calm exterior. "She is a Dragonkin whom my father bought as a slave and freed, when I was still very young. Her loyalty lies with him, not with me."

This is the first time she mentions anything about her family. Also, I guess Dragonkin is Dregana's species. Are all of her kind able to transform into dragons at will? That's a pretty cool ability. And there's slavery in a place governed by angels...

"But she really looked desperate when she saw that your corruption has been completed."

"Maybe she had hoped that I would die from it rather than achieve perfection." Wow, that's a harsh thing to assume. To me, Dregana really seemed to care a lot for Hestia, but maybe that just means I was fooled? "She is no longer here to bother us anyway." That's a nice lovey-dovey expression she's showing me.

Kamii pulls on my sleeve and I turn to look at her. She's pouting at me giving all my attention to Hestia. I'm sure she already suspects that something happened between us last night, because of how the angel has changed her behavior towards me, aside from the most visible aspects that are the colors of her wings and eyes.

"Do not worry, Kamii. Chloe has enough for the both of us." Hestia gives a radiant smile. What are you referring to? And for some reason, the little dark elf is accepting that explanation.

We make a huge impact in the canteen. Even though it's late, there are still some students around. Seeing Hestia's black wings, everyone stares in awe and disbelief. Some are actually genuinely sad or anguished over the sight. I guess Fatas are a symbol of purity among the common people, huh? Still, it didn't feel like she was treated like that by her fellow students before, and now some are clearly avoiding her.

I think at this point everyone knows that I'm a demon, so I'm not making a point in trying to hide it anymore. I'm really hungry and there isn't much time left before class starts. Therefore, I simply eat through my palm, by absorbing the contents of my plate directly into my body. Kamii's looking at it in wonder while shoveling down her portion, and Hestia's smiling at the display.

"That is really handy." She says as her refined mannerisms remain unchanged in face of the time constraints. I don't know if what she said was an intentional pun or not...

"All these gazes on us... tell me if anyone dares to do something to you." I say to both of my companions. I doubt anyone will against Hestia or me, but Kamii is small and may appear weak. If I hear of anyone bullying her for being associated with me, I don't care whether I'm up against the whole school or the entire nation. I will find him, and I will kill him - or her.

"That should be my line, Chloe." Hestia's eyes look like they're filled with glowing hearts as she responds to me. Aren't you the protective-obsessive tsun-yandere now... I guessed it from her behavior earlier, but she might really be that. While a yandere madly in love with you might sound awesome at first glance, people neglect the fact that they are quite volatile in nature and may hurt or outright kill everyone around them just to be with them.

The thing here is, I actually still believe that it's lovely. There's something wrong with me, too. Well, she did make it clear that she approves of Kamii, so I don't have to fear anything in that regard. At least I hope so. I look to the little dark elf and then smile at Hestia, but I think I might have just made a pretty scary face. She reacts with a mixture of fear, anticipation and arousal in her expression. Yep, the M part of her is clearly still intact. So, if something does happen after all, I have my ways to keep her in line.


Basics of Melding is a subject that teaches the ways to combine elements to achieve different effects. The class consists of fewer than ten people, so the teacher has a lot of time to come around to everyone individually. It's an elderly man with a short white beard, a bald head and a slightly voluminous body. He was among the teachers who confronted us this morning, but his attitude is unexpectedly still very professional when dealing with me.

After all, I apparently suck at melding. I simply can't envision how wind and water creates ice, even though I'm aware of the fact that fantasy does this all the time. Furthermore, water and fire apparently creates steam if the control is bad, and plasma, if it's good. In other words, Luna must have incredible proficiency in melding, since two of her large scale spells utilized plasma. I have enough knowledge of physics to understand that it's utterly unscientific. Well, so is summoning a pool of water out of thin air by chanting a single word, which I have no problem of doing, so...

For some reason it feels like my classmates are relieved that I'm not a master at everything. You think you got a chance if you want to fight me? Come at me! Well, maybe their relief stems from the fact that I may seem more approachable this way. I noticed that nobody seems to know for sure that I'm a demon yet, and it's simply a rumor circulating around the school at this point. Hestia's transformation isn't being associated with my doing, and the incident in front of the dorms wasn't witnessed by many people, and fewer understood what exactly happened.

I think I should tone down on the eating through my palm, until I'm sure that everyone knows for a fact.


"There is a nasty rumor going around that you are a demon, Chloe..." Luna confronts me during lunch break. It's rare to see her in the canteen. "And that you are responsible for her... corruption." She glances at Hestia next to me, who responds with a smile.

"What do you think about them?" I keep my expression neutral. I want to see how much she believes in them and if I should just come out and say it. But this question actually takes her by surprise. Did she expect me to deny them or admit to them straight away?

"... I do not care about what you are..." Luna finally says. Now I'm the one who's surprised. "You are a member of our group." She actually said it in quite the reluctant manner, so I can be sure that she means it.

"You truly are Rolan's beloved." I finally smile and earn a blush from her. I may have quipped about their relationship and messed with her a lot, but in the end, I still endorse it. They've grown on me during our trip, and I realize it only now that I've been separated from them for a while. I still won't hesitate to fight them, if they attack maou-mama, but until that happens, we can be friends. "All of you accepted Kamii into the party, despite the fact that she is a cursed child shunned by everyone else. None of you ever showed any apprehension in her presence. For that I am quite grateful." I pet the little dark elf's hair at this.

Luna looks at me with an astonished expression. Indeed, much of my thoughts regarding the party under Rolan revolves around Kamii. I'm quite fine with people hating me or avoiding my presence, since that's how any world works. I've faced quite a few problems in the track and field club due to my seniors insisting on their superiority based on that seniority, rather than skills, and other club mates being jealous of my talents. I never cared much and simply did my thing. But when someone else, especially someone I care about, becomes the target...

