Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos - Chapter 59.2

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:40:22 AM

Chapter 59.2

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There's nothing to it, I'll just have to scoop Vitalis up, put here some waterproof container and let her rest for a while. As far as I remember what my other half told me about the academy, there's a large bath house in the dorms, so I'll just let her clean herself in there as well. Maybe I can make the cat girl tell me where they're keeping Lenoly, then.

With that, I basically slurp up Vitalis inside my body and quickly search for said bath. In the meantime, I'll have to break that cat girl in a little, so she doesn't struggle or scream when she comes out. She's been moving quite a lot inside me, and while it doesn't cause any sort of discomfort, it's a little annoying to be constantly feeling those motions. I form tentacles inside my body, bind her arms and legs tightly, before ripping off her clothes and caressing her all over. That should do the trick after a while, and I can enjoy myself a little at the same time, too.

The hallways are dark, but my night vision helps me navigate through them effortlessly. And as expected, there's a sign denoting where the bath is. At this time of night, it's obviously empty, and the water has been let out, but for such a medieval-seeming world, it actually has functional taps and running water. Thus, I plug up one of the small side-pools and start filling it with water, before putting Vitalis inside, upon which the water turns red from the blood in her body.

Alright, now for the other one. Pulling her out of my body while keeping my tentacles tightly wrapped around her small but strong body, I get to see the glorious appearance of a cat girl in bondage. I've made sure not to touch her most important parts, but it's clear that my actions have served to arouse her at least physically, if not mentally. Her face is flushed, her eyes unfocused and she is breathing through her nose rapidly - because I have a thick tentacle plugged into her throat to keep her quiet.

"So, if you would please tell me where Lenoly is being held, I'll let you go after we make our escape from here." I say to her with a reassuring smile. From the fact that she turns her eyes to look at me, I can see that she heard my words. "Now, I'll remove that gag, so promise not to scream. If you do, I'll have to do a lot more..." Putting my hand against her exposed and completely soaked crotch, I softly slide my finger over her opening in a teasing manner. Her expression suggests that she clearly dreads that idea, and my smile widens into an evil grin. "Nod, if you're willing to cooperate."

She does so reluctantly, and I pull out the tentacle serving as a gag. Coughing and gasping for air, her glare of defiance is answered with a sneer. All she could do now is scream for help, since no matter how she struggles, she can't utilize any strength while in that pose. Not that it would be of any use against my incredibly strong tentacles anyway. Pulling her up so that our eyes are level, I look into them casually, to suggest that I don't fear anything she could try. It's clear that she understands it, as her resistance melts away.

"Good girl." She's quite cute, so maybe I'll just keep her around when we make our way out. I'm sure she can serve as a shield, too, just in case we're spotted and attacked. And she's the first traditional animal-eared girl I've seen, not counting the maids at the demon castle since they were of undefined races. It'd be a waste not to enjoy myself fully, now that I got my hands on her.

... ugh, what are these thoughts? Just like with my other self that time, when she grew that massive... thing. Why am I always feeling so horny? Shaking my head, I try to regain my composure. Don't tell me it's really because I'm the lower half...

"Now, where is Lenoly?" I can't get distracted from the reason for my presence this deep inside enemy territory.

"She is... in her room... on the second floor... number two thirty-two." The cat girl speaks between breaths. It seems I did quite the number on her there, as her heartbeat is still elevated. Well, that's only going to continue until not a hint of defiance is left.

"Any guards?"

"Yes... a fire master... is watching... over her." Is it really alright for you tell me this? I mean, even if you fear getting raped by a tentacle monster like me, would you normally sell out your comrades that easily? I guess people are just that selfish, when it comes to their own well-being. Or maybe she thinks that I won't stand a chance against that fire mage. I do have to admit that I'm scared of fire the most, since it's the one element that seems most likely to permanently damage this convenient body of mine.

But because this body is so convenient, I can do something rather interesting with it, too. I remember a certain anime where a certain ancient being capable of many transformations was thrown into lava and survived by creating a regnerating layer of bubbles on top of his body. And this is a bath, with lots of water and soap available.

"Thank you for your cooperation... lastly, what's your name?" I lift her chin and stare at her from close up. Ah, so cute, I want to do this and that to her right now! No wait, I need to control myself...

