Published at 14th of June 2024 05:39:33 AM

Chapter 82

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"[Hahahaha I see! My bad!]" Korenga laughs loudly and slaps her thigh after hearing Tahiri's explanation of what I and my children are - though it's not the full story, since she doesn't know what I really look like. I already expected that she would be so laid back, even after she seriously tried to murder us last night and we fought with the intention to kill each other for what felt like an hour. "[But you're really strong. Where did you get your strength from?]"

I'm not that keen on telling her that I can grow limitlessly by eating life forms, and I most definitely don't want to get bogged down explaining how mass and density works for a Crawling Chaos - leaving aside the fact that I don't want to reveal that I'm one in the first place - so I'll just avoid saying too much.

"[I was born this way.]" Is the simple excuse I don't even have to rack my brain to come up with. Uten and Saten are living proof of how seemingly weak younger members of our kind are and how powerful we can grow with time and experience, especially since they look like children, so she'll have to accept that it's the way we work.

I don't begrudge Korenga for fighting me yesterday, since there wasn't really any harm done. I even left some of the food for her, since I didn't want to deal with her stomach growling all day while we're on the road. We have enough problems as it is already, with the horse carrying her yesterday being unfit to do so again. Well, at least it's still alive...

"[How are we going to continue without a horse being able to carry you, because you're just too heavy?]" I remark in a snarky voice, making sure to put emphasis on the pretty much direct insult. We could easily just leave her behind, though. Fewer problems, really.

"[I can walk.]" Suggesting thus, the Black God speaks in a tone that makes me think she doesn't recognize that the problem originates from her.

I know she can run really fast, since she rammed into me during our fight at an incredible speed. And she doesn't seem to tire while in her black form, so it's a legitimate solution to the issue at hand. Maybe we should just go with that and use the tired horse as the luggage carrier, like we did with the one Tokomaha now rides. There isn't much luggage to carry after all.

"[Then do so. I don't want to hear any complaints that you're tired or anything, though.]" I doubt I will, but if I do, I'll kick her in the butt for it.

"[I won't tire.]" Speaking in a matter of fact tone with the straightest face imaginable, Korenga states, before lifting the horse onto her shoulders. The poor animal didn't even have the time to realize what's happening to it and doesn't even struggle. She actually remembers her promise from last night. "[It's my turn to carry you now.]"

I somehow can't even find it in myself to rebut her and simply stare at the sight of this giant woman carrying a living horse over her shoulders like it's a sack of rice.


"[Alright, put the horse down.]" After we passed the seventh traveler who looked at our group funny, I turn to Korenga, who's traveling at the very back, and say with a frown.

"[But why? He carried me all day yesterday, today it's my turn.]" She replies in an almost defiant sounding manner.

"[That's not how traveling with horses works!]" I don't know whether she's actually this dumb or just acting the part. I'll go with the former.

The horse in question looks like it's very tense at the unfamiliarity of its situation, but it seems that the Black God's grip on its legs is so strong that it can't struggle at all. Its eyes show fear of the height, though. Normally a horse's legs don't leave the ground for longer than a jump, so being propped up on something smaller than itself must be really frightening. Moreover, on the shoulders of the person who almost broke its back the previous day.

"[Let us get a cart in Uarapo...]" Is all Mereana can contribute to the matter. She looks really tired, not just because of the lack of sleep she got last night, but most likely an aftereffect of whatever Rapania did to her. I did heal her body and strengthened her mind, but I'm neither a healer nor a psychologist, and most important, I don't know what exactly she experienced in that tower.

"[Then I can place this guy on it and pull him along!]" Korenga's expression lights up at the thought and I bury my face in my palm. Alright, don't react to it. React and you lose.

"[How long until we reach Uarapo?]" Uten and Saten ask in unison. They seemed to be enjoying the journey, even though it's slower than if they were to just run or even fly, but at this point the sights just repeat themselves. The landscape generally looks just green and brown as it passes by us, which is getting old pretty quickly. Of course, I do feel some excitement knowing that I'm on a journey to somewhere I've never been before, but even I'm beginning to tire of the view.

"[It should come into view by the early afternoon.]" Mereana points forward on the road. It cuts through the jungle in a large curve, so we can only see ahead a hundred meters at a time at best. "[Uarapo is built on the flank of a mountain, so we will be able to see it from below when we approach.]"

Now that sounds like an interesting sight to see: A city built on the mountainside. It must feature some interesting architecture.

I turn to Awhina, who returns my gaze with a questioning expression and a tilt of her head. I'm wondering if she has ever seen a mountain in her life. There were none visible from Aoranam village and even along the way the most we've seen were hills. I'll most likely get to see her excited expression, as I have many times on this journey. The same should be true for my two cute twins, who may have learned to fly ever since I came along, but haven't taken any long trips away from Ototawa village.

"[Something is wrong.]" Mereana suddenly says and stops her horse. I follow her gaze and see that from ahead of us a large mass of people are coming down the road. They don't look like soldiers though, more like peasants. In fact, pretty much all of them are carrying large makeshift bags and bundles on their backs, while others push or pull along carts filled to the brim with everyday belongings. They look like refugees running from their homes.

