Published at 14th of June 2024 05:39:44 AM

Chapter 75

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"[Excuse us for a bit.]" Directing this at the others, I approach Tokomaha with what is most definitely the smile of a killer. She apparently doesn't understand the meaning behind it and glances up at me with a disparaging expression.

"[What do you want, white monkey?]" And she seems to lack the proper instincts of the wild animal she looks like.

Pop pop pop.

"[Kakaka! Good luck, Tokomaha.]" Tahiri laughs at the situation and waves at the little goddess.

"[Huh?]" Before the petite girl can react, I grab her and throw her over my shoulder. "[Wah! Unhand me, you brute!]"

Her struggles are strangely weak, or I'm just that strong. She kicks her legs and hits my chest, but it bounces off my extra layers of protection. The sensation seems to infuriate her, as she beats on my back without any effect. Is this really a god? Must be a really weak one like the flamboyant guy I killed in a single stab, a god in name only.

"[Shut up. Don't you understand that you're going to be punished?]" Growling this, I slap her ass with enough force to make her entire body jump. Apparently that finally gave her an idea of the things to come, as she begins to shiver. "[Wait for me here.]" With these words directed at my children, who are moving to follow me, I disappear into the undergrowth.

"[Y-you know I'm a god, right?]" Her shaky voice isn't convincing at all, as she tries to act strong and intimidate me with her god status. I walk silently, not answering any of her questions and threats. She stopped struggling, most likely in fear of getting spanked again, but with every further step, her boldness grows again. "[Let go of me and I'll forgive you. Hey, you listening? Answer me! You-]"

I think we walked far enough now, so I throw her down. The ground is covered in soft leaves, so it shouldn't hurt, and if she complains about just that despite being a goddess, I'll be seriously concerned about how her body will handle what's about to come. But of course, she complains.

"[Hey, what are you doing!]" Trying to stand back up right away, Tokomaha points her spear at me, but I grab it and pull it out of her hand. "[Ah, give it back!]"

"[You can have it back after we're done here.]" Looking down on the naked goddess with cold eyes, I stab the spear into the ground and loom over her. "[You'll need it as a walking stick.]"

"[W-what do you plan on doing with me?]" Fear creeps into the petite girl's features as she tries to back away from me. She is stopped by a tree, against which she presses her back as if trying to melt into it. "[Don't come any closer!]"

Growing tentacles from my back, I grab Tokomaha's wrists and ankles, and lift her from the ground. Her weak struggling is wholly useless in the face of my strength, and I bind her tightly, dangling her in front of me in what can only be described as a hogtie. One of my tentacles is digging into her crotch and it seems that the situation she now finds herself in - has run herself into - finally dawns on her. But in that position, she can barely even move, let alone try and free herself.

"[You fiend, how dare you- mphhhf!]" Taking a page out of Saten's book, I do as he did to me on our first meeting, and ram something into her mouth. While he may have used something more important than just a normal tentacle, and done it with a different intention, mine is to shut her up.

"[I've been holding back for a while now, since my children don't like to transform into girls much.]" Tokomaha's eyes widen when she sees that my clothes seem to dissipate and sink into my body. She tries to bite off the tentacle, but it's too sturdy for her. "[And as a punishment, I can do some... harder plays with you.]"

And I grab her pitiful little breasts, which don't seem to have gained much size despite the fact that she's being hung with her arms and legs above her head, and her chest sticking out. Twirling my fingertips around the peaks on the tiny mounds, I wait until they become erect, before pinching and rolling them between my thumbs and index fingers.

She squirms and fights her restraints, but obviously there's nothing she can do in this shameful position. Transforming a tentacle into a hand, I run it up and down her back sensually, which causes her to freeze up in shock. My two hands are working on her flat chest, so where did that third one come from? Since she can't turn her head, this question and uncertainty adds a layer of sensitivity to her.

It's clear that, just like Tahiri, Tokomaha is far older than she looks. The fact that she shows these kinds of reactions despite appearing closer in age to my two children than to Awhina is testament to that, even if she was acting like a brat earlier. I can feel moistness building around where my tentacle is rubbing against her most important place due to her shivering and writhing. Well, I wouldn't have done this with her, if she was actually just a kid. But being a goddess makes her legal by default.

