Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:26:09 PM

Chapter 1221: Holding the monument with one hand, 1 road westbound

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Antarctica, a hidden underground base.

This used to be a secret base built by the Avengers to defend against an alien crisis.

Now under the siege of the five Phoenix Apostles, the remaining superheroes are all gathered in this secret base, planning a plan to counterattack.

At this moment, the Illuminati is holding a meeting to discuss the big events that took place in New York last night.

In addition to the Illuminati, the people attending this meeting also invited Captain America and Thor to sit in. After all, they are the only two of the most popular superheroes today.

If Thor and Captain America are excluded again, it is easy to put the current Avengers on the verge of disintegration.

"I have a general understanding of the situation here."

Iron Man had dark circles under his eyes, and it seemed that he hadn't slept for several days. He looked a little decadent, and his messy hair looked like a chicken coop, but his eyes were still very bright, like two incandescent lamps.

"Then report it, Tony."

Doctor Strange seemed to be more tired than him, his face was slightly gloomy, his hands were crossed in front of his face, and he said hoarsely.

Namor, Black Bolt, Mister Fantastic, as well as Thor and Captain America, all turned their attention to Iron Man, waiting for his report.

"Wednesday, project the data."

Iron Man snapped his fingers, and a projection several meters in size suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"The code name of this event: Angels come."

"Item Class: X (unknown)."

"Event description: In the early morning of July 27th, at twelve o'clock in the morning, in the city of San Diego on the west coast of the United States, a dazzling light appeared, and then at an alarming speed, it spanned the entire North America, from west to East to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City."

"When the glare reached the Brooklyn Bridge, it turned into a huge humanoid creature about nine hundred feet tall, glowing all over, with two glowing wings behind and a huge ring of glowing objects overhead."

"The giant humanoid is standing on the East River in New York with its head bowed in prayer, holding a huge flaming sword in both hands."

"And after the appearance of humanoids, a golden cup appeared on the East River, which is suspected to be the legendary 'Holy Grail'."

"In addition to the object suspected to be the Holy Grail, behind the luminous giant humanoid creature, there is also a huge bronze door, which according to the detection results does not exist, it is more like a product of... projection. "

"But most importantly, within the projection of that bronze door, a garden can be vaguely seen."

"According to the results of the detectors sent by the five Phoenix Apostles, it seems that there are still a large number of individuals similar to this huge glowing humanoid, as well as a seemingly ordinary apple tree."

Speaking of which, Iron Man paused slightly and looked around at the expressions on everyone's faces.

Almost as he imagined, there was a trace of shock and awe on everyone's face, more incomprehensible and dazed.

"Then I will continue."

Iron Man picked up the Coke on the table, took a quick sip, and continued: "Next is the Phoenix Five Apostles. For some tests on this object, I let Wednesday hack into their computer and found relevant information."

"Anyone who approaches the 'angel' on foot, or who tries to touch and seize the Holy Grail, will initially hear a warning to leave."

"The source of the sound is from a creature suspected of being an 'angel'. People who have heard it describe it as the 'voice of an angel'. There are signs of being confused and controlling the mind, and it is impossible to distinguish the gender, age, and gender of the object through the sound. character, etc."

"The warning will be repeated three times, but if you stick to it, it will be devastating."

"According to the records of dozens of dead cases, all of them were vaporized by ultra-high temperature in an instant. It is suspected that it was the result of the flaming sword in the hand of the 'Angel'. Subsequent tests of the five Phoenix Apostles with a sentinel robot with a vibrating gold skeleton were also used. Consistent with the above, it was instantly vaporized."

"The results of the above investigation report are about the general analysis of the creatures that appear to be angels on the Brooklyn Bridge and the East River in New York City, and the current summary information. If you have any questions, you can ask them."

Iron Man sat back in his seat, waiting for everyone's questions.

"Angel... Is this thing really an angel?" Captain America stared at the projected picture and couldn't help but ask, "What is she? What is that door?"