"As for the rumors, they are true." I have to grant her that much. "I am a demon." I make sure to keep my voice down while saying this.

"... I see..." She's making a difficult face. "But you are here. That means you do not eat humans... right?" I actually did that, with her unconscious right beside me, but she doesn't need to know that.

"I do not." Not at the moment. I'm satisfied with the salt of maidens right now. "As you can see." I gesture at the plate in front of me. It's a huge load of food, but it's obviously not human flesh. Well, I'm satisfied with anything, as long it's filling. I've always been like that. "I would like you to keep my identity a secret for now. While you may be accepting, others are not so much."

"I understand. I really appreciate your honesty." Luna shows a reserved smile. "I will not treat you any differently from before. You are still Chloe, nothing changed about that." You're right about that.

"Care to join us?"

"Oh, sorry, I just finished my meal." Well, she's always been a light eater. We did take our time getting food and finding a seat, so no wonder she's already done - especially since she must have been here before we arrived. "And I still have some research to do in the library before afternoon class." I already expected that she's a model student, unlike me. I haven't been there since the tour on the first day. The rooftop doesn't count.


My first Advanced Nature Magic Application class has quite a few students, and several are middle-aged people, too. There are three teachers, of whom I recognize the one I had for my Basics of Water Magic class before. Obviously, there are no teachers who have control over all nature elements, so it'd be impossible for this class to be taught by one alone.

I expected it to be another academic subject with more theory than practical use of magic, and I was right in doing so. But what I find exciting is that it teaches various ways to apply melded magic in everyday life, instead of for combat use. I think this is testament to the fact that this kingdom is quite peaceful and attacks by corrupted beasts are rare. After all, if war was on their minds constantly, the academy would be teaching application for militaristic uses, rather than civilian ones.

We learn about the uses of various combined elements and spells for all kinds of situations, including house-cleaning and the preparation of food. I did learn that elements combine into several different forms from the previous class, such as fire and water creating steam or plasma. But apparently there's a system to some of them. Water and wind can create ice or mist, depending on the casting order. Same for fire and wind, which can become either a tornado of flames or a scorching burst of air.

Well, if my melding was better and I had any semblance of control over my flow, I could actually practice those like the other students are. So for now, I'm just doing image training while watching the others. After all, if I really mess up, I might cause the whole city to go up in flames, get blown away by a storm, become flooded with water or get leveled in an earthquake.

Still, it's quite useful to see how other mages are performing - especially those the teachers treat with special attention. Those are usually the ones that are a cut above the rest. Seeing what they can do, I can gauge the average level of mages at the academy. Well, I'm being treated really carefully, too, but at this point most likely because they know I'm a demon, rather than because of my unique talent.

I'm looking forward to learning more about the superior elements of space, light and dark, though. Especially space is up there in my priorities. I need that failsafe for returning to the demon castle, in case my tenure at this academy takes longer than anticipated.


"Hey, I'm Akyna Requin. I heard you're a demon." A boy with grayish pale skin and combed-back ultramarine hair chats me up at the dinner table. Why did I never notice him before? I mean, he's clearly a demon of some kind. His eyes are inverted, with the sclera being black and the irises being white. He looks to be about my age and his demeanor is very relaxed. Of course, being a fellow demon, he thinks he found a kin in me.

I don't like his expression, though. It's like he's trying to pick me up or something. And he also looks at Kamii for a moment, slight disappointment in his gaze, before it moves onto Hestia. They hang on her chest for long enough to be noticeable by anyone, and a lustful glint enters his eyes. Yep, this guy is actually looking to pick someone up, and thinks that a cursed girl, a corrupted Fata and a rumored demon girl are easy targets.

"If that was so, what would you do?" I give him a fake smile. I expected Hestia to show hostility, but she is watching quietly. Kamii doesn't really care and is eating her meal. Stay this innocent forever, Kamii-chan~

"I'd say we can become friends." Akyna grins and reveals two rows of shark-like teeth. If you want to pick up a girl, you should do something about those, Sharkface. Nobody will want to kiss you.

"I feel like you are looking for more than that."

"That depends on you ladies." Wow, he actually addressed all three of us at the same time. You think you have the Charm ability or something? I'll show you my true face, if you dare to suggest something indecent. I'm not interested in boys, even if you're a demon. "How about a nice walk under the stars?" He's still addressing all three of us.

I turn to look at Kamii, but it looks like she isn't even taking note of his presence. Hestia looks at me with an expression that seems to suggest that she's waiting for me to give the signal for her to deal with this annoying gnat. No, violence is bad.

"We happen to have a prior engagement. Just the three of us, if you understand what I mean." I lick my lips suggestively and earn a blush from Sharkface. How innocent. And he was trying to pick us up?

"Th-that's a shame. I was hoping to introduce you to the Demon Mages Society." The what? He actually looks genuinely down. Hm, he's the type that wears his heart on his sleeve, it appears. So was he trying to pick us up, or did he just not have any control over his facial expressions while actually having a noble motive to talk to me?

"Please explain." Color me interested.

"I would prefer to do that in a more... private place." Way to go in being misleading. "After all, it is a secret society." The chuunibyou in my figurative heart is awakening at these words. Now I'm really interested to know what this is about.

"I believe we can take a look, right?" I turn to Hestia, knowing Kamii is going to follow anyways. She gives Sharkface a murderous smile, before turning to me.

"If you think it is a good idea, I will come with you." The expression she shows me is much more lovely.

Time to join a secret society~

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