Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:42:19 PM

Chapter 638: Astral return, 9 riots (8)

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Time passed by.

The oxygen index on the watch is decreasing, which means they are running out of time.

The purple light suddenly appeared at the bottom of this weird lake, which directly deepened the weird atmosphere here. If it is not a mission that must be explored, I am afraid that no one is willing to stay here anymore.

In the dark and deep lake bottom, panic spread uncontrollably in my heart.

Fortunately, it is an elite team that has received rigorous training. Although it is full of panic and anxiety, it still follows Patton unswervingly.

After thinking about it for a while, Patton opened his palm and flipped it a few times, then pointed to the front again, indicating that something was wrong there, so he raised his vigilance and went to see what happened.

The rest of the team raised their weapons and nodded to indicate that they were fully prepared.

Button swiped his fins, swam ahead, and explored the position of the purple light source. He squeezed the tactical dagger in his hand and spread his spiritual power around his body to form a solid defense and concentrate all his attention.

Less than a moment later, they came to the vicinity of the flashing light source.

At this time, it was about fifty or sixty meters away from the surface of the water. Without a diving suit, it made people feel very uncomfortable, and the oxygen content was also low. If this exploration has not been harvested, it means that there is no third chance.

Taking into account the reasons for carrying weight when starting, so there are not many oxygen tanks to carry, and two times are already the limit.

"The current nearby is increasing..."

Patton felt a little out of control, and realized that there might be a water outlet nearby.

Feeling the direction of the water flowing, he turned and swam in another direction, and at the same time a faint voice sounded in his mind, as if someone was calling him, the invisible force was driving the body, and the swimming speed was involuntarily accelerated. .

The team behind found that the situation was not right, and Button became faster and faster.

He is like a sailfish in the sea, naturally stretching his body, swimming fast in the water, and the surrounding water seems to be conscious. When he meets Patton, he separates from both sides, turning it into motivation to push him and continue to accelerate.

The diving equipment does not have a helmet, so it cannot communicate normally and can only communicate by sign language.

But the problem is that Button is swimming too fast now, and he doesn't look back at their sign language at all. The remaining players know that the situation is not right now, so they can only clenched their teeth and insisted on following.

Hula la...

The current began to flow back like a low tide, and the turbid current that came up rolled up the sediment at the bottom of the lake.

Everyone was swept uncontrollably by this backflow of water, as if being stuffed into a drum washing machine, the whole person was spinning frantically and was forced to accelerate, moving towards the dark waters.

Soon, everyone saw the scene that shocked them.

The line of sight followed the rays of the high-intensity tactical searchlight, and a huge circular black pit with a diameter of about ten meters appeared in front of all the members of the exploration team.

However, what made them even more frightened was that Captain Button actually swam in directly.

Upon seeing this, the seven members of the tactical team eagerly swung their flippers and swam toward the black pit. They didn't dare to get too close to this thing, so they just punched in with a searchlight from the side to check the situation.

This huge black pit is not a ‘pit’, it should be a ‘well’ to be precise!

You can see many complicated and weird patterns on the wall of the well, and there is no trace of artificial excavation at all. It is like a natural craftsmanship. Even with high-intensity tactical searchlights, it is impossible to see how deep the well is.

There is no visible light in the well, and the depth of pitch black is far beyond the waters.

Just looking inward from the edge of the well, the whole person feels as if he is about to be swallowed. The body and spirit are under tremendous pressure, which makes everyone feel uneasy and tremble inexplicably.

But the problem is that Captain Button has dived, and they must follow along.

The members of the temporary squad leader thought for a few seconds, made a gesture to make the three people stand by here, and then he took the three people down.

Dive, dive, continue to dive...

The four-person team groped the well wall and dived down for about a minute or two.

The depth of the water pressure is extremely uncomfortable. Even the highly trained agents are already close to the limit of the human body, and the most important problem is that they have not found Patton until now.

The light emitted by the searchlight is very limited in the vertically downward well, and the visual field and hearing are greatly compressed. They can even hear their own heartbeats. In order to avoid excessive stress and consume the oxygen content, they begin to divert their attention.

Suddenly, a strange purple light appeared again in the gloom at the bottom of the well.

Through the brief appearance of the purple light, they saw Patton not far in front, and there was also a place similar to an exit.

Everyone lifted their spirits and immediately followed Patton to swim forward.

After a while, they came to the source of the purple light, and after struggling to swim forward, they unexpectedly surfaced directly.

At this moment, it feels extremely weird.

They were still at the bottom of the lake a few minutes ago and dived into a bottomless well. It was obviously a vertical downward channel, but suddenly they surfaced, as if the world had turned upside down in these few minutes.

As they looked over their heads, the whole person was shocked again.

I saw that the lake water seemed to be blocked by some invisible force, forming an approximately semicircular dome above, and even the fluttering water plants and ferns could be seen. They were like being in a hollowed out egg shell.

And then, they saw a scene they will never forget.

There was at least a bull with turbid and purulent yellow pupils, peeping at them through the semicircular domed water curtain.

In an instant, everyone's brains were blank, and their whole body was cold and hair exploded.

This dark and dark lake bottom is very stressful. Now I see this terrifying giant peeking through the water curtain. The blood in the whole body almost seems to be frozen. Unspeakable fear seeps from every