"... Ninlil..."

"Ninlil-chan, huh? Alright, I'll let you know if something comes up." With that, I plug her mouth with a tentacle again, which causes her eyes to go wide in surprise. Did she actually expect me to let her go right now? At this point I don't even intend to let her go at all. When I pull her back inside me, she struggles in vain, and her muffled cries disappear with a last ripple on my stomach.

I pop my head over the pool where I left Vitalis and a face inside the water greets me. Our eyes meet, then she looks away and the face disappears. I guess she's embarrassed about basically climaxing just from being inside my body, even though I didn't even do anything to her. I hope my other self doesn't get angry when she hears about this...

"I'll come back for you when I get Lenoly. If you can, maybe filter the blood out of your system and lie low in the water until I'm back."

"... okay." I hear a bubbling voice from the pool even though her face doesn't reappear, and I smile, not knowing whether she sees it or not. With that, I gather some things that could become useful later, put on the disguise of a hooded mage, make my way out of the bath and climb the stairs to the second floor. I just hope Ninlil didn't try to fool me in that situation and is leading me into a trap where I'll get surrounded by several mages at the same time. It's one thing to fight a single mage, and a completely different thing to face many - I'm speaking from experience, after all...

The second floor is empty and dark as well, but my night vision allows me to see the number plates on the doors. I walk down the corridor, turning my feet into their real, tentacle forms, which allows me to move pretty much soundlessly, and quickly approach the one I'm looking for. Two thirty-two, where Lenoly is supposedly being held.

Pressing my ear against the door, I try to hear whether there's something going on inside. Bingo! I hear a woman's voice, and judging by its tone, it's not Lenoly but the fire master keeping watch over her. Concentrating on it, I can make out words and realize that she's holding a sermon. I look through the keyhole and see a dark robe, which suggests that she's turned her back towards the door.

Now, I only need to ascertain whether the door is locked or not. If it isn't, I'll storm in and overwhelm the mage, but if it is... I could break the door down physically, but it would surely cause a commotion and maybe leave an opening for a counterattack. And picking the lock with a tentacle will most likely not go quietly, so it'd leave some time for the mage on the other side to prepare a spell. But the problem now is, if I test out whether it's locked or not, it will most likely also make a sound and alert the person on the other side.

Wait, why am I over-thinking this? I can just make her open the door for me, by replicating the voice of Ninlil. Inside me, I take a sample of her genetic template from her saliva and transform my vocal cords into hers. Clearing my throat lightly, I knock on the door.

"Open up, it's me." Perfectly replicated her voice, including the intonation that sounds so familiar to me from my knowledge of the previous world.

"It is unlocked." The unsuspecting mage says on the other side, and I react quickly, before she realizes that something is wrong with Ninlil asking for the door to be opened despite the fact that she should know that it's unlocked. Turning the knob and throwing the door open, I grow in size and collapse onto the woman, who doesn't even have time to react and only stares at me blankly. From that short glimpse, I can see that she isn't in my strike zone at all, so I won't do anything with her. Her body immediately goes into the digestion area and is dissolved quickly.

"Wha-" The only other person is a girl sitting on the bed, which must be Lenoly. She is about to scream, when I regain my form and replicate my other half's appearance.

"Shhh, I'm here to save you."

"Miss Marcott?" She asks and her eyes go round at my sight. Well, I say round, but her irises are horizontal and almost rectangular. Paired with those horns almost as long as her wrists, I presume that she must be a goat girl. "You're alive?"

"Well, I'd like to believe so, too. But no, I'm just a part of her." It seems that this girl might not be a member of my other half's harem, judging by the way she addressed me so formally. So it's alright if I hug her, right? She's so tiny and cute~

"What do you mean?" Tilting her head, she looks at me skeptically.

"There's no time to explain. Vitalis is waiting in the bath." Every moment we dawdle, somebody could come to the dorms and check on Ninlil or see how the prisoner is doing. In a rescue mission, making a quick escape after securing the target is the most important thing. Even if I usually failed the stages in the opening areas, where I would be detected really quickly.

