Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:27:14 PM

Chapter 1087: Yin and Yang, Phoenix and Chaos

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The Phoenix Apostle refers to the host chosen by the Phoenix Force.

Once in the records of Asgard in Asgard, there was a powerful Phoenix Apostle on Earth.

According to rumors, the man combined the power of the dragon and the power of the phoenix, and even repelled the members of the **** group in ancient times, but after all the struggles were over, he finally disappeared at the end of the universe, unknown where he went and whether he was still alive.

However, it was the first time that Fenrir saw the real Phoenix Apostle.

The phoenix flame shining between the brows of the Spirit King exudes a heart-wrenching coercion, as if it can distort reality at any time, and the phoenix's passionate fire hidden in it can burn down the entire galaxy in one fell swoop.

"Lord Lingwang, please forgive me!"

Er Meiwu Wangyue stepped forward and knelt down, bowing her head sincerely, and said, "It is the weak guards of the subordinates that put the Lord Lingwang in danger."

The three guards also knelt down, shivering, waiting for the King Spirit's punishment.

"I'm fine, get up."

Lorde lifted it up, and his spiritual power lifted up a few people, comforting: "If the power of the phoenix really wants to kill me, let alone you, even if the army chief comes, it can't stop her."

"Yes, Lord Spirit King."

The two house Wang Yue gritted her teeth and felt humiliated in her heart, but she could only swallow it in her stomach.

He made a plan. After returning this time, he must use the remaining scraps to build a sword no less than a sheath, otherwise, if the next time the Spirit King is in danger, he can only watch from the side.

"Master... are you... all right?"

Fenrir recalled the recorded deeds, and asked worriedly, "Did you feel... some other emotion?"

As far as it knows, any carrier that is hosted by the power of the phoenix will be greatly affected by its emotions, and will more or less show characters that are diametrically opposed to the previous ones, such as indifference, ruthlessness, cruelty, etc.

You must know that the phoenix is ​​the incarnation of emotion and life in the original universe, and its existence time has long been unable to be calculated by time.

In those long and ruthless years, everything Phoenix has seen and heard has completely exceeded the limit that any living body can bear. Even if Phoenix tried his best to contain that emotion, it would still have varying degrees of impact on the host.

If the Spirit King was influenced by the phoenix and turned into an indifferent person, then it would be a big problem!

"I know what you're thinking, don't worry."

Lord saw Fenrir's concern at a glance, chuckled lightly, and said, "I'm different from the other Phoenix Apostles. It's not a one-way choice, but I agree with her suggestion. It should be a partnership."

"He... partnership?"

Fenrir was dumbfounded. He had never heard that Phoenix would choose to cooperate with others.

"You can understand that she needs my help."

Lorde didn't want to explain too much, just perfunctory: "In short, don't worry too much, the phoenix won't affect me."

In fact, in the process of sword meditation, he did not expect the power of the phoenix to suddenly appear in the spiritual world.

But after thinking about it, the phoenix is ​​the incarnation of spiritual emotions, and it seems that it appears in the spiritual world of others, which is not incomprehensible.

But the unexpected guest suddenly interrupted his friendly communication with the "homecoming", and planned to live in Lord's spiritual world and make him the new Phoenix Apostle.

According to the past experience of choosing a boarding apostle, Phoenix does not think it will fail.

But she never imagined that this time she encountered a tough stubble, and if she disagreed, she would live in Lord's spiritual world. For the time being, regardless of whether Lord had any opinions, his Zanpakutō was the first to go crazy on his way home.

On the way home, I have to tell this outsider that this site is covered by it!

Then, on the way home, carrying the Zanpakutō, he fought with the power of the phoenix.

In the end, after Lord joined, the power of the phoenix fell behind and was quickly suppressed. When she was about to be expelled from the body, she released a signal of goodwill and reached a deal with Lord.

Lord is in charge of collecting the shards scattered by the phoenix, and the phoenix will give him power.

It turned out that in the extremely ancient times, when the multiverse had not yet been born, and the original universe still existed, the phoenix was the only existence in it, but due to a sudden and huge accident, she was hit by a magical force. Countless fragments.

Smashed by that energy and destroyed together, there is also the original universe.

With instinct, the phoenix is ​​constantly looking for a powerful host, hoping to restore 'integrity'.

But after a long period of time, the phoenix never collected the fragments.

Therefore, her appeal is very simple, that is, she hopes that Lord will gather all the scattered phoenix fragments in the multiverse to make her whole again.

The two are of equal status, there is no one who is higher or who is lower, and if Lord wants to, unless it is his will, or his life is completely over, the phoenix will never leave his body.

It was a good deal, and Lord had no reason to turn it down.

Moreover, he also needs the power of the phoenix to suppress the power of chaos left by Sithone in his body.

Overall, although the process was not smooth, at least the end result was okay.

Phoenix got the carrier, and he got the power.

After the memory was over, Lord patted Fenrir and said, "It's been so long, it's time to go back."

Seeing that Lord was unwilling to speak, Fenrir didn't dare to ask more, and said obediently: "Yes, master."

When he was ready to set off and was about to start again, Fenrir found a very serious problem, so he could only turn his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassedly: "Uh... Master, the surrounding real space is distorted by the phoenix. , can you please...restore?"

The instant the phoenix appeared, the nearby space and reality were distorted, turning this area into a labyrinth in a sense.

If you want to go out, you must restore the distorted reality to its original state and this requires the power of the phoenix.


Lorde agreed to the request without hesitation.

It just so happened that he also wanted to test the power of the phoenix, the most powerful primordial energy in the universe, how powerful it can be.


Just a slight thought, the power of the phoenix hidden in Lord's eyebrows seemed to be stimulated, spewing out like a raging tide, and in just a blink of an eye, it directly drowned the stars outside the solar system.

Lord slowly stretched out his hand, and with the flow of thoughts, the five fingers slowly clenched.

The next moment, the space thinks of fragile tofu, crushed by invisible force, and the distorted reality returns to its original state in an instant.

The huge phoenix flames burned all reality, and then reshaped it again.

Unlike the essence of Chaos Power, which distorts reality from the root, Phoenix Power first destroys and then creates.


Lord frowned slightly and found a problem.

The power of chaos and the power of the phoenix seem to have a tendency to merge!

Two ancient energies that also came from the primordial universe appeared in a person's body at the same time. The situation that was incompatible with fire and water actually merged in an extremely brief moment just now.

Just like yin and yang in Tai Chi, although the two are different in nature, they can be integrated with each other while restraining each other.

This discovery made Lord a little happy.

If he guessed correctly, once the power of chaos and the power of the phoenix are fused, a brand new power may be born!

And by then, he would never again worry about Sithawn's will. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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