Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:50:49 PM

Chapter 457: The truth is approaching

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There are still many manuscripts on the table.

But unfortunately, most of the handwriting is vague, and you can't read the content clearly.

Although reading the manuscript left by Wilbur Waterley, the doubts in Constantine's heart have become more, whether it is the mysterious golden egg that has fallen or the "Plan of Ascension" mentioned by this lunatic.

Constantine put down the yellowed manuscript, turned his head to look at Neksia, and asked curiously: "According to your request, I have read the entire manuscript, but there is no mention of all this. The truth of the mystery."

According to the practice of the previous few times, it should now be the decryption link of the ‘prophet’.

This time, however, Nekhya did not have a ‘spoiler’.


Constantine was stunned for a few seconds, and then prompted: "You are not going to say anything?"

"It's not yet time."

Nexia shook her head, raised her finger to a place in the room, and said, "There is a mechanism there that can open a secret passage."

Constantine suppressed the question in his heart, walked to the position pointed by Nexia, and pressed the mechanism.


As the room shook, the rock wall rolled to the right.

A darker and narrower tunnel suddenly appeared in front of the two people, and the cold and cold wind blowing from it was faintly mixed with a disgusting smell of blood.

"What a heavy smell of blood!"

Constantine frowned, clutching his nose and said, "Do you know where this tunnel leads to?"

"The devil's lair, the source of the plan to ascend to the gods, the factory mentioned in Wilbur's manuscript." Neksia took a deep breath and slowly said, "The place where the golden egg fell. It is also the final destination of our trip."

"and many more......"

Constantine glanced at her suspiciously, and asked, "Didn't you say that you want to find the key?"

Nexia said calmly: "I have got the key."

"Why didn't I see, when did you get the key?" Constantine's eyes showed a touch of surprise. He had been observing Neksia all the time, and he hadn't seen her taking anything from here.

"The key is just an adjective."

Nekhya explained: "It's not a key in the conventional sense, and I can't explain it to you."

"Forget it if you don't want to say..."

Constantine looked speechless and said again: "But now there are only two of us. Should we wait for Lord's side to end and let us go to the factory together, so that it is safer and safer?"

"That's too late."

Nexia shook her head and said, "Father will catch up soon. Let's go to the factory to prevent the plan to ascend to the gods."

"Are you sure, just relying on the two of us to do it?" Constantine was very skeptical. The two of them were afraid that they were not going to die in the past. The dark magic books in that cabinet were not kidding people!


Nexia was very sure, nodded and said: "In fact, the most important person who wants to stop the ascension plan is not me, but you, John Constantine!"


Constantine was extremely surprised, thinking how he could stop Wilbur's plan to ascend to God.

"Yes, it's you."

Nexia confirmed again: "Or to be more precise, only you can stop the plan of ascension to gods,"

"Wait a minute......"

Constantine seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly became a little weird: "What you call only I can stop it, isn't it about sacrificing me and summoning Lucifer, right?"

Perhaps it was because he sacrificed more teammates, so whenever such a critical moment, I felt that others might harm him.

Especially last time in Los Angeles, Lord attempted to sacrifice him to summon Lucifer. Constantine still remembers this. Now that he ran into this guy's daughter, he would inevitably not worry about it.

in a sense......

He is in disguise. He is suffering from persecution delusions. After all, he has done too many bad things, and he can't worry about it!

"......You think too much."

Neksia was a little speechless, and shook his head: "I won't sacrifice you, and this place is very special. Even if you die, Lucifer will not appear, so don't worry."


Constantine was still a little skeptical. Although his instinct told him that Nexia did not lie, he still wanted to check again.


Neksia felt tired, and said helplessly: "Not everyone, like you, likes sacrificing teammates."

"Well, I believe you once!"

In the end, Constantine was defeated and was moved by the girl's sincere eyes.

The two walked into the tunnel one by one.

This is almost the same as the one leading to the room. It is a secret passage that someone has dug secretly in the underground rock formation.

Because it is raining all the time in the city outside, we can feel damp even in the underground. Water drops continuously drip from the cracks in the rock wall, and the feet are covered with unknown moss. It feels very slippery when you step on it, plus gravel. The paved path is quite strenuous.

Click... Click...

Constantine and Neksia, one deep and one shallow, stepped on the uneven gravel road, and in the dark environment where they could not see their fingers, they moved forward slowly, touching the wet rock wall.

This secret path is very long.

They walked for more than ten minutes without seeing a trace of light. There was only endless darkness in front of them, and the more they went inside, the air became more fishy and unpleasant, and even the temperature became higher and higher.


Constantine wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked up at the still dark environment in front of him. Suddenly he felt a strange feeling. This dark passage is like the mouth of some kind of giant beast, and they are the self-throwing net, about to be digested. Residue.

keep going......

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Constantine couldn't bear it and wanted to yell at him, he suddenly heard the roar of the machine.

"We're almost there!"

Constantine's spirits lifted up, and hurriedly speeded up his pace, ignoring whether there were any traps, and almost ran out.


The roar of the machine became louder and louder, and it was directly magnified countless times in a closed environment like the underpass, shaking the eardrum like thunder, and even placing your hand on the rock wall next to it, you can feel the clear vibration. Came.

Finally he saw the end!

At the end of this dark tunnel is the area directly below the factory, which is usually used to drain waste water.

It's just that now this underground drainage system is filled with countless broken corpses, and even the river channel is filled with blood. The stench they smelled came from here!


Seeing this **** scene, Konstantin only felt a stomachache, and couldn't help but turn around and spit it out directly against the wall.

"follow me."

Nexia's complexion was slightly pale, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she seemed a little uncomfortable with the environment here, and walked straight toward the depths of the drainage system.

"I will convert to vegetarianism when I go back!"

Constantine leaned on the wall panting, wiped the green bile from his mouth, followed Nexia's footsteps with a bitter expression, he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

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