Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos - Chapter 65.1

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:39:58 AM

Chapter 65.1

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Asoko Side

The first mistake they made was to slaughter the demons right before maou-mama's eyes. She was enraged for the longest time, but at one point her anger seems to have passed a threshold and caused it to loop back into stillness. No longer banging on the translucent barrier, her eyes are fixated on the occurrences below, taking everything in without blinking even once. It means that her revenge will be so much more devastating.

The maids around her have all stepped back respectfully, fear gripping their very beings at her silently seething rage. Only Rewera is standing beside the demon queen, never wavering from her position as the head maid. Even Kamii, who traveled with her for a few days and learned how kind she can be is hiding behind me, shivering.

The second mistake happened just now, and was to send a group of people into the castle through the transportation network. Apparently the shield has a one-way mechanism, which allows things to enter, but stops all from leaving. Whoever came through was practically and inexplicably sent to their death.

Xaggavea, who's actually only nine years old - that's demons for you - is the chief of interior intelligence, and she relays that information to us. She has a giant invisible web spun throughout the castle, which she can access from certain hidden places, such as behind large vases or on certain corners of the corridors. From there, she can keep tabs on every movement within these walls. Maou-mama immediately orders a full mobilization there with all the present maids in tow.

Senka did tell me that my other half is on the way, so when she arrives, all hell will break loose. At that time, I'm sure she'll find a way to disable the barrier and then we'll get revenge for all the demon lives taken by the humans.

When did I start thinking of myself as being apart from humans, I wonder? Maybe when I understood that I'm fundamentally different from them now, but also when I realized that I can be better in many ways - including physically and morally. I mean, I've seen enough news in my previous life to know that humans can be cruel towards their own kind. It's obvious that a perceived common enemy like demonkind won't be able to expect any mercy. But since I am no longer human, I can say with conviction that when the time comes, I will show them no mercy either.

"The intruders spread out in the castle." Xaggavea informs us as we walk down a flight of stairs on our way towards the transportation circle room. "There is a group of more than six people, one group of three and another of two." But it seems that her perception isn't perfect and she can't tell the exact number when it surpasses a certain amount.

"Rewera, head for the three. Xaggavea, you guide Chaos towards the largest group. I will head for the two." Her expression leaves no room for any arguments. I'm wondering why she's aiming for the smallest number herself and even splitting off the head maid. But her voice makes it clear that this is an order, not a suggestion. Well, of course she's not going alone, as two combat maids follow her in the direction of the throne room, where the two intruders are apparently heading towards. Rewera is bringing four maids herself, while I'm going with Kamii and the rest.

Now that I think about it, maybe maou-mama knows who those two are, and is going to kill them personally. In other words, they may be the strongest among all the intruders. Rewera, who must be exceptionally strong herself, was sent to defeat the three, who should be the seconds strongest group. And those who stick together in a larger number must be the weakest. In other words, I'm the weakest among our three teams...

Well, I'm not too confident in my powers in a direct confrontation, since I don't have as many templates as my other half does. Furthermore, she has much more combat experience than I do, courtesy of not being caught and locked up deep underground before seeing any real battles. But I think working with my mass should be fairly simple, so in a physical confrontation, I should be able to overpower any human.

"They have entered the infirmary." Xaggavea announces and points forward; just around the next corner is where it's located. I signal for the group to stop and peer around the corner. The first thing I see is Ruwl lying on the ground in front of the door, unmoving. She is turned toward us, tears in her open and lifeless eyes, and a trickle of red blood flowing from her lips.

At the sight, my mind goes blank.


Runa Side

We entered the demon castle and split up from the others to find Kamii, who Rolan and the others said should be somewhere in the castle. But along the way, a door suddenly opened and a demon emerged. The soldiers who are with us immediately cut her down, and only after the fact did we find that she is dressed like a simple nurse. Once again, an innocent civilian has been killed right before our eyes, and I can see the grief in Rolan's eyes.

However, this chance encounter allowed us to find someone we never expected to see here; Mistress Ninlil, who went missing the same night in which Chloe attacked the academy, not long after the battle took place, is sitting on a bed in the room from which the nurse came out of, which seems to be an infirmary. Her eyes are empty and no matter what I say to her, she does not regain consciousness. I cannot explain how she ended up in the castle of the demon queen, but it must have been a traumatic experience that robbed her of her mind.

"Leave it to me and Lady Crux" The person who says this with a rasping voice is Master Laiota. I had heard that he was gravely injured by Chloe during her attack, and that his voice will never recover. "Please keep watch over the door while we perform the ritual." Similar to that time when they probed Kamii's mind for any corruption, they will combine their powers to restore Mistress Ninlil's mind.

