Published at 14th of June 2024 05:40:29 AM

Chapter 54

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When I think about it, it does feel kinda awkward with another me in the room. Before I can do anything, I'll have to deal with that one first. Turning away from Hestia, who's shaking in anticipation as her breathing grows rougher, I look at Asoko with an expression that's wordlessly suggesting for her to take her leave discreetly.

"Aww, I thought-" She begins, but I interrupt her.

"No, Hestia's mine. If you really want it that badly, we can have some later." Even if Asoko's another me, I won't be sharing my girls with anyone else. Unless she becomes one of my girls, too, that is. Well, in a sense, she already is, but it feels more complicated than that, so it doesn't count right now.

"I'll take your word for it~" Apparently she's fine with the offer. I think later she'll ask me to transform into Hestia and put on glasses for her, but she'll have another thing coming for her at the time. I'm not going to be on the receiving end - even if it's from myself. Asoko is my lower half, so I will be using her as if I'm mast-

"Alright." I shake my head of these thoughts and wave her out of the room. I don't know where she'll be going, but I don't really care, as long as she leaves us alone for a while.

Turning to Hestia when the door closes, I see that she's already mentally prepared and beginning to undress. Much like that time on the rooftop of the library, she looks like she's in heat. But there's a hint of apprehension in her expression at the thought that we'll be doing it while she's on her period. Paired with her glasses, it looks like she's actually embarrassed. That stirs my libido more than anything else; it's a throwback to the bullied girl image she had on our first meeting.

But I can't go all out - or rather all in - this time... I have to remind myself of Hestia's physical condition. After all, a tentacle assault would be too taxing. Still, doing it like I did it with Kamii doesn't feel right under these circumstances. Especially since she's already naturally prepared for insertion. There is one great option, something I accidentally read in a convenience store before. It was accidental!

I undo my clothes transformation and go through all templates inside my body, to find what I need. Hm... too small, too curved, too weirdly shaped... too- eww, delete! But there are quite a lot to choose from, since I did swallow quite a few of them along the way... no wait, I mean their bodies! Ugh, that was so misleading... Let's start with something normal first, though. I'm keeping the other one I found in reserve for later or another time.

From between my legs an appendage sprouts that normally doesn't exist on girls. Hestia's eyes grow big at the sight and her jaw drops slightly in shock. Then her lips curl up in a nervous, almost fearful smile, before her pinkish red tongue licks them in anticipation. She's not been wearing any underwear ever since her first time with me, so I can see that she's ready. There's no hint of blood yet, but that may be because it's only the onset of her period.

I step forward and push her down, excitement building as I see her nervousness through the fake glasses. How can something so simple add such a huge bonus to her charm points? If I had to put it into stats, she would have exceeded her already maxed out level. I can feel my unnatural growth stir at her defenselessly sprawled out sight. My hand moves towards her and she flinches slightly, expecting me to go for it right away, like I practically did on our first time. But back then she was practically gushing like a waterfall from... being in heat? And I was in my real form, with some lubricant of my own, which I wouldn't be surprised of is actually a form of aphrodisiac.

I lean in for a kiss while letting my fingers run across her collarbone. At the sensation she shivers and I take the opportunity to part her lips with my tongue. Greeting it is her own, as we entwine them in a sensual dance of flesh. Since I'm using a human body with all its facilities, it feels completely different from how it did when I just transformed into a mass of tentacles. A floating sensation fills my head and I have to wonder how Hestia felt being ravaged all over her body at the time, if just a kiss can feel this great.

My hand moves to the nape of her neck, caressing her backbone, which sticks out slightly from her posture. I move my head backwards, upon which she pursues me with her lips and sucks on my tongue almost frantically. Then I move the fingers of my right hand to her head and massage the back of her ear, while nibbling on her other earlobe. My left hand is creeping downwards to dance over her chest, through her large cleavage and down to her navel, softly touching her skin as if trying to tickle her gently.

