Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:51:08 PM

Chapter 446: Parrot

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Dark, silent, silent.

A weird atmosphere finally came to the top at this time.

The fourth person’s breathing was only momentary, but since Constantine could hear it, Lord naturally heard it too.

He locked the general direction of the breath for the first time, but the dark surroundings were too weird, which not only blocked the line of sight from penetrating, but even hindered the detection of Rei's pressure.

In this weird dark environment, their visible range is only less than two meters.

Two meters...

In the case of a master clash, it is a very dangerous distance!

'S sight was compressed to the extreme, and with the dark depressive environment, as well as unknown enemies and crying angels, multiple threats test people's spirits and reactions. Once they react slightly, the end will undoubtedly die.

Constantine tried to use magic to ignite a flame to illuminate the surrounding environment.

This idea is no problem, but when the magic flame is ignited, the light is still limited to two meters, and the flame is faintly swaying like a candle in the wind, as if there are signs of extinguishing at any time, which undoubtedly makes him more nervous It's a bit.

But in times of crisis, Lord became calmer.

Although the darkness blocked the vision and Reiki detection, it didn't mean that he didn't have any coping methods.

There are five kinds of human senses, namely eye, ear, mouth, nose and touch.

Even if he loses his sight and Reinforcement detection, he still has four other senses to rely on to deal with the current situation.

Compared with the final cleanse of insects, Yan Mo cricket, which Dongsen wanted, it could deprive all senses of the environment except for the sense of touch. The dark environment in front of him was much simpler. At least he didn't need to rely on touch and intuition to fight back.

At this moment, Lord's face was expressionless, and he clenched the Zanpaku Knife tightly.

Sharp eyes are like the blade of a knife, sweeping around slowly, pricking up ears to listen carefully to the movement in the dark, once the fourth person’s voice appears again, then the sharp gun in his hand will penetrate it at the fastest speed. !

But they waited for more than ten minutes, but the breathing sound never appeared again.

"We... have we made a mistake?"

Constantine asked suspiciously.

Maybe it was because the light suddenly disappeared just now, and when the crystal lamp fell, they were too nervous, so they mistaken the sound of other things as the breathing of the fourth person.

Lord frowned, thinking it was impossible.

With his hearing, even dozens of meters away, the mosquito's wing flapping can be heard clearly. Therefore, at close range, the possibility of mixing a person's breathing with other sounds is almost impossible.

"We... have we made a mistake?"

There was another voice, which suddenly sounded from the darkness.

"it's here!"

Lord's pupils shrank suddenly, judging the approximate direction with his astonishing hearing, and then he raised his hand and slashed out.


Within a one-thousandth of a second, the sharp spear suddenly shot a cold light.

No one knew what exactly the sharp spear hit. Everyone clearly heard a sound of being penetrated, but then when the sharp spear retracted, the knife body was still as clean as new, and no debris was contaminated.

"it's here!"

Another voice came out from the darkness.

The voice in the dark this time is obviously deliberately imitating what Lord said just now, and Constantine's back is suddenly streaked with hair on his back, and his face is shocked: "Damn it, something is learning from us!"

"Damn it, something is learning from us!"

The unknown existence in the dark imitated Constantine's tone and repeated what he had said.

"Fak, **** bastard!"

Constantine's heart was upset, inexplicably angry, he cursed loudly into the darkness: "Get out of here quickly, don't hide where you have the ability, and play these kid's tricks!"

"Fak, **** bastard!"

"Get out of here, don’t hide where you have the ability, and play these kid’s tricks!"

The next moment, without a doubt, the same voice came from the darkness.

"Oh, Fuck, are you the baby in your mother's arms? I like to learn from others so much!" Constantine cursed angrily.

"Oh, Fake, are you the baby in your mother's arms? I like learning to talk so much!"

"You forced me, bastard!"

Constantine grinned back and suddenly opened his mouth and burst out a string of unknown words.

That is obviously a spell used to cast magic, so the syllables and accents are very strange. It is difficult for normal creatures to imitate it, but the thing in the dark is still accurately pronounced.

Constantine stopped at the last word, his face turned into pig liver color, and gritted his teeth, "What the **** is this?"

"What the **** is this?"



"Great Lord Satan, please follow my call!"

"Great Lord Satan, please follow my call!"

"Okay, you have the ability to learn this, I don't believe you can learn even the Enoch language of angels!"

"Okay, you have the ability to learn this, I don't believe you can learn even the Enoch language of angels!"

Constantine, who was in a state of anger, planned to use the angel’s Enochian language to teach the evil **** who was parroting in the dark, but UU's mouth was suddenly sealed by ghosts.

"Constantin, stop talking."

"Constantin, stop talking."

Lord's voice, and the voice in the dark, sounded almost exactly at the same time.

The simultaneous sounds echoed like accents, Constantine's eyes widened, and a look of horror was reflected in his pupils.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the ‘learning’ speed of this thing is evolving."

"Sure enough, as I thought, the ‘learning’ speed of this thing is evolving."

Lord closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He probably knew the origin of this thing, so he warned Constantine:

"From now on, don’t speak. This thing will start from imitating the sounds of other creatures and learn at an incredible speed. It will reach the second stage that is 100% synchronized with the sounds of imitating creatures, and will eventually be ahead of the imitated sounds. Creatures, say what they want to say, and then the creature imitated will become the next one."*2

There is no doubt, now is the second stage.

This thing has reached the stage of complete synchronization, the next step is to advance and surpass them.

Imitate, synchronize, transcend.

This is a kind of terrible monster that will eventually turn you into a similar monster by learning your voice.

Where did they come from, why they should imitate the sounds of other creatures, whether they have entities, etc. These Lords are not very clear. In the plot of "Doctor Who" he has seen, this ghost has only appeared once. .

And that encounter was the doctor's most desperate time for humanity.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!