Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:46:26 PM

Chapter 609: Irreparable death

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At this moment, Sol surpassed Heavenly Father!

At this moment, the power of the storm battle axe, cast with stars as the core, has been completely released.

The thunder and lightning that ruined the world burst out with astonishing dazzling light, as if echoing the arrival of a new generation of kings, Thor wore a colorful woven of ten thousand rays of sunshine, and swung his axe blade in a desperate manner.

boom--! ! !

No one can stop the blow from Heavenly Father!

The vast waves of air swept through the sky with a shocking roar and rushed into the sky, and the giant axe in the thunder and the rays of the sun split together with the entire battleship.

However, this is just the beginning. After the giant axe splits the warship, its power is not reduced. The violent vibrating atmosphere and space are directly torn apart, until it plows half of Asgard's ground into a canyon, and then plows the distance. The entire surface of the sea was divided into two halves.

"no no!!!"

"Only one step... we will be able to revive!!!"

In the rising flames and tyrannical thunder, Malekis died with his ambition.

There was no room for even the slightest struggle. Together with the remaining hundreds of dark elves, and the warship that symbolized the glorious era, it fell into a burning ruin and fell to the ground and exploded.

The hope of the dark elves fell into Thor's hands.

After going through the process of first great joy and then great sadness, it's just that the ending came so fast that everyone didn't react.

"Do not!!!"

Seeing this scene, Algorim let out a desperate roar.

The last leader of their clan, Malekis actually died in this way, and all the remaining clan members were buried with him.

"It's over, it's over..."

The Rocket Raccoon hid in the corner and said desperately after witnessing the whole process: "Everything is over, the past has been changed!"

The leader of the dark elves is dead, which means that everything that follows will never happen again, whether it is the battle in London, the death of Sol’s mother Frigga, or even the existence of ethereal particles!

The past has been changed!

Thor, the initiator of all this, immediately turned his attention to the murderer of his mother.

The only remaining cursed warrior of the dark elves, Algorim, whose scarlet eyes were filled with endless anger, collided with Thor's sight across the sky, and the space shook like a heavy object.

The hatred of killing the mother and the hatred of the butcher!

The hostile parties were in the same mood at the moment, and rushed towards each other full of anger.

"Just kill him...kill him...mother can live!" Sol has only this thought in his mind, and all other worries and thoughts are now being forgotten by him. Later, there was only one idea to kill Algorim.

"I'm going to kill you... Thor!!!"

Anger is like a catalyst, activating the fragments of ether particles, giving Algorim stronger power, roaring like a human-shaped tyrannosaur, where the palace grounds collapsed, and the tyrannical figure jumped high into the sky. Rush to Sol.

The two rushed toward each other like meteors and collided in the air several hundred meters high.

The air that collided with each other shook again and again, as if a huge devastating vortex, drawing the air around the entire fairy palace into it, all things that touched the core area were crushed at this moment.

Even the crowd on the ground more than a hundred meters away can feel how powerful the impact of both sides is.

Storms swept across the land abruptly, and countless people were knocked out by this force. The outer wall of the fairy palace uttered an overwhelmed wailing, and the huge stones were pulled down by the shock wave of the impact.

The ruthless fight is crueler than any battlefield.

The hatred of each other could not be adjusted for a long time, only the idea of ​​killing each other supported the two crazy confrontation.

But it was just a collision. Algorim was hit by hundreds of meters and crashed into the walls of the fairy palace. Before he got up and regained his posture, he was punched by Thor who rushed over. Into the ground.

Woo boom boom...

The entire fairy palace was shaking violently, with a roaring moan.

Saul dangled his hair like a madman, waving those callused fists, and pouring down Algorim's body again and again like a violent storm, even if the blood splattered his cheeks and eyes.

Algorim was unable to fight back, screaming again and again to be beaten and beaten by Thor.

From the room on the highest floor of the Immortal Palace, the two entered Odin's Silver Hall all the way.