I pull the tentacle from her mouth to hear what she has to say in her current situation.

"[Stop it! This is disgusting!]" As expected, she immediately spits insults into my face.

Licking my lips, I work my tentacle bindings to change her posture, hanging her by up by her waist and sticking out her butt. Then I whip my hand down on her buttocks with a loud reverberating slap. Yelping from the pain, the little goddess kicks her legs and tries to wiggle away, but since she's suspended in midair with her arms bound on her back, there's no way she can free herself.

"[Are you learning yet?]" I spank her, alternating between butt cheeks. Her angry voice, interspersed by the slapping sounds, slowly grow quieter, while her squeals grow louder. Then, she finally ceases her verbal abuses, and I stop my hand. At this point, her bottom is already completely red, but I can see a trickle of wetness running down her inner thighs.


Flipping her over and bringing her face up to mine, I prolong my tongue and run it across her cheek. Her eyes are already glazed over from the pain, but she's gritting her teeth in defiance. Running my fingers along the white marks on her skin, I move my hands up and down, tracing the shapes all over her body. Of course, I skirt the most sensitive areas, to deny her the pleasure, but even then, wetness runs down her legs from the sensation. Her heavy breathing is music in my ears, but she seems to be recovering pretty quickly, as with every blink of her eyes, she regains some of her senses. That's quite the strong willpower you have there.

"[You... won't... get away... with this!]" She speaks through her panting and focuses her eyes on me in a threatening glare.

Then I feel several presences pop out of thin air all around me. I turn my head in surprise and find that they're copies of Tokomaha, all looking exactly like her but lacking any expressions and not wielding her spear. So her god power is to create shadow clones? That could actually be incredibly powerful, if it wasn't in the hands of this rather dumb girl here.

"[Hm, do you really think that gives me any reason for concern?]" I pull up the tentacles holding her legs and spread them apart before me, then place my hand against her soaking wet crotch.

"[Attac-khnn?!]" Before she can finish the command, I ram two of my fingers into her most important part, before bending them and pressing onto the place I found to be the most sensitive among all those I had the pleasure to tangle with. Her voice turns into a soundless shriek, and clear sticky liquid gushes out around my hand. Ohhh, she came from that, huh?

And the clones dissolve into piles of leaves, as her concentration was completely broken by that. Hm, maybe they're not that useful after all. I guess ambushing humans with this trick is easy, but she tried that on the wrong person here.

"Hnnnh!" Tokomaha looks up to me with a flushed face, flapping her mouth open and closed without forming any words, apparently unable to speak properly due to the mind-numbing sensation. Hm, what are you trying to tell me?

"[Will this help?]" I pull my hand upwards, as if hooking her with my fingers. It seems to be very effective, as another fountain of love juices spill out in the wake of it.

"Ah-aaahhh!" And now she lets go of her voice. A screamer, huh? But the sound is so beautiful, I want to hear more of it. So I smash the button that produced it - repeatedly and with ever-increasing intensity. The petite girl twists her waist and arches her back from the sensation and I can feel something rise inside me, too.

Ahhh, this is great~

Pulling my fingers out in a quick motion, I grind the tips across her upper walls and then flick her chestnut on the way up. Her entire body convulses and she seems to lose consciousness after a breathless and silent shriek.

"[Hm, done already?]" I don't know if she can hear me, but she will wake up soon enough. Lifting her limp head by her chin, I look at her wonderful faded expression. Licking her lips and then forcing my way into her mouth, I stimulate her tongue and gums, upon which she seems to regain her senses.

I draw back as she tries to bite my tongue off, and immediately flip her over, making her small but well-rounded butt face me. I intentionally give her the freedom to turn her head, so that she can glimpse what is about to happen to her. Looking over her shoulder weakly, her eyes widen in terror at the sight.

Yes, I've grown one again. And it's the same as the one I used for Hestia. Not the second one, since that would just rip this petite body in half. If I didn't care about her at all, I would just go ahead, but she seems to be acquainted with Tahiri in a way, so I'd rather not kill her here.

