Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:50:41 PM

Chapter 460: The truth about the ascension plan

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Constantine's brain was blank, and he swallowed subconsciously.

That is the messenger of the highest-ranking **** in heaven, the only seven seraphs under the throne of God!

He was fortunate enough to have dealt with one of the blazing angels, so even how powerful these supreme beings are, just the coercion released is enough to destroy a city where hundreds of thousands of people gather.

Even if Wilbur has more dark magic and more taboo knowledge, but he is only a human being after all, how could he be one of the only seven seraphs under the seat of God, the supremacy that can compete with the **** lord Are sacred creatures imprisoned in such a disgusting place full of blasphemy?




The calling voice became clearer and clearer.

Constantine looked slightly startled, and found that the woman in the culture tank opened her eyes through the turbid body of fresh blood.


At this moment, everything seems to be still.

Constantine had felt this kind of power, and he knew it was the unique ‘still time’ of angels.

When Gabriel appeared in front of him occasionally in the past, he would often stop the surrounding time from flowing. The advantage is to avoid being caught by mortals to see the true face of the angel, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble in the future.

However, it is now more than time stopped.

What he is even more curious about now is which of the seven seraphs is the imprisoned Seraphim.

The eyes of the Seraph are extremely pure, like emeralds that have been carefully carved by the craftsmen of the gods, without any flaws, but if you look closely, you can find that there is a dazzling circle around the edges of the emerald green pupils. The golden flames, like hot and hot molten slurry, are flowing slowly in the eyes.

" are finally here."

Seraph’s pupils moved slowly, and fixed on Constantine, flashing a look mixed with pain.

Across the cultivation tank and the dirty blood, the angel's voice rang directly in his mind, which made Constantine stunned for half a second, and then there was a look of surprise on his face: "It's you...always calling me ?"

"Yes...I am calling you."

The pain in the eyes of the blazing angel was more intense, and he said very weakly: "I need your strength to rescue me from here. There is no time, Constantine, I... will not last long. , They... pollute me."

"Wait... pollution?"

Constantine's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of a terrible idea, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath: "So, are the people who died here and the souls who are suffering are all to corrupt and pollute you?"

"That's right... because only in this way can I weaken my Seraph Wings." Seraph said angrily: "That man...want to occupy my body, I can feel it. Then, its consciousness is flowing in it, waiting for the moment when I can't hold on."

"So that's it...I see!"

Constantine had read many black magic, and suddenly realized after listening to it.

The filthy blood flowing in this cultivation tank comes from human beings who have been tortured and died. For a sacred and pure existence like her, it is tantamount to a great blasphemy, eroding the clean **** body all the time.

But if only this is the case, it will not contaminate a blazing angel.

Seraph Wings, even as a symbol of him, are also a powerful source of power that God has given them.

So Wilbur used the second method, which was to collect the tortured souls, mix them and inject them into the cultivation tank, and corrode the wings of the Seraph with the incantation engraved on the outside!

The wailing and screams of those painful souls, accompanied by endless negative emotions, are like a storm after the spell has been strengthened hundreds of times, constantly impacting the strong spiritual barrier of the Seraph.

Once the Seraph Wings are corroded and contaminated, then he will completely lose the protection of the divine power.

And then, it was Wilbur's time to wait!

It will completely occupy the body of the **** created by God, and then become a high god!

Constantine understands everything, it turns out this is the so-called ‘God Ascension Plan’!

Using the evil and filthy power extracted from the dead humans in the city, it pollutes the seraphim's soul and the sacred wings, and finally takes the seraphim's body as his own, and Li Daitao becomes the angel god.

Let such an evil existence occupy the body of a blazing angel, what kind of disaster would happen, it is impossible to imagine. Just thinking about it, Konstantin felt that his whole body was strewn and he vowed that Wilbur's plan would never be successful. !

"Wait, I will rescue you immediately!"

Constantine directly took out the holy hunter and refilled it with holy bullets full of blessings. At the same time, he didn't forget to bargain with Seraph, and said: "These are the bullets that Gabriel blessed. Wait for me to save you. Now, remember to give me a few more blessings at that time."

Seraph did not speak, it may be too weak, of course, it can not be ruled out that it is because he is too shameless.

Soon the two sacred bullets were loaded, Constantine held the sacred hunter in both hands, two huge black muzzles, aimed at the position above the cultivation tank, and the index finger pulled the trigger fiercely.

Boom! boom!

Flames spurted out from the muzzle. Along with the huge roar of the firearm, two golden bullets pushed out of the barrel, as if piercing the dark dawn.

Constantine's mouth raised, watching the trajectory of the two golden bullets, seeing that he was about to touch the cultivation tank, and when he felt everything was stable, he saw a black shadow flashing beside him, passing by at an even more alarming speed!


The bullet stopped in front of the cultivation trough, and was steadily stopped by one hand, as if hitting the metal, splashing a dazzling spark, bursting with a crisp and dull sound.

"I knew it......"

The look of surprise on Constantine's face flashed away, and his hands slowly put down the Holy Hunter, looking at the gradually clearer face, he couldn't help sighing, and said: "No matter what I want to do, accident It is always faster than planned."

The face is very three-dimensional, with hooked nose and thin lips, typical Caucasian characteristics, brown hair meticulously combed back to the head, wearing a straight suit, looks very aristocratic.

"Wow~ I got lucky!"

Constantine blew a whistle and clenched the Divine Hunt.

The face in front of him is the aristocratic man he once saw in the hotel banquet hall, and he is also the culprit who caused this disaster and committed heinous sins, who wanted to be as human as he was. Bo Waterley!

"John Constantine..."

Wilbur Waterley's eyes were gloomy, and he squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Several times and three times I broke my plan. I thought that erasing your memory would minimize the impact, but I didn't expect it to be yours. Woke her up, I knew I should have killed you!"

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