"Onee-sama..." Hestia's voice is heating up as she bites her lower lip and closes her eyes. It appears that she is unfamiliar with the concept of mutual foreplay, as her hands are resting, grasping the sheets while letting me do all the work. Well, I don't mind, since I'll be taking pleasure in seeing hers. My arousal meter is rising with hers~

The fingers of my left hand trace her individual ribs, which are barely visible on her arched form. It seems she lost some weight on our travels. I lightly bite her neck and suck on her skin, trying to give her a hickey, to leave behind a visible mark on her body that will show others that she is mine. My right hand moves down to her breasts and finally reach their peaks, circling around them like a vulture around its prey, before swooping down to pinch them a little.

My other hand glides to the base of her wings and massage what correspond to the space between a human's shoulder blades. All my facilities are slowly moving towards the part where the action is going to take place in soon. I look down to find that she's practically ready and her folds are glistening wet with hints of blood mixed in. My fingers slide down and begin to massage the mound above it, knowing that underneath this, inside her body, is where I will be pushing into soon.

I let my tongue run over her collarbone, shower the path downwards with kisses and reach her breasts. I could bury my face between them, but it would feel out of place in such a sensual encounter. Instead, I lick her peak and run my fingers across the inside of her thighs. Waves of shiver tremor across Hestia's body as she bites onto the knuckle of her index finger to suppress her voice. I don't mind you letting it out, you know. Rather, I want to hear it. I bite down on the most sensitive spot on her breasts, just as I touch the same down below. Her voice slips in a surprised moan and she looks down at me in astonishment.

It's time for the last step before the main course. I move up to kiss her again, while at the same time I try inserting a finger to probe her insides. I'm greeted by soft heat and slippery wetness. It would seem she's ready to receive my manliness - as strange as that may sound coming from a girl. In either case, I can feel that I'm more than ready, as my entire abdomen seems to be pulsing. Aligning myself, I separate from her lips and let her look down.

"Please, give it to me..." She breathes, her eyes, framed by those deadly glasses, begging me in desperation. That expression blows away any reservations and I insert it in one go.

Wow, this is a completely new sensation. Unlike the time when I was in my tentacle form, which seems to have diminished senses, this body is that of a normal human being's. I'm basically myself right now, except for that part I never had before. And I didn't know it could feel like this for a man! Hestia is sucking me in, her inner walls convulsing and massaging me. Uoooh! My hips are moving on their own!

I push all the way in and hit a dead end. I think I just knocked on the entrance to her womb  there. Hestia lets out a little squeal and her expression melts away. All my sensations are concentrated on my nether regions and I begin to slowly pull out. Oh, here comes the red tide, covering my entire length. I let it seep into my body and dissolve it for its nutritional value, because I don't really want to dirty the sheets too much and not waste a drop of my beloved girl's essence.

My hips begin to move rhythmically as I instinctually feel what I need to do. With one hand I grab one of her breasts, while the other seeks a certain sweet spot down below. When I find it, I use my thumb to massage it, sending waves of pleasures through Hestia's body, causing her inner convulsions to become more frantic, in turn increasing my own pleasure.

So this is what sex between two lovers is like, huh? My previous times it was me one-sidedly pleasuring Kamii with my hand and tongue techniques, and although I did insert myself into Hestia, it was for the sole purpose of achieving the legendary ahegao double-peace. It did feel great mentally, but it was... strangely selfless in the physical sense as I never had a climax myself. But this time, I'm doing it for myself just as much as I'm doing it for Hestia.

Speaking of which, she seems to be enjoying it greatly, so I feel quite happy about that. However, she's still keeping her voice in check, trying not to let others hear us making love. I don't mind at all and would actually prefer to announce our relationship to the world! Thus, I change to a shallow thrust that mostly stimulates her entrance. She looks down at our union and her face reveals a hint of longing. Apparently it's not enough for her, but I already expected it. Switching things up is what spices up the game, after all.

I change the angle and grind into her depth, upon which she throws her head back and lets out an unintelligible noise, a mixture of moaning and trying to voice her surprise. A split second later her insides twist and turn, wrapping around me with a previously never experienced intensity. It very nearly brings me over the edge, but I hold myself back with every fiber of my being. I can control everything about my body as I see fit, but this time, I want to let things progress naturally.