This question was asked by others.

Iron Man cleared his throat, folded his hands against his chin, and said solemnly: "According to the ancient Babylonian documents and the records of the Dead Sea Scrolls, I suspect that this luminous creature is probably the legendary 'angel', and she guards the The door is the 'Yindian Garden', the apple tree . . . is naturally the tree of good and evil that enlightens mankind."

"I don't think it's her angel." Thor squinted his eyes, and said: "Asgard once defeated an angel, and I've seen that group of birdmen with wings, far less than this thing. One of the terrible."

"So, an individual suspected of being an 'angel'?"

Mr. Fantastic rubbed his swollen eyebrows and said with a headache: "Is there a possibility that the kind of angel you have seen is not a real angel?"

Thor was slightly silent, shook his head and said, "Maybe, maybe not, I can't be sure."

Iron Man turned his attention to Namor and said, "What about you? Atlantis has existed for the longest time, is there any relevant record?"

"Hey, sorry, we haven't recorded such a thing."

Namor folded his hands on his chest and said with a resolute expression: "And I don't care about any angels, and I don't care what she is, I only care what her purpose is. That's the most important thing, isn't it?"

"Your way of looking at things is simpler than Parker's."

Iron Man raised his eyebrows, disapproving of Namor's opinion, and immediately choked back: "Until we figure out her purpose, if we don't understand what she is, there is no way to start an investigation."

"What can I do if I know?" Namor sneered and shot back: "Whether she is an angel or not, what we should do now is to stop the actions of the five Phoenix Apostles, instead of sitting here wasting time and watching them helplessly. Take that cup!"

"How to stop it? Is it just your mouth?"

Iron Man made use of his stinky mouth and sprayed directly: "If it wasn't for Strange last time, you would have become a dried fish, please use your brain? If we have a way, as for Shrinking at the Antarctic base?"

"Tony, you are courting death!"

Namor, furious, got up with the harpoon and stared at him viciously.

"Why, are you planning to do it?" Iron Man also stood up, the nano armor covered his body, and the energy light on his chest was on: "I'm not afraid of you, the stinky fishman of Atlantis, don't think of this as your kingdom!"

Seeing that the two were about to start, a wave of magical power burst out, forcibly pressing the two on the seat.

"Both of you, calm down, now is not the time for infighting."

Dr. Strange's black eyes swept across the two of them, with a hint of oppressive coldness, and hoarsely said: "I have heard all your discussions, that creature is indeed an angel, I can be very sure of this. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com”

Iron Man and Namor glared at each other, turned their heads angrily, and stopped talking.

After Doctor Strange determined that the other party was an 'angel', the rest of the people looked solemn, Captain America hesitated for a while, and said, "Since that is a real angel, does that mean... the Holy Grail? Is it true?!"

"If nothing else, it should be true."

Iron Man sighed and said solemnly: "But we still don't know what exactly that thing does."

Not only are they curious, but people all over the United States are now wondering what the Holy Grail does.

Is it as in the legend that just drinking the blood of **** in the cup can make people rejuvenated, resurrected from the dead, immortalized, or is there any other greater use?

"Sir, I think you might want to take a look at this."

While everyone was thinking silently, the artificial intelligence suddenly spoke on Wednesday.

Tony raised his brows, although it was not clear for the time being, but considering that Wednesday would not be lost, he nodded and said, "Project it, Wednesday."

Then, in the next moment, a blue projection screen appeared in front of everyone.

In the picture is the East River in New York. I saw that in the huge bronze door behind the angel, a very old middle-eastern man wearing a linen robe, bare feet, long beard and white hair, slowly walked out.

But what caught everyone's attention was that the old man was holding a stone tablet five or six meters high with one hand.

The stele is covered with a piece of white silk cloth, which covers most of the stele itself, but only from the texture of the stele, it looks like red granite from the Egyptian basin, with ancient traces of erosion over time.

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