Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:23:38 PM

Chapter 1295: Under desperation, reverse the future (4)

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"Abandon the confusion and stick to the faith."

"No need to worry, no need to be afraid."

"With me, she won't hurt you, just walk forward."

"Don't be influenced by hallucinations, remember."

The voice of the saint resounded in her heart.

Wanda put aside all distractions and rushed towards New York City.

But this short distance of 1,500 meters has never felt so long.

The evil murmur in the back of her mind, like the echoes in the valley, was amplified through continuous superposition, until it finally exploded like a thunderclap, almost destroying her sanity and dragging her into the dark abyss.

Several times, she couldn't help it, and wanted to look back at the evil look behind her that made her feel horrified.

But every time, at the last moment, when she was about to turn her head, she was forcibly controlled by her and continued to look back.

An endless gust of wind whistled from behind, accompanied by an unpleasant stench.

An extremely angry roar, like a giant thunder blasting from behind.

Even if she didn't look back, she could feel that the entity in the black mist was trying to break through the Saint's defense.

At this moment, a distorted huge dark shadow, through the clouds, the earth, and all the substances that can spread, shone on her path, undulating and fluctuating like mud and swamps.

The shadow gradually grew under her feet, and it seemed that the group of monsters behind her was approaching at a high speed.


The cold and biting cold wind hit the back of her neck, accompanied by some moist air.

In an instant, goosebumps and hair stand on end.

A wet patch of water vapor on the back of her neck, it felt like that thing... just behind her, so close that it was almost touching.

Fear accumulates little by little in my heart.

"No, Wanda, can't look back!"

Wanda warned himself over and over again, pinching his arms and thighs, forcibly dispelling the haze shrouded in his heart.

Ignoring the distorted shadow that was still growing, as if to swallow her up, she bit her head and continued to fly forward.

New York City, gradually enlarged in the eyes.

Soon...soon...hold on!

Wanda encouraged herself in her heart, forcing the fear out of her head to focus on one thing.

But no matter how she deliberately ignored it, the fear was still accumulating in her heart.

Until... a slippery, sticky, soft thing gently slid across her neck, leaving a sticky, smelly black liquid behind.

In another instant, it seemed like a thunderbolt exploded in her mind.


Wanda's mind went blank, and trembling fear spread all over his body.

The sticky tentacle reappeared, and it slowly wrapped around, twitching the hair.

"You... are you still there?" Wanda, who was extremely terrified, shouted the name of 'Saint'.

But a pity.

It was as if in a vacuum, her voice and fear, no one could hear.

The tentacle slid down her back crest little by little, like a poisonous snake, and it slowly got into her clothes and walked along her skin, where it was full of smooth touch.

She moved her eyes stiffly and looked at her neck from the corner of her eye.

A huge, rotting, wriggling mass, like black mud, lay on her back.

It's like a twisted, abstract creation made by a child with water and mud.

There is no specific image, because it is constantly changing, stretching, and twisting, and it looks like a black-fired porcelain body just out of the kiln, with disgusting green eyeballs and a sharp-toothed mouth spitting fishy slime.

If you have to describe it.

This black mud-like monster is probably like... a surreal twisted sculpture of a perverted artist.


She couldn't take it any longer and screamed in horror.

That growing fear, like a monster, devoured the only remaining reason.

Persistence, faith, reason... all accompanied by that tentacle, were destroyed, she cried out 'Jesus' frantically, begging for the redemption of the Son of God, and dispelling the darkness and fear in her heart.

But all the sounds could not be transmitted.

Suddenly, the surroundings turned into darkness, without any sound or light, like the stomach of a monster.

This scene became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

back! back! back!

Finally, fear prevailed at this moment, and she turned her head to look behind her.

Chaos magic is like a surging giant wave, setting off a rolling wind, tearing the void into pieces, destroying everything within the range.

However, when the power of chaos stopped, Wanda knew that he was wrong.

That terrifying, black-mud-like monster doesn't actually exist, everything is an illusion created.

There are no so-called monsters, nor so-called shadows.

The weird and twisted black mist, blocked by the golden light of the saint, was still far away from her.

And New York City... the sacred barrier set up by the angel is less than one meter away from her.

The swollen girl smiled, with a hint of sarcasm and mockery, looked down at the saint who stopped her, and said, "It's a pity that you lost again."


Holding a scarlet spear, **** looked back at Wanda with deep helplessness and disappointment on his face.


Wanda closed her eyes in pain, tears running down her cheeks.

She succumbed to the illusion created by that fear, killing humanity's last hope with her own hands.


In the next instant, Wanda exploded from the inside out, like a bursting balloon.

The flesh and blood were mixed with internal organs and sprayed on the ground, splashing a little scarlet, coquettish blood-colored flowers.


The ancient silver key fell on the ground, rolled a few times, and finally stopped at the edge of the barrier.

"It's over... Jesus."

The swollen girl easily passed Jesus, appeared on the edge of the barrier, and picked up the silver key: "Just like the failure last time, this time you still lose for the same reason, that is... believe The so-called human beings."

The ancient silver key shines in her hands.

One after another, the light of brilliant stars rose from under the earth, as if a sharp sword shot straight into the sky, piercing the sky.

boom boom boom...

The starlight crashed into the unfathomable crack, and immediately set off a huge explosion.

The chains of order visible to the naked eye shattered under the impact of the starlight.

Then, countless stars gathered together, blooming with dazzling brilliance. In the depths of the deep and restrained starry sky, the infinite brilliance gathered out of the sphere, like a giant in myth stepping out of the crack.

At this moment, time and space are collapsing, and dimensions are constantly sinking and collapsing.

If you look at it from the starry sky, you can find that the entire earth is pressed into a pancake and slowly spreads out like a picture scroll. Everything is imprinted in the 'picture scroll', revealing despair and nameless terror. .

All things have a name, and the thing that gathers thousands of radiant spheres is called Yog-Sothoth!

"Welcome brother!"

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