In front of the supreme throne, they bit each other like wild beasts, relying on the only advantage of vigorous vitality, Algorim reluctantly fought back.

But over time, the situation seems to have changed a little.

Algorim, who has been beaten all the time, noticed that the power from Sol’s fist was weakening. From the very beginning, the strength of every punch almost made him almost die, and now it’s not painful to count the punches in a row. itch.

Although he didn't know what happened, he realized that it was time to fight back!

Algorim roared, his arms pushed Sol, who was pressing on him, with his savage eyes and hair standing upside down, the fragments of ether particles transformed into a steady stream of power, and he slammed his fist against Sol's face door.

Suddenly, Thor was pushed away. He was punched directly in the face, his nose collapsed and the blood scattered.

It worked! This guy...really weakened!

Algorim was excited in an instant, and he flew up and returned the color, and raised his two fists and fell like raindrops.

Bang bang bang bang...

Before Sol could take a breath, he was given a dozen punches.

Rao has the outstanding physique of Asgardians, as hard as steel, and cannot withstand Algorim's attack. There are more than a dozen deep fist marks on his chest and abdomen, and his ribs and sternum are broken. I don't know how many roots, blood flowed out from the ear holes.

Thor thrust his legs into the ground to stop retreating, reaching out to summon the Storm Axe.

But Algorim, who knew the power of the axe, didn't give him this opportunity at all, grabbing his body and slamming it out again, with a violent, **** atmosphere that filled the entire Silver Hall.

Sol, who couldn't find a chance, could only fight again with his fist.


There was another huge vibration in the Silver Hall, and dense cracks spread all over the ground.

Thor forced the punch, and the whole person had become bloody, but Algorim didn't know the pain and was injured, and rushed towards him again with an angry roar, and the two began punching each other again.

At this moment in the battle, there is no skill at all.

The only belief that supports each other is the indelible hatred in the chest.

You punch, I punch.

No one knows how many punches they shook, just repeating the mechanical movements.

The blood sprinkled all around and filled every crack. The air was filled with bright red blood, as if silently telling how terrifying the battle was.

After violently attacking hundreds of punches, the two finally stopped.

The pieces of Algorim's armor shattered and peeled off, revealing the original dark elf posture, but at this moment he was more like a blood elf, his black skin was almost covered with blood, and there were cracked scarlet patterns slowly creeping.

But Thor was like a candle in the wind, his breath was weak and almost inaudible.

"You lose... Thor!"

Algorim was covered in blood, like a demon crawling out of a pool of blood, staring at him with crimson eyes: "I will kill you, and then avenge our family!"


Strength... will suddenly become weaker so much?

The things in front of Saul changed and became illusory, and he still didn't understand what was going on.

Since the destruction of Malkis, the leader of the dark elf, his power has been declining exponentially, and now it has become worse than in his childhood, and he is not as weak as a young boy in Asgard.

"Go to hell-Thor!"

Algorim roared and charged, his palm piercing Thor's heart like a sword.

Am I... dying?

Saul drooped his eyelids The sticky blood dripped, and at this moment he didn't even have the strength to move a step.

But at this moment!

A person suddenly appeared during the magic wave and stopped between Thor and Algorim.


The bright red blood rolled down like a plate of jade beads, blooming petals on the ground.

Algorim's mortal blow penetrated through the chest of the woman in Chinese clothes, and finally stopped in front of Saul's chest, tightly hugged by both hands.

Looking at the woman in Chinese clothes, Salton was struck by lightning from time to time, and his stiff lips squirmed: "Mother...Queen?!!!"

The person who blocked the fatal blow for Sol was Sol’s mother, the queen Frigga.

The changed destiny circled around, and finally returned to the right track.

Frija, who died at the hands of Algorim, died in the hands of Algorim in another form.

Those who tried to change their destiny were met with the most ruthless ridicule.

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