Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:47:16 PM

Chapter 585: A journey that temporarily ended

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The corpse soul world, the palace of the spirit king.

Lord sat on the white throne, tapping the handrail lightly with his fingertips.

He was thinking about how to develop in the future, the direction of future plans, and some ideas about gems.

Now the vigorous situation of the Three Realms has basically taken shape.

In the Seireing Garden of the corpse soul world, the duties of the team leader will be temporarily replaced by Jingle Chunshui.

The ten-edged side of the virtual circle was handed over to Ai Ran Soyousuke.

The commander of the invisible empire is naturally Yugelan Hasward.

The forces of the Three Realms he formed finally came to the front of the stage from behind the scenes, officially showing off in the Marvel world.

Then what he has to face next is to accelerate the development of the three forces under his command in the cracks of many big men to deal with possible future crises, such as supervising the parallel universe TVA, and even... the five gods. !

Six infinite rough stones are now three of them.

And in order to avoid attracting too much attention, Lord deliberately spread the bewildering smoke, so in the eyes of the outside world, it was the invisible empire that took away the space gem, and the virtual circle was the one that took away the spiritual gem.

The reality gem sealed by Asgard knows that not many people fall into his hands.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that the Soul World is still the organization that maintains order in the eyes of outsiders.

Next time, consider the problem of time gems.

Although the current time point is very vague, he estimates that he is not far from Gu Yi's retirement and Doctor Strange's position, so he must make arrangements in advance to avoid accidents at that time.

Especially at the node of time gem exchange, there is still a big problem before him.

That is the ruler from the dark dimension, Domam who is the overlord of the multiverse. This is a difficult problem to solve.

In fact, Lord is still hesitating until now.

Is it to take this opportunity to take the risk of taking away the time gem of Doctor Strange under the gaze of Emperor Weishan and Gu Yi, or to press and wait patiently for a few years until Thanos appears.

Danger and opportunity coexist.

The benefits of getting time gems in advance are self-evident, and it can even advance the plan a lot, and even use the power of gems to counter TVA. These are no longer problems that bother him, but facing the four giant-level ancient gods, it is dangerous. It's not that high.


You can draw Gu Yi to stand on his side and unite against Emperor Weishan.

"The possibility is very slim..."

Lord sighed softly, his temples aching faintly.

And at present there is still one of the most critical issues, that is, the situation on Asgard’s side seems to have become more and more treacherous during this period of time. Odin has fallen into sleep for longer and longer, which means that the gods are twilight. It is likely to appear early.

All these abnormal signs seem to indicate that something is surging under the shadow of the world.

In addition to these issues, there is another ‘person’ that deserves his attention.

Recently, various images have always come into his mind. It seems to come from the spirit king ‘Lord’ in the future timeline. That guy seems to be planning something, and he intuitively tells him that it has a lot to do with him.

Along the way, it seems that his enemies have become more and more.

Looking at the road that is about to go, it is like a rugged, winding and steep cliff. As long as he has an inadvertent negligence, he will stumble and fall into the abyss, and then fall to pieces.

"Is this... the way of the Spirit King?"

Sitting on this white throne at the moment, looking at the empty hall, Lord feels surrounded by loneliness: "I really don't know who will be with me at the end of this road."

In the empty hall, no one can answer his questions.

"System... will you accompany me to the end?"

"Whenever, wherever, the system will always be with you, host."

"It's touching...I will never scold you again."




After ten days of repairs, everyone's injuries have recovered.

During this period of time, the Seirei Garden, which had experienced the chaos of war, restored order under the maintenance of the captains, but the sages in the 46th room in the center and the three captain seats that were currently missing could not be replenished in a short period of time.

It is worth mentioning that Frank joined the eleventh squad.

Although it had already been decided by default, it still went through a lot of process.

As for the content of the joining ceremony... it was to fight with Gengmujian eight times, and finally ended with Frank being seriously injured again.

Steve, who was strongly invited by Kyōraku Chunshui, did not choose to join the eighth division. Instead, he said that he would definitely join the eighth division after he died in the future. This was how he got rid of the uncle's harassment.

Constantine was accustomed to the days of freedom, so he joined the thirteenth squad and was responsible for sending out the world to purify the wandering souls.

The last person, Tony Stark.

Due to his previous identity as a traveler and the power of death in private, he didn't formally join any squad.

However, under the suggestion of the 12th Division Urahara Kisuke, he was given the title of acting Shinigami, so that he can use the Shinigami power in a fair and open manner and serve as a member of the Technology Development Bureau in this world.

Tony is naturally very satisfied with the results of this treatment.

In the future, he doesn't need to be afraid of being caught by the corpse soul world every day, but he can also take the opportunity to get the information of the Technology Development Bureau, which is a great thing for him!

In the past few days when he went to the Technology Development Bureau, Tony was instantly attracted by this kind of technology that uses Lingzi as energy and completely surpasses the common sense of physics. In order to figure out the essence of'Bengyu', he almost agreed without thinking. , Urahara Kisuke’s suggestion.

The collision of the two genius minds inspired a lot of inspiration.

Especially with regard to the use of certain spirits and the direction of scientific research and development, Tony gave great suggestions.

By the way, Banner was also wooed by Urahara Kisuke under Tony's suggestion and awarded the title of member of the current Technology Development Bureau After the whole incident, it was Urahara Kisuke who had benefited the most.

After half a month's absence, the members of the Revenge League who had recovered from their injuries were finally able to leave the corpse soul world.

Tony suppressed his excitement and couldn't wait to rush back, giving his little pepper Pepper a hug.

"This is the official crossing gate."

Standing in front of the huge stone gate, Ukitake Shirirang introduced to everyone: "Of course, for your convenience, a Lingzi conversion device has also been added here."

After saying goodbye one by one, everyone walked through the gate.

After stepping into the boundary, looking at the dark surroundings, Peter seemed to suddenly remember something, and touched his head and asked: "Speaking of which this time is a formal passage, we shouldn't encounter Jutu again, right? "

"...Can you not mention it?"

Frank was not angry and stared at him and said: "If you are really right in the future, we will throw you out to delay time!"

Peter was so scared that he closed his mouth immediately and followed everyone forward.

But a pity.

If there is no accident, there will be accidents.

When he was about to reach the exit, a familiar dim light appeared, and accompanied by a huge vibration, the restraint walls on both sides of the entire realm suddenly began to slowly close towards the center.

"Fuck, why is that ghost coming again?"

"Peter, I really want to tear your crow's mouth!"

"Can't blame me, Mr. Button."

"Isn't this TM a regular channel? Why did this thing appear again, Yinmeng!"

"If you have time to talk nonsense, it's better to run!"

"Ahhhhhhhh... the one ahead, that thing is going to catch up with me!"

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