Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:50:51 PM

Chapter 456: Wilbur's manuscript part 2

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In June 1913.

When His Majesty George V was inspecting the troops, he suddenly fell from the galloping horse, causing the pelvis to be almost severely broken.

This fall caused a great decline in your majesty’s health, and I soon realized that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Maybe I can use this incident to gain the right to rule Newcastle in a fair and open manner.

By studying the activated vegetation, I formulated a potion that enhances vitality.

These potions full of active power quickly healed His Majesty George V’s wounds and made him more energetic than before. I also got my wish and became the chief physician of the court, and gained the rule of Newcastle.

And I paid only a few square meters of turf.

Those stupid nobles have been bought by me. No one can refuse such a mysterious potion. They are like maggots in the toilet, their bodies that have long been rotten and smelly, and can only rely on my life potion to continue.

The Waterley family has never been so popular.

But I don’t care about these vain things. I am different from those politicians who are corrupted by power. I only pursue truth and knowledge, and everything I want is hidden in that land!

Intuition tells me that there must be a secret there!


1913, October.

The bad news, I found that the vitality of the land is weakening.

I can’t watch all of this happen. The greedy nobles are waiting for my potion. If the land and vegetation lose their vitality, then waiting for my ending is to be torn apart by those wicked wolves!

No... this is not what I want!

I tried to prevent this power from disappearing, but unfortunately no matter what method is used, it won’t work.

The activity contained in the land and vegetation is getting less and less, and it is expected that it can only last for three months at most, so I must find a way to prevent this force from disappearing during this period of time!


1913, December.

The bad news came one after another, and that power was already very thin.

If there is no accident, at the end of this month, that power will completely disappear, the land and vegetation will return to their previous state, and then I will no longer be able to produce that magical potion.

The meteorite that fell down, one did not find its existence.

Originally I thought it was the meteorite that was broken into this land due to the huge impact force after the fall, so that this powerful and vigorous life would be produced, but now I have one last chance, that is, to find the residual material of the meteorite!

I built a factory in this area, and claimed to be used to treat urban sewage and waste.

There are factories like this all over the UK, so no one will doubt me, those stupid civilians are still thanking me, but in this way, I can excavate and research this land with integrity, hoping to find The remnants of the meteorite.

May the omnipotent and kind Father, bless your devout and faithful believers!


1914, the end of January.

The digging process went smoothly, and no one noticed it.

The only regret is that I can't trust other people, so I can only dig by myself. At a distance of 50 meters from the surface, I finally found the meteorite. I didn't expect it to be a pure golden egg!

This golden egg is about three meters in diameter, and it looks like some kind of velvet on the outside. It exudes extremely majestic and mysterious energy, at least hundreds of times that of the previous land and vegetation.

Just taking a breath near the golden egg, I felt a steady flow of power.

But at the same time, I heard a strong heartbeat in this golden egg.

Something is being bred in this golden egg, so the activity in the land and vegetation disappears because the things in this golden egg are recovering?

I don’t know, what is hidden in this golden egg.

But if I want this energy, I must let the stuff in the egg continue to fall asleep!


1914, February.

It's a pity that I tried everything but I couldn't open this golden egg.


1914, March.

The heartbeat inside the golden egg became stronger, and occasionally I could even hear the sound of breathing.

The time left for me is running out, and the contents in it quickly recovered. I remembered that there are some extraordinary knowledge recorded in the Waterley family books, maybe they can help me open this thing.

I hope my grandfather did not lie to me, those books are really useful.


1914, April, London.

I found a book that recorded strange rituals.

But I had no choice. I followed the description in the book and successfully held the ceremony.

As I got closer and closer to the truth, I was already bathed in the glory of knowledge.

Human beings are too small, and the truth that they pursue throughout their lives is nothing more than some false illusions.


1914, the end of April.

I used the knowledge in my mind to open the golden egg.

But the scene before my eyes has subverted my understanding of the whole world.

I used to think that there would be no gods in the world.

The omnipotent and compassionate Father is nothing more than religious belief.

But now, I found myself wrong. There really are gods in this world. They look at us aloft, watching human beings suffer from life and death and wars, but they still refuse to offer mercy to save us.

God cannot be both omnipotent and omnipotent.

If God is omnipotent, then He must not be merciful.

If God is merciful, then He must not be omnipotent.

This...not fair!


1914, May.


is unbelievable, so there are such creatures in the world? !



1914, July.


1914, August.

God is neither omniscient, nor omnipotent, nor merciful.

1914, September.


1914, the end of September.

A girl from the future, it is most suitable to be used as a cornerstone.

1914, October.

The research is progressing well, but the experimental body is not enough.

1914, November.

I want to thank Germany, if it were not for the war they caused, maybe I would not have such a good opportunity.

Now that the untouchables in the city have been aware of the truth, it's better to take this opportunity to turn them all into experimental subjects. Anyway, it is a war period. With a little trick, you can hide from those stupid politicians. .

1914, December.

I need to observe a large number of deaths!

1914, the end of December.

I didn't expect that the thing I got from the golden egg could summon something from another world, so that it could just help me complete the plan.

1914, January.

Germany bombed London.

The hotel's renovation plan has been completed, and everything is ready only for the final ‘experiment’.

My plan to ascend to the gods...Finally can begin!




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