Oh, and she seems to be fun.

"[W-what are you...]" Tokomaha stutters and struggles with the little remaining strength that she has, but it didn't help her before, and it doesn't help her now. "[No, don't do it! Stop it, you monster!]"

"[Is that any way to ask for something?]" I guide my tip towards her entrance and purposefully miss, sliding it across the entire length of her slit and then over her most sensitive spot. At the sensation, she looks down at herself and finds the rod resting against her stomach, pointing at the place inside her that it will be able to reach; it's around the belly button.

"[P-please...]" She turns her head to look at me with a pleading expression, a slightly unhinged smile on her face. I guess the fear has broken her mind a little there.

"[Well done.]" I line it up once more and give her a charming smile. "[Here's your reward.]"

And in one steady motion - not too quickly, but also not too slowly - I push all the way inside her, until I hit a wall. Looking down at myself, I see that there's still a little left to go, but I'm certain I reached her deepest point. In other words, she wasn't a virgin. Oh well, doesn't really matter, I'm not a purist in that regard, as long as I can have fun.

But let's give her some breathing room first. She is gasping for air as I'm filling up her insides completely, so I won't move until she gets used to it a little more. I'm not a monster, after all. Technically, I am, but that's not important right now. I don't want her to lose consciousness and turn into a simple puppet; where'd be the fun in that?

"[I... I'll kill you...]" Tokomaha presses out from between her clenched teeth and I find myself admiring her fortitude, to be able to still say such things in this situation.

As a reward, I reach around and grab her tiny breasts. Pinching their tips, more forcefully than before, I pull on them hard and stretch them out quite a bit. Throwing her head back and screaming in a mix of pleasure and pain - more the latter, I think - her insides tighten up immensely. Ohhh, that's a nice reaction.

When I let go, she looks over her shoulder and glares at me, but no longer speaks. She seems to have finally learned her lesson with this. Now the fun for both of us can begin; it doesn't feel too great to be showered with abuses while doing it, after all.

Running my hand across her back and touching the leaves that are her hair, I wonder how those grow. Moving my hand to her head under the bush of leaves, I find that there are actually branches growing directly from her scalp. Sliding my fingers between those, I touch her skin.

"Hahnyaah..." A shiver runs through Tokomaha's body and the leaves shake. Oh, apparently that's an erogenous zone for her. Good to know.

Pulling back and halfway out of her, the spine-tingling sensation of suction works on my tip. It's been a while since I last did this, so I'm quite sensitive right now. The little goddess shivers at the sensation and moans with no regard for her dignity, which she had been trying to uphold so far. She's finally beginning to enjoy it, huh?

And with that, I split my hand into countless little tentacles and massage her all over the head at the same time as I push into her in one quick stroke. This time, I aim to go all the way to the base so that our bodies touch. Luckily, she is arching her back in pleasure at my multi-pronged assault, and making it easier to find the perfect angle. Pushing further, I find myself nestling into her perfectly.

"[We seem to have good compatibility.]" I bend forward and whisper into Tokomaha's ear. "[Can't hear me, huh?]" Her expression is one of mind-bending ecstasy, even though I haven't even gotten started yet. Wiggling my hips a little causes her to sigh in pleasure, and when I pull back, she breathes in sharply.

I begin to move and settle into an increasingly faster rhythm, which elicits increasingly more heated moans from the petite girl. My many-fingered hand continues to work on the head, while I reach around with my other and find her sweet spot. At this point, she has become so sensitive that a single touch causes her to twitch violently and writhe in bliss.

Soon, I lift her leg and thrust into her sideways, stimulating a new spot while running my prolonged tongue over her inner thigh. I won't let up and keep her over the edge with different positions. Knowing from experience, girls have that over boys. Well, right now I'm practically a boy, although my convenient body allows me to just reset myself and start from zero, so that I can repeatedly climax myself.

But there are people waiting for me, so I guess I should go for the end spurt soon.

