Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:51:16 PM

Chapter 440: Contradiction spiral (1)

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The latest website: There is not much time left for XX......

Lord's complexion was a little weird, and this kind of sentence was inexplicably familiar. He seemed to have heard it often in his previous life.

After a brief distraction, he greeted the question again, that is, what is hidden in that weird factory, and how nervous is Nexia's expression.

The source of the evil in this city, this time the vocabulary just sounds, it makes people intuitively feel that it is definitely not a good thing.

What is the connection between the Casanova Hotel, Wilbur Waterley, and the Prison of Spirit?

Moreover, is it possible that Wilbur Waterley's attempt to rebuild a hotel with exactly the same structure is just to cover up the spiritual prison?

Intuition told him, it's not that simple!

That mysterious Wilbur Waterley, who built this underground hotel, must have other ulterior motives.

"You are my daughter..."

Lord looked faintly sighed, and said, "As long as I changed to an individual and said riddles in front of me, I would have died ten times by now."

Constantine deeply agreed: "Yes, the Riddler is the most hateful. Gabriel used to be like this, and then he almost ripped off his wings!"

"I didn't mean it, father."

Nexia looked apologetic, his cuffs were firmly held in his hands, and he lowered his head deeply: "But I really can't say more, otherwise...everything will go off track."

"It's okay, I didn't blame you."

Seeing the girl's pitiful appearance, Lord couldn't bear to blame her. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's blonde hair, and chuckled lightly: "It's just a mere layer of spiritual prison, and I can't hold your father and me."

Although things have become more complicated, fortunately, it is not all bad news. At least now they know that this is not a real spiritual hell, at least there is no need to penetrate the nine hells.

The bad news is...

Even if it is only a layer of spiritual prison, the internal space is extremely huge, even intricate like a maze, and there is also the threat of weeping angels, so it is no less difficult to find a key in such a place than to find a needle in a haystack.

Although there is a ‘prophet’ around him who knows where the key is, but she is controlled by the timeline and cannot interfere too much in the current time and space, so she still has to rely on them.

This hurts.

It's like the strategy is clearly placed next to them, but they just can't watch it, and insist on going through the level by themselves.

"Damn it!"

Constantine said angrily: "I knew that Wilbur had a problem, I should have caught him and tortured him!"

"Wilbur... is not dead yet."

Neksia said: "It's in that factory, so you still have a chance to meet him, provided that we have to find the key."

"Swear to God, I must break his arm off and push it into his asshole!" Constantine gritted his teeth.

"Don't speak harshly."

Lord shook his head, and said, "First find a way to find the key. You two will follow me closely, the crying's likely to be nearby."

So far, the crying angel who threatened them the most has not yet appeared.

Who knows which dark corner these lonely assassins are hiding in, waiting for a fatal blow from the darkness, so for the sake of caution, they must never be separated, let alone relax their vigilance.

The underground Casanova Hotel is different from the hotel upstairs. The circuit here has not been cut off by the angels and the lighting system is still in normal operation, so the entire hotel lobby looks bright, except for the lack of popularity.

The three slowly walked through the hall and walked to the stairs to the left of the mural.

It is indeed contrary to the structure of the hotel upstairs. The stairs do not go up, but extend to a deeper place.

"The hotel above has nine floors, and the one below should be the same, so the ninth floor of the key is most likely to appear." Constantine analyzed.

"Let's go down and take a look."

Lord walked in the forefront and let Nexia follow him closely.

There is only his instantaneous step speed, which can react and escape the claws at the moment the angel appears, so the task of leading the battle can only be entrusted to him.

The staircase of the Casanova Hotel is slightly different from other hotels. It is a spiral downward structure, and the position of the staircase on each floor is different, dispelling Lord's idea of ​​going directly to the ninth floor. .

Standing on the edge of the handrail of the stairs, looking from the top down, the spiral staircase structure seems to have some special magic power, which makes people feel an urge to jump directly from above.

But fortunately, the impact was not great, even ordinary people could overcome it, let alone the three of Lord and Constantine, who were just a little focused and dispelled the impulse in my heart.


The three of them were speechless all the way, silently descending to the end of the spiral staircase. Oncoming was a corridor with expensive Arabian red carpets on the ground and closed hotel doors on both sides. This is the first place of the Casanova Hotel. Second floor!

Lord secretly increased his vigilance, and the range of Reibu detection extended to five meters around, which was already the maximum limit, and then stepped on the red carpet with his left foot.


When the soles of the feet fell, the feeling that came from was not the soft touch of an expensive blanket, but rather like stepping on a pool of water.

"Tsk, where's the water?"

Lord felt wrong, raised the soles of his feet on the blanket, lowered his head and glanced, but his expression changed.

What oozes out of the blanket is not water, but bright red blood, and the area where he landed is clearly marked with a footprint. After the bright red blood was squeezed out, the original blanket was exposed. Other colors.

It turned out that the blankets spread on this corridor were not red at all, but the bright red color that only appeared after being soaked in an unknown amount of blood!

"Sure enough..."

Lord frowned, took a deep breath, resisting the discomfort in his heart, stepped on the blanket again, and walked towards the inside.

When Constantine saw this, he could only pinch his nose, and followed with a grim look.

Nexia was caught between the two and followed them silently, neither choosing to make any audible prompts nor to make unnecessary actions, just like being a transparent person.

"The structure of the hotel upstairs is a reciprocal shape I think the stairs leading to the next floor should be at the other end of the corridor." Constantine said.

"Oh, I see."

Lord looked around and found that the blood was leaking out of the room, so he walked outside the first room on the right, raised his hand to smash the door lock, and then opened the door.


The wooden door was pushed open.

Not surprisingly, there were two male corpses who had just died.

A sharp weapon was inserted into the chest and neck of the two male corpses. Obviously, it was a prop that took their lives. Judging from the method of death and the environment, it should be the process of arguing that lost control of emotion and killed the other party.

What makes people feel strange is...

The two corpses seemed to have just died, and they were still constantly flowing, with gurgling blood flowing outside.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!