"Vitalis? She's alive?" Her expression changes to one of pleasant surprise, but her actions are too slow for my tastes, as she looks at me, expecting an explanation.

"Excuse me." Maybe I'm just paranoid or needlessly hurrying, but I pull her inside me and immediately transform into the woman I just absorbed, before I speed off through the corridor. Luckily, it's the middle of the night and I made no sound in saving Lenoly, so it was an unnecessary precaution.

I return to the bath house and transform into my other self's appearance to get Vitalis, who rises from the water looking completely refreshed and her body of a nice bluish translucent color. The problem now is, I have to take her inside me once again to escape this place, so her getting so clean seems to have been a waste of effort. Well, at least she should feel better about it now. I'll scoop up some extra water and keep her inside a bubble, so that she isn't affected as much... maybe.

"Wait, we can escape through the sewers." Vitalis stops me when I motion to pull her inside me again. "You can compress your body to a very small size, right?" I don't know about that, especially with two living beings inside me. She notices my skepticism and looks at me with pleading eyes. "I... I am saving myself for Onee-sama... so..." Wow, must be nice... Wait, don't tell me, being inside someone else is considered to be sex for slimes? Yeah yeah, being inside someone else in the traditional sense would normally be considered sex, too, very funny...

"Yeah, we can go our separate ways and meet up outside the city. Let's say... at the fountain of the plaza where the entrance to the Lost Tombs is located?" I can sneak out with my transformations, so in that regard I should be fine. Furthermore, I won't be going across the field to exit through the citadel gate, and instead make my way directly to the walls and either glide away in the night or tumble down into the moat, just to be safe.

"I understand. Good luck." The slime girl says and dives into the water, completely merging with it, before the plug is pulled by an invisible hand. The pool's contents begin to drain and I'm sure she's already making her way out. Time for me to do the same.

But first, I need to check on Lenoly, to see whether I have the same effect on her as I do on Vitalis. I should have taken her out while the latter was still here, but maybe it would have wasted a lot of time, if there had been a tear-filled reunion. The moment the goat girl is out, she gasps for air and looks around in confusion, but it seems that she's not drunk from ecstasy or even remotely aroused. So, it's really because slimes are affected by being inside an amorphous body, huh? Still, it appears that being inside a Crawling Chaos causes people to lose their breath, even if I supply the area they're being kept in with fresh air.

"Huh, where's Vitalis?" She notices where we are and stands up to search for the slime girl once her breathing has calmed down.

"She's gone ahead. There's no time to lose, we have to get out of the academy." So, without further ado, I pull her back inside me before she can even realize it and begin to complain.

Just in case, I take Ninlil out once more and see that she's doing pretty fine. In fact, she still has enough fight in her to glare at me, but that's something a few more hours of bondage and teasing might be able to get rid of. I put her back inside my body, before transforming into her and exiting the dorm building. I think this form is a much better disguise - especially since it's quite small. The female teacher I ate earlier walking around outside might attract unwanted attention, too, when she's supposed to guard the prisoner.

With this new appearance, I quickly make my way out of the dorm building and across the field behind it, on the fastest way towards the citadel wall. Looking behind me, I see that nobody is following, and I speed up inadvertently, with freedom in sight. Still, I keep my guard up and ears open for any sounds beside my footsteps across the grass. Usually it's these moments when something unforeseen happens and everything goes downhill.

When I reach the top of the walls, I look around again, to make doubly sure that nobody has spotted me. I can see that the light from the magic circle on the field has disappeared and there's a brightly lit room in the academy's main building, so I guess those mages standing around have moved inside for a meeting. In other words, nobody suspected anything when I walked past them, and nobody has checked on the missing Lenoly yet. However, I'm sure the fact that Ninlil has disappeared will soon be found out, so I have to hurry and regroup with the others at the plaza. We have to leave this city as quickly as possible.

I just hope they didn't do anything rash and move without me...

I jump off the wall and towards the moat, undoing my transformation and using my tentacles to descend in a controlled manner, before jumping and breaking out Hestia's wings to glide a short distance. Dropping onto a nearby house's roof and rolling across it to break my fall and muffle the sound, I turn back one last time. Yep, that was a clean escape, if I may say so myself.

Running across the rooftops of the city, I disappear in the night.

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