"[What's going on?]" Tokomaha asks as she looks at the approaching people. I immediately put myself on guard and make sure to pick up every life form's presence around us. This could be a diversion for an ambush.

"[I'll go and ask.]" Awhina declares and rides ahead. Among all of us, she looks the most normal and won't cause any suspicions when she approaches them. After all, Mereana, Tahiri, Korenga and I all have white skin - and the two goddesses also feature tattoos all over their bodies - and the twins have blond hair and blue eyes, even if their skin is dark. Tokomaha is completely out there, with green leaves as hair, so she's the least trustworthy out of all of them.

"[You're thinking something rude, aren't you?]" Apparently, the little goddess in question sensed my glance and states with a frown. Shrugging, I follow Awhina with my eyes, as she gets off her horse to speak to the person at the very front of the refugees. It's a woman carrying a huge bundle on her back, a baby fastened to her chest, pulling along her old mother on one hand and a child around the age of four on her other.

They exchange some words, then the woman lets go of her child's hand to point back towards where they came from, her gestures implying that something outrageous has happened. I can detect fear in her body language, so I assume there has been some sort of natural disaster which forced them to flee their homes. Considering they were able to take along some of their belongings, it must have been something that announced itself but is unstoppable. Maybe a volcanic eruption or a forest fire?

The other refugees pass them by and many look up to Awhina in wonder. She's taller than any of them, so obviously she'd draw their attention, but at least it's not as bad as what anyone else among us would be subjected to, if we were in her place.

She concludes her conversation and looks in our direction with an expression that suggests the problem is a complicated one. Mounting her horse, she slowly rides alongside the people that are pouring towards us. When the first of the refugees pass us by, I begin to understand what Awhina might have learned; their gazes are fixated on us and I can see realization dawning on them as they eye us.

I think it's pretty much certain that whatever is displacing these people has to do with us. If I were to guess, it would be the leader of the village or city they're running from is preparing for our arrival and sent its citizens away to prevent them from becoming collateral damage in the fight that is sure to break out. I have to commend whoever the enemy is to think of the people like that.

Whoever that leader is knows what we look like and has told the people of us, too. And the fact that they're not forming a lynch mob and don't try to attack us means that they've been warned about how powerful we are. Could it be that it's Rapania again?

"[They're from Uarapo.]" Awhina says when she reaches us. "[The lord has ordered the evacuation of the city to prepare for battle.]"

"[The lord?]" Mereana cuts in with a surprised expression. "[Why would he...]"

"[What's the matter?]" I feel that there's something going on here.

"[The current lord of Uarapo should be a simple man with no political agenda.]" Responding thus, she plays with a strand of her red hair; this must be her way of showing nervousness. It's the first time I've seen her like this, so that means she knows something that's uncomfortable to talk about. "[Even if he knew we were coming, he would just lock himself in his palace and avoid trying to make a name for himself.]"

"[Do you know him?]" But I ask anyway. If it's information that can prevent some unforeseen circumstances, I'd prefer to know beforehand.

"[... he is my former master's son.]" She's clearly reluctant to say it, but seeing as everyone's eyes are fixated on her and waiting for an explanation, she can't just stay quiet.

I expected something along those lines. In other words, if he really became an enemy, she would most definitely hold herself back from killing him even if the situation required it. I'll make sure to knock her out if she stands in our way during a crucial moment and allows the enemies to escape or spring their trap.

"[In either case, let's continue.]" I look around at the peasants who glare up at us in impotent hatred. It's not that I'm uncomfortable under those eyes, but I'd love to get to Uarapo before the entire city has evacuated. It's clear that whoever is sending them away cares for their safety, so if we arrived before the city is empty, they might not be able to fight at full power. I'm fully aware that I'm basically thinking about using innocent people as indirect hostages, but it's not like I'm trying to be a righteous person. Whatever works, I'll use.


It seems we're too late.

At about the time as when the city at the side of the mountain, Uarapo, comes into view, the stream of peasants has ceased. The evacuation has been completed and all that lies ahead of us is a city where everyone we see is a potential enemy. That's the mindset I have as I look up at the wondrous sight.

The city itself consists of colorful stone houses built at the flank of a steep mountain slope. From down here I can see the stairs and wooden railings connecting the various levels, and some houses are stacked on top of each other, creating the tallest buildings I've seen in this nation so far. At the very top stands a large citadel-like building with walls painted in red and white, which is clearly the seat of the lord.

Somehow, I feel that I'd rather not fight there and destroy the place. In my previous world, this would have become a World Heritage Site and definitely attracted tons of tourist, but here it's a fully functional city where people live. Or at least used to live, until they were evacuated to make space for some huge planned confrontation.

Our path begins to take us uphill as we ascend a winding slope up the side of the mountain. I keep looking up, to make sure that whoever is waiting for us isn't raining down rocks on our heads. If I were them, I'd definitely do that.