Turning Tokomaha over, I make her face me. Her amber eyes are glazed over as she stares into my general direction, no idea of what is going to happen next. Pulling her up to me, I assault her lips while stopping my hips, so that she can savor the moment before I begin in earnest. When we separate, her flushed face has gained a different shade of red, as her eyes seem to have regained some of their light. She still looks defiant, but clearly because she doesn't want to admit that she's enjoying it.

That's when I pull out almost to the tip, and push back in while grinding along her upper wall until I reach the deepest point. Throwing back her head, Tokomaha loses her breath and her voice fails her. But that was only the beginning; repeating the move, I settle into a quick piston motion that keeps stimulating her most sensitive spot at the start, before kissing the entrance to her womb at the end.

I can feel it building up inside me and smack my hips against her buttocks ever faster. Every thrust coaxes the most beautiful squeals of ecstasy from the petite girl in my grip. She stretches her arms out towards me and I give in to her beckon, upon which she hugs me close and bites my shoulder to muffle her voice.

This utterly adorable action drives me over the edge and I explode inside her.

"~~~~~" Her muted scream shows that she is feeling the heat spilling into her abdomen and spreading out in her entire body.

We stay like this for a while, during which Tokomaha holds me tight and keeps her face buried in my shoulder.


"[You beast!]" Sitting on the ground since her legs are still too weak to support her, the little goddess glares at me and snarls. From between her legs my essence leaks out, and I think what a shame it is that it's getting wasted.

Really though, she remains a bratty kid through and through, and as expected it turned out to be not much of a punishment, since she clearly enjoyed herself.

"[Keep this attitude up and I'll punish you again.]" At my words, she goes silent and her face flushes. Well, I'm sure she would love to go again, after this experience, although I'm also sure she'd never admit it directly.

I feel the presence of my children in the brush behind me and sigh. I lost control sometime in the middle of it and didn't pay any attention to my surroundings, so they must have witnessed the end. It's fine, I've done the same with them before, so it's not much of a problem for them to see it. I'm sure their great hearing allowed them to realize what was going on, and being the curious cats they are, they came to watch.

"[Come out you two.]" I speak without turning around, and I hear the rustling of leaves.

"[H-how did you know we were there?]" They peek their heads out from inside the brush and ask sheepishly. I haven't told them that I can sense living things, and I sure as hell won't tell them now.

"[I'm your mother.]" Finally turning to them, the first thing I notice is that they have pitched tents. "[I see, you got aroused by watching, huh?]"

"[Uhhh...]" Trying to hide it, they bend forward slightly and look away from me in embarrassment.

"[Wanna have a go at it with her? She can produce copies of herself.]" Looking up at the sky through the canopy of trees, I have reason to assume that it's not even noon yet. "[And I could go for another round myself.]"

My gaze falls onto Tokomaha and I lick my lips. She understands what is likely going to happen: If she can't produce semi-permanent shadow clones, she'll have to deal with all three of us on her own. Panic enters her eyes as she attempts to crawl away and is once again foiled by the tree behind her.

"[N-nooooo!!!]" Her cry echoes through the forest.


When we emerge from the jungle and return to the camp a while later, both my children and I are feeling satisfied. Following behind us slowly, leaning on her bone spear and unable to walk upright, Tokomaha staggers into sight.

"[What did you do to her? We heard screams.]" Awhina asks me with a skeptical expression. I never did anything with her since... I don't really know, but our relationship isn't that clearly defined, yet. It'll have to be made clear eventually, but for now, I'm amused by her innocence. I can see that Mereana and Tahiri clearly know what just went down, but they're keeping quiet, so I won't explain it to her now.

"[Punishment~]" I respond with a grin and turn to my children, winking at them.

"[Are we ready to depart?]" Mereana clears her throat and throws the question out. I don't have anything to pack, so I'm ready whenever the others are packed up.

"[Tokomaha-chan, you coming?]" I ask the little goddess.

"[Why would I-]" She glares at me weakly and starts, but I lick my lips, upon which she leaves her retort unfinished. Blushing and looking away, she presses her lips shut and makes a difficult expression. Then, she finally turns to look at me again. "[A-alright! But not because your rod was so good or anything! Don't misunderstand!]"

- A tsundere has joined the party -

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