Time to change it up a bit. I lift my leg over hers and flip her onto her side, before pushing my pelvis forward. This posture lets me kiss the entrance of her womb with every move, and it draws a breathless scream from Hestia as her arms flail in an attempt to get away from me. Wow, that effective, huh? I can see that it's not because she's hurting, but rather because the pleasure feels like it could drive her crazy.

"No, Onee-sama, this... Mmm!" She buries her face in the pillow as I seem to have found the perfect angle. Oh yes, it certainly is, as I can feel my body go numb as well. Her toes are curling up and her back arches. I think that may have been a climax.

I feel it coming from deep inside me as well, but I want to feel it for a little longer. Considering she seems to have just reached a peak, I pause and withdraw for a moment. I flip her over completely, laying her on her stomach before massaging the space between her wings. Hestia looks back to me with unfocused eyes, wondering what I'm about to do with part of her still conscious mind.

It's time for the other template I found. Her eyes regain their focus and open wide in shock at the shape I take. I can see both fear and desperate anticipation mixing on her face as she half-heartedly attempts to crawl away from me. I hold her down with one hand while using the other to stroke it demonstratively. Indeed, if I were in her position, I would have had the same reaction. After all, it's almost the size of her forearm.

"That... that will not fit, Onee-sama!" Hestia says, all the while a senseless grin on her lips. It's obvious that she actually wants it, even as a part of her refuses to accept that fact.

"Why don't we try it?" I whisper into her ear while I align myself down there and touch her with the tip. A shiver runs through her body at my voice and the sensation, and her expression changes as any hint of defiance melts away.

"Y-yes..." She is ready to accept this challenge whole-heartedly. Good girl.

I push her apart slowly and see her face go through various stages of emotions, ranging from fear, pain, pleasure and even a split second of unconsciousness, before I reach her limit. However, it's not the limit for me, yet, and I still have some left to explore with. Hestia turns around to look once more and discovers that truth, upon which her eyes widen in the knowledge that I will not rest before it's finished.

"I-I-" She begins, but I go the last stretch in one quick motion, clearly feeling that I have entered new territory. "Ah-ahe~"

Oops, her eyes just rolled back and she's clearly making an ahegao, as her body convulses and trembles all over. It's transmitted to me as well and from the sensation I can understand the height of pleasure she has just experienced. Luckily, there was enough natural lubricant inside her womb, because that's where I just penetrated into. As I reach around to her stomach, I feel a pretty significant bulge where I'm pushing against the inside. At the realization my arousal reaches a climax of its own.

I think I won't be able to last very long under these circumstances, as her insides are squeezing hard in all directions. I begin to thrust, small and slow strokes at first, to get her used to the immense size, before gradually making them larger and speeding up. With every motion, Hestia completely lets go of her voice, no longer capable of caring about anyone else hearing us. I can see that she's beyond climaxing already, and I feel myself reaching my own. My thoughts are becoming about moving my hips one-sidedly to grind my entire length against her insides. Then my mind goes blank and I can feel a dam about to burst.

A part of me remembers what this has all been about and I pull out at the last moment, to aim at her bespectacled face, which is twisted in unconscious pleasure. For some reason I feel really accomplished when the sticky white liquid stains her glasses, before I fall onto the bed next to her, and into oblivion.


"Wow..." My own voice wakes me up and I immediately open my eyes. Asoko is in the room and looking over the aftermath of our lovemaking. Her eyes are fixed on my abdomen and I look down. Yeah, when I look at it again, it's really grotesque - even more so when it's not at its full size. But from that alone one can glean how big it would be, if so, and that's what she was referring to with her expression of amazement. "... you up for another round?" She looks at me with an expression similar to the one Hestia had earlier, when she first beheld the might of this template.

And she's also wearing glasses.

I'm sorry, Kamii. But we will continue on our journey to rescue you tomorrow. I promise!

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