Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:46:06 PM

Chapter 618: Step on to save people

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It's not just New York that has changed.

At the same time, London, on the other side of the earth, was also invaded by alien enemies.

The invaders who appeared in London all had blond and blue eyes, handsome and sharp ears.

Obviously they did not come from an unknown magical dimension, but Alfheim, one of the nine kingdoms, the light elves who once loved peace, but now they launched a war for unknown reasons.

The invading enemy is not only the elves of light, but also some dwarves or other races.

This is the anomaly caused by the gathering of celestial bodies once in 6,000 years!

Not only has it caused an abnormal temporal and spatial stance disorder, it will also gradually blur the boundaries between the nine kingdoms, and the cracks will continue to grow over time, until all the kingdoms are no longer blocked and can be unblocked!

When this situation occurred last time, it was the King Boll who swept the Nine Realms.

In the end, under Asgard's iron hoof, the Nine Realms enjoyed a full six thousand years of peace, but this time the situation was different.

The strong rise and dominance of the dark elves have made all the restless people who are ready to move have seen Asgard's current weakness, and that ambition that has been suppressed for a long time has now quietly surfaced.

No one is born to be enslaved and ruled, regardless of their nature or not.

During the six thousand years of being ruled by Asgard, although the light elves of Afheim enjoyed peace, they also paid the enormous resources and materials of the entire society to Asgard as a protected person. cost.

The same situation also exists in Nidaville, the kingdom of the dwarves.

In order to enjoy the price of peace, the dwarves must constantly dig for minerals to build the weapons and battleships Asgard needs.

This kind of disguised extraction of resources naturally caused dissatisfaction among some people.

Now, after being bewitched by Malekis, he has reached cooperation with dissatisfied people and jointly launched a rebellion against Asgard.

The Avengers, guarding the earth's first line of defense, immediately went to London in batches under the call of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Compared with the frost giants that appeared in New York earlier, the safety of London is now the top priority.

By analyzing the documents left in the ancient times, S.H.I.E.L.D. found that the history of the existence of the lizard people was earlier than the birth of the entire human civilization, and the target is likely to be a ‘crack’ somewhere in London.

Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

Not to mention the Avengers who went to London, let us first bring the perspective back to New York.

The suddenly resurrected Frost Giant Lauffy, led by the Frost Giants in Jotunheim, encircled Thor, who was weak and seriously injured, launched a fierce offensive, giving him no chance to breathe. .

Holding a blunt weapon that was as strong as a tree stump, the Frost Giant slammed it down on Thor's forehead vigorously.


There was a dull and explosive sound between the howling of the strong wind, as if the air had been blown up.

That kind of heavy and coercive aura, even Sol felt a little suffocated, his face twisted by the wind.

You know that the giants are known for their mighty power.

Now paired with a blunt tool such as a thick stick, it has exerted its terrifying power to the extreme. During the swing, the whole arm was tight and made a continuous sound, and the air was like soft silk, passing by the stick. There are clear signs of collapse.

Almost for an instant, Thor's heart beat wildly.

If he had to suffer this blow right now, I'm afraid he would have to go to Heim Underworld to see Friga soon!

In order not to go to see Friga so early, Sol took a deep breath, his heart beating violently like an engine, his legs bent and squatted deeply, the entire calf muscles swelled, and then he exploded out of the ordinary. Great power.


The concrete pavement of the whole street undulates like a huge wave.

The collapsed road surface was splashed with countless cement and gravel, which were shot around like bullets, as fast as the bullets that came out of the chamber.

Instead of retreating, Saul rushed up with a stick like a shooting star. He passed by at a distance of almost a millimetre, and slammed his fierce head into the arms of the frost giant.

Rao is the Frost Giant's strong body, and he can't stop Thor's fierce bump.

The deep purple body of Frost is as hard as steel, and it was directly hit and collapsed. Thor shook his somewhat dazed head, picking up Mau'nel around the thunder, and smashing it mercilessly. On the head of this giant.

A crisp bone crack sounded, and the frost giant's head burst open.

Thor, bathed in deep purple blood, surrounded by bursting thunder, his scarlet cloak was raised high, and a pair of murderous and violent eyes swept across the faces of these frost giants like a knife.

Just a look, without any words.

However, the Frost Giants unanimously stopped their intention to continue to approach the man.

Living in the unusually cold Jotunheim all the year round, they are accustomed to the cold, but at the moment they saw that look, they noticed a completely different tremor and cold that originated from the depths of their souls. .

A wounded beast is its worst time.

This is the situation with Saul now. Although the injury caused his physical strength to decline, it aroused the cruelty.

"Don't be afraid, he is just bracing for it!"

At a glance, Lauphy saw that Sol was strong and doing it, and said with a sneer: "All rush to me, don't give him time to breathe!"

More than a dozen frost giants roared and rushed up, swinging their giant sticks and smashing them towards Sol from all directions.

"bring it on!!"

Thor sounded like a thunder, staring at the giant with blood red eyes, knowing that it was time to fight to the death.

The violent thunder filled the sky, and Thor was holding a hammer shining with thunder, and he burst out with a powerful aura, as if thousands of troops and horses were crossing the border, rushing to trample the road that was raging for hundreds of meters, and rushed to many frost giants. .


The hammer wind broke through the air, like a landslide.

With the powerful blessing of unparalleled surging power, the frost giant rushing to the forefront with only one blow, the body was abruptly shattered.

But the remaining Frost Giant seized this opportunity and swung a huge club through the air, smashing it fiercely on Thor's back, and a mouthful of hot blood came out immediately.

"Die to me!"

A fierce light flashed in Thor's eyes, and he grabbed a giant stick directly with one hand and yanked hard towards him.

The frost giant, more than ten meters high, was unable to beat him. He was dragged by a big stagger and fell over involuntarily. Then he was hit **** the cheek, and half of his head was directly smashed by brute force.


The huge club swept across, hitting Thor in the stomach with a thud.

Blood spurted out of Thor's mouth again, a large amount of blood was hundreds of milliliters, and it was frozen in the air at low temperature. The whole person rolled like a ball, continuously crashing the walls of more than a dozen houses on the street.

"It's now!"

Lao Fei looked at the exposed flaw, UU reading condensed and threw the ice sword.

As soon as the whole body of the crystal-clear ice blade was released, its speed soared to the point of horror, pulling a naked eye, accompanied by a sharp whistling whistling, and rushing towards Sol like a rocket launched.

"No... not good!"

Thor's pupils suddenly shrank, the crisis enveloped his entire brain, and he subconsciously wanted to make an evasive action.

But before he could realize his idea, his body protested, and the stick broke his ribs just now, so that he couldn't stand up at all now, and he still hoped to move his body a little bit.

Seeing Saul's life is about to die here, it can be described as a critical moment!

I saw two white and slender fingers, suddenly stretched out in a thunderous manner, and understatement clamped the ice blade.

Then the **** pressed slightly, and the ice blade turned into dust and flew away.

"Have you ever asked me about fooling around in front of someone else's house?"

A man with tousled silver short hair and a "plain" appearance stood next to Sol at some unknown time.

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