The four elite soldiers who joined us in our infiltration mission stand with their swords and tower shields towards the door, in case someone enters the room. Gram is right behind them, although he would have preferred to be in front. Sigurd nocks a crossbow bolt and takes aim, but I can see that his mind is wandering. I turn to Rolan and find that the same is true for him; he is still shaken from the ruthlessness of the Guide of Tomorrow, Shelnir.

It seems to have hit Rolan much harder than anyone else, since he had just saved the boy and was carrying him in his very arms. But at the same time I think we all share the same doubts in the righteousness of these gods, even if we know that bringing down the demon queen is unquestionably right. Ultimately, we have no power to sway them or the men from the Empire of Terminus, who have a deeply seated hatred for the demons, to show mercy for at least the civilians. In their eyes, every single demon is dangerous and should be killed.

"What are you thinking?" I ask him, knowing full well what plagues his mind. My chest is constricting when I see my Rolan so conflicted; he should at least share his pain with me.

"... are we doing the right thing here?" He asks, his features thoughtful and serious. If it is about killing demon civilians, then I can say with conviction that it is wrong, but if he means bringing down the demon queen, I cannot believe that he would question it. But what he says next surprises me. "The demon queen is the boon that grants life to all demons. Without her, they will wither and die."

"What do you mean?" Did he hear about that from a demon? But the very fact that he doubts this entire operation goes to show that he has changed since coming to the Demon Continent. He has undoubtedly met many demons that are not only not as evil as they are always described to be, but also showed him kindness in his time of need. However, just by existing, the demon queen's presence is causing corruption in this world, making people sick or go mad, create mutated beasts that attack humans, and curses unborn children with deformities. Therefore, whether it is right or wrong should not even be up for debate.

"I'm seeing the limits of my ideal..." Rolan finally states, and I am completely taken aback.

"W-what are you saying?" I cannot believe that he would question his conviction of saving the helpless and innocent, now of all times.

"I-" He begins.

The sound of wood breaking interrupts him and all eyes turn to the only entrance to the room. In the remains of the heavy wooden door a familiar face appears. The only difference lies in the hair and eye color, but it is unmistakably the person who journeyed with us from Hovsgaerden to the capital. It is also the person nobody expected to see here, since she was supposed to have been banished to the heavens.

"C-Chloe?" I mutter in disbelief.


Asoko Side

There are four soldiers with large shields and armor with runic inscriptions right behind the door, a large bald man with an even larger shield towering behind them, a surprised looking man with a crossbow aimed right at me, a girl with light blonde hair wielding a staff who looks like a mage standing beside someone who looks like a swordsman, and an unnaturally pale man and holy looking woman at the bed with Ninlil. I grasp all this the instant I break down the door with a kick behind which I put all my anger.

Ruwl is dead.

I will make them share her fate.

"C-Chloe?" I hear the mage girl mutter and my eyes shift to her. So she knows my other half, huh? Must be someone from the magic academy. Doesn't matter, all of the humans who are here are enemies.

"Onee-sama!" Kamii, Xaggavea and the other maids catch up to me, but I gesture for them to stay away. I'm more than enough to deal with them, and I don't want to risk any harm coming to them. Even if they are combat maids, it's clear that none of them measure up to maou-mama or me in terms of power.

"Kamii?" The big bald man seems to be surprised at seeing her. So this must be that group of humans whom my other half traveled with before entering the academy. I don't care, they must have killed demons down there as well...

Two of the soldiers immediately charge forward with their swords at the ready to stab or slash at me, while aiming to lead with a shield bash. Pouring all my mass into my exterior appearance, I increase my density to the maximum and plant my feet firmly, I take their assault head-on. As if running against a wall with full force, they stumble backwards and stare at me through the visors of their helmets, surprise in their eyes.

Without giving them time to get back up, I step forward and deliver a devastating punch to the one on the right, directly to his helmet. With a crunching noise, I can hear his skull being crushed under the impact, as the helmet is dented like a thin tin can. The other soldier is able to block my second strike just in time, but he screams in pain as my heavy blow breaks the arm behind the shield. I guess the runic inscriptions are only for show, since they don't seem to provide any defensive capabilities.

One of the two soldiers who were standing in reserve charges forward with a yell - most likely to fire himself up in face of this overwhelming difference in power - but I expand my hand to gigantic proportions to grab his upper body. Pressing with all my might, I hear metal creaking and bones being ground to dust. Dropping his remains, I leave it on the floor; I won't give them the honor to consume their bodies.

"Stop it, missy!" The bald man with a mustache shouts as he stands between me and the others in the room. They know my other half, but I don't care, as I'm not her. I'm my own person now, and I have no relationship with these people whatsoever. All I know is that they are responsible for the slaughter of innocent citizens down below, and killed Ruwl, who was not even a combat personnel. She was only a good-hearted nurse...

And I don't feel the need to tell them that I'm not who they think I am. I'll let them die without understanding anything, just like how Ruwl must have died...

