Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:46:43 PM

Chapter 594: The transformation from boy to man

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"Hey, Peter, she's gone."

Frank walked to the absent Peter, pressed his shoulder firmly, and softly comforted: "I know you are sad now, but it is no longer the person we know. You must accept this reality."

He had witnessed Gwen being swallowed by the imaginary, so it was clear that it was not really ‘Gwen’.

If you insist on using a specific description to describe the'Gwen' that reappears, you can only say that it is a [Da Xu] who has the memory of'Gwen' but has lost the human heart and soul. .

In either case, it can never be ‘Gwen Stacey’.

It is even more unlikely that they have ever met Gwen Stacey named Ghost Spider-Man, but in the killing group known as [Ten Blades], the serial No. 9 broken face level.

" are wrong, Frank."

Peter slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes firmly and persistently said: "She is Gwen Stacey. Memories can deceive, words can deceive, expressions can deceive, but the soul alone is impossible to deceive. Human!"

"I can feel it..."

"Under that powerful body, there is a crying soul hidden!"

"Gwen... very sad, she is waiting there, someone will save her!"

"This is... a man's promise!"

"She once gave...that cowardly me, hope and belief to become a superhero."

"So this time, it's my turn to save her!"

Peter's voice was not very loud, but it was stubborn and firm that no one could change.

Looking at the firmness in the boy’s eyes, Frank’s words of dissuasion were all piled up in his throat. In the end they could only turn into a helpless sigh, and compromise seemed to reveal a bitter smile: "You know..... . How difficult is this road?"


Peter's tone was firm, without hesitation: "But I will definitely bring Gwen back."

Listening to the voice of the teenager and looking at the immature shoulders, Frank felt that the child had suddenly grown up, like a man carrying a heavy burden but still working hard. From this moment on, a huge transformation has finally taken place.

Growth is always accompanied by pain.

But at this moment, Peter realized the true meaning of growth, that is, knowing the pain, and still going forward resolutely.

"I will help you."

Frank, who was not good at words, could only pat Peter on the shoulder and made his promise: "Since this is your choice, then I respect you, and I will come with you and bring Gwen back."

"Thank you, Frank."

Peter barely squeezed out a smile, and pretended to be cheerful: "I don't want to be like this anymore. I can only hide and watch you fight anymore, so can you train me? I want to be stronger, and only then can I bring it back. Gwen."

Today's battle, let him recognize a truth.

That is, in the absence of strength, even the "best friends" close at hand can't be touched.

And considering that future battles will become more cruel, the little spider has the idea of ​​becoming stronger for the first time. He must be strong enough to deal with all situations, and then break into the virtual circle to rescue Gwen!

"Let me train..."

Frank was silent for half a second, and then grinned: "My training is going to kill you. Are you sure you want to participate?"

When it comes to training, he becomes interested.

The crimes suffered by Lord and Yinmeng at the beginning are now regarded as ‘successors’, and he feels enthusiasm just thinking about it.

"Uh...Mr. Frank."

Peter saw Frank who was shining in his eyes, and suddenly felt a cold back in his back: "Did I have an illusion, why do you...look like you are very excited?"

"Illusions, they are all illusions."

Frank hugged Peter affectionately, and said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Don't worry, I'm not a devil. I'm just talking about dead people. How can I really train you to death, right?"

"Uh...or, am I still thinking about it?"

"What are you thinking about? Don't want to save Gwen? Don't think about it, believe me!"

"Mr. Frank... don't do this, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, I will be very gentle."




Not to mention Frank and Peter.

After receiving a large number of man-made semi-virtues in the underground space of Fisk Building, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency immediately dispatched special agents to blockade it.

But unfortunately, when they came over, the building was empty.

However, the underworld emperor Jin Bin has turned into a face-off, and this news really shocked Fury.

And most importantly, according to the information submitted by Peter and Frank, Kim did not want to massacre people with sinful qualities and use their souls to create a virtual reality. It was obvious that he was sending vitality to the ‘virtual circle’.

Although it is not clear about the usefulness of these falsehoods, years of persecution paranoia tells Fury that there must be a conspiracy in it.

"It's just this point in time..."

Fry sat on the chair, rubbing his bulging temples, flipping through the information on the table, gathering the clues in his mind, and faintly a guess, muttering: "Could it be... . Is all this related to'Lan Ran' and'Beng Yu'?"

Ai Ran's use of collapsed jade to make a broken face is basically no secret.

In the relevant information submitted by Tony before, it was mentioned that the dangerous substance "collapse jade" that can break the boundary between the **** of death and the imaginary, and make it further, it is not difficult to infer that the Aizen It is a large-scale experiment!

And the result of the experiment... is undoubtedly those [Breaking Faces]!

With the power of Bengyu, Daxu breaks the iconic mask, revealing the original human face, and the "Zanpaku Knife" which is sealed with a spiritual core. Its strength and destructive power are quite amazing on the original basis. The horror of the promotion, this is the so-called shameless face!

"Aizan has created such a powerful army, the next step... is it to conquer the world?" Just thinking about it a little bit, Fury felt frightened and surrounded by intense anxiety.

While Fury was thinking about how to stop Aizen, assistant Hill pushed the door directly and walked in.

"Hill, I hope that next time you come in, you can knock on the door first."

Ferry, who was interrupted to think, looked up at the assistant helplessly, because every time she came, she might have to add a new job: "Looking at you, I guess it’s not good. News?"

"There is something abnormal in London sir."

Hill directly handed over a report and said: "Someone found an abnormal anti-gravity area there, and Dr. Eric of Astrophysics seems to have something to do with this matter recently."

"What does the abnormal anti-gravity zone have to do with Eric?"

Fury raised his eyebrows, and he felt uncomfortable when he heard this person's name.

The last time an alien invaded the earth, it was the astrophysicist Eric, who opened the space wormhole to the parallel universe for that **** old Loki, and caused the invasion of those insects.

Last time it was also this Eric, and he found Sol of the Asgardian.

In short, everything related to Eric is not a good thing.

The unusual anti-gravity zone in London this time clearly proved his point.

"It seems to be... a prediction about the convergence of celestial bodies?"

Hill was obviously not quite clear, and said in a vague way: "It is said that the gathering of the nine celestial bodies will destroy the entire world."

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