We pass a deserted checkpoint, an open wooden gate which should be closed in the case of enemies marching on the city. The fact that it has been left open makes it clear that it's going to be a trap. Gathering from the still burning campfire and discarded bread next to the gate, I take that the guards received their orders and hastily left their posts without even having the time to put out the fire and finishing their meals. This is more and more shaping up to look like people fleeing from a natural disaster.

I turn to Tahiri and Korenga. These two do possess a power on par with a typhoon, if not more. And I'm somewhat similar in that regard.

The next checkpoint is deserted all the same, and the same signs of abandonment can be found here as the one from before. And it's no different when we finally pass through the main gates of the city. Not a single soul can be seen and my anxiety grows. My Chaos senses aren't picking up anything, but that only causes me to be on edge even more. I remember Rapania's puppets, and the fact that they didn't register on my radar at all. In a city's streets they could sneak up on us, or use arrows to shoot at us. If it's only physical attacks I doubt anyone other than Mereana are going to fall to it, though.

"[Be careful of your surroundings.]" As we ride through the main street I direct this at the person in question more than at anyone else. "[This is most definitely a trap.]"

"[What do you think it'll be?]" Tahiri doesn't look concerned at all, talking to me while lying on her horse's back like it's nothing.

"[You sound like you're actually looking forward to it...]" Sighing, I shake my head and shrug.

"[Hey, is it just me or is the ground rumbling?]" Korenga suddenly asks with the least amount of urgency I've ever seen. She's the only one standing on her own two feet, so I guess she's the most sensitive to it. I don't feel anything, but I won't dismiss it as just her imagination; I've seen enough situations where that's the last mistake someone makes.

"[I think we should get out of here.]" I direct this at Mereana.

"[Yes, that-]" She begins to agree, when the houses around us erupt into fire.

"[Welcome to Uarapo!]" A male's voice I seem to have heard somewhere resounds across the city. Since it echoes off the mountainside and the walls of the buildings, we can't tell where it's coming from. "[Let the Fire Festival begin!]"

"[T-that voice!]" The redhead beside me looks around in shock. "[That is i-impossible! You killed him!]" Considering someone she would fear like this and whom I seem to have killed is limited to one particular individual, I remember that it's the voice of Felgar, the flamboyant but weak god. So he wasn't dead yet and healed, huh?

With the dragon template I'm immune to simple fire, so this isn't giving me any reason to be afraid, unlike before I got it. After all, fire seems to be the one most dangerous thing to a Crawling Chaos - especially when it comes from the inside.

Then I see the scared faces of my children and remember that they don't have the template. I didn't give it to them because I thought they couldn't take the responsibility, but maybe that was a mistake.

"Fly! Get out of here now!" I shout to them in the common language and they don't even question it. Spreading their wings gained from Hestia's template, they jump up into the air and immediately take off.

"[Hey, don't just up and leave! The fun hasn't even begun yet!]" Felgar's voice echoes through the area and I see two large fire bolts come from somewhere higher up the mountainside, flying directly towards the flying Uten and Saten.

I don't hesitate a moment. Transforming into Chaos Warhead Mode, I shoot up in a burst of air, completely disregarding the horse under me, which is swept away by the recoil. Flying directly into one of the fire bolts and dispersing it with my magic-resistant carapace, I extend an arm and widen it into a large hand, with which I catch the other.

"[Show yourself, weakling!]" I roar across the rooftops. Of course, I don't expect that he'll heed my taunt and actually do it, but I'm surprised to see a flamboyant figure appearing on the battlements of the lord's palace.

Without giving him even a moment to realize his mistake, I transform my hand into a dragon's head and shoot a plasma beam at him. He narrowly avoids it by jumping sideways, but I move my hand and strafe after him. The battlements melt under the beam and turn into slag under the immense heat, and I see his clothes catch on fire, before he disappears behind cover again.

"[Wait!]" I see two hands raised over the cover in a seemingly surrendering gesture, but that just tells me where he is. No more pointless effects or dragging out the battle. Summoning an array of spirit spears, I rain them down on his position like a shower of arrows that can pierce through walls.

Yet, he must have either dodged them all or my aim just isn't good enough at this range because he jumps out from cover unharmed, and throws a fire bolt at me while rolling across the ground. Channeling a gust of air under my funnel skirt, I fly straight towards him and burst through the flames like it's a soap bubble.

Pointing both my hands at Felgar, who now stands in the middle of the half-molten battlements without any cover nearby, I turn the dragon maws into honeycomb openings and shoot the plasma out that way. Spreading out in a rain of deadly heat, I see it impacting his body and causing it to explode into flames.

If that didn't kill him, I'll have to reevaluate his status as a weakling drastically.

"[You are simply incredible!]" From all around me, I hear a deep voice the sound of a raging blaze. Then the fires engulfing the entire city seem to rise up into the air and gather into the shape of a gigantic flaming bird.

Is this his real form? He's a fire elemental or some kind of phoenix?!

"[As I said... let the Fire Festival begin!]" The flaming bird speaks with the vestiges of Felgar's voice.

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