I can feel the tears well up in my eyes, but suppress them. I will not show weakness before the enemy and give them the satisfaction of knowing that their actions hurt me, if even only on an emotional level.

A sword stabs into my side and I look down at it almost casually. It neither hurts nor draws blood, as my body is practically immune to such physical attacks. The soldier whose arm I broke mustered his strength and used his good arm to make a final attempt to retaliate. I walk right towards him, causing the sword to bury deeper into me. He tries to pull it out but I hold onto it so that he can't do so, purposefully showing him the inevitability of losing his weapon - or more, if he decides to try and hold onto it. Soon, it's all the way inside me - including his arm, up to his elbow - since he refused to let go of his richly ornamented weapon. His eyes are wide open at the sight and he alternates his gaze between his arm and my face.

Then he screams in pain as I crush his arm with the power of my convenient body, and sever it at the joint. Drawing back with both arms now useless, the soldier breathes hard and stares unbelieving at me, his despair and fear providing me with pleasure which I ignore; it is part of my nature, but I don't want anything from them but their lives. From inside my palm I pull out the sword I took from him and stab it straight into the opening of his visor.

My ruthlessness doesn't surprise me at all. I can finally understand the motivations of those who would take other people's lives in retaliation for having their loved ones hurt or killed. When my other half told me about the beginning of her battle at the academy, in which Hestia was mistreated by a teacher, I only thought that it was a dumb reason to start a fight to the death over. But when someone important to you is hurt by someone who isn't, that difference will allow you to make such a choice.

The last remaining soldier wordlessly charges at me from the side, but in that moment Nesis ignores my order for the maids to stay back and the hissing of her snake hair turns into an unbearable din for a moment. With an ear-piercing screech, she petrifies the soldier including his very armor. If I wasn't so preoccupied with anger and sadness, I'd have wondered about the mechanics of her powers, considering the fact that apparently only one person was affected even while there were others looking at her.

But it seems that her intervention was the signal for those who know me to finally take action. The man with the crossbow shoots a bolt right at me, but I let it sink into my body, completely negating its effect. The bald man immediately steps in front of him and places down his gigantic shield covered with runes, similar to the useless armor of the soldiers. The inscriptions look somewhat different, but I doubt they'll have any noticeable effect against my strength.

Whipping my arm around and forming my fist into a heavy ball, I let it crash against the shield. But to my surprise, I'm completely repelled and he barely even shakes from the impact. Well, it doesn't matter, he's just more steadfast than those soldiers, but that was obvious judging by his physical appearance.

Then I will just hammer down on him until he gives way.


Kamii Side

Why are they here? They should still be at Chandra's fortress. And why is Runa here? She should be at the academy. But Basarab is over there tending to Ninlil... and why is Ninlil here?

I'm really confused, but all I know is that this is a bad situation. Onee-sama became really angry when she found the demon girl outside dead, so it must have been someone important to her. I remember the last time when an instructor hurt Hestia and me, she also exploded in rage and fought for our sake.

However, this time it's the companions whom we traveled with before, and whom I fought and trained alongside with for the past moon. I don't want to see them fight to the death here.

Onee-sama attacks Gram, but he completely blocks it with his massive shield. He has become even more steadfast ever since training with Chandra, and it's clear that Onee-sama isn't as strong as the demon queen. But I know that she doesn't need to rely on such physical attacks; she can use devastating magic, which can't be blocked by shields.

"Onee-sama, stop!" I scream and grab her, before she can go in for the attack again. "I don't want to see you kill each other!"

"Kamii..." Gram peers over his shield and looks at me with compassionate eyes. I can't believe that they would kill any demons after their experiences on the Demon Continent. It must have been the soldiers who killed the demon girl outside the room, not these guys.

"Petrifying gaze, huh? That little shit is making some unnecessary creations." An unfamiliar voice speaks besides me and I turn my head in confusion. There shouldn't be anyone else-

The soldier who turned to stone is cracking. The armor breaks apart and from within emerges a boy, barely taller than Onee-sama. My first thought is that he's blue. But unlike the Ajura's skin, his is a pale blue, featuring sapphire eyes and dark blue hair. His purplish blue lips would have made me think that he is a frozen corpse, if it wasn't curled downwards in displeasure.

A wave of cold washes over me a moment later, and I see his body producing freezing mist that wafts to the floor like heavy smoke. I can immediately tell that he isn't a human, but he also doesn't seem to be a demon. My instincts scream at me to run away immediately, but I only grab onto Onee-sama's arm with my quivering hand.

"And who are you?" Onee-sama turns to him and asks without a hint of fear. She must have felt mine through my shaking, and is standing up against him in my stead. But I think it's a bad idea to try and start a fight against him. He is clearly on a completely different level from even Chandra, most likely an existence similar to the demon queen, if not even above her.

"I am Zylos." The boy introduces himself with a frigid demeanor. "They call me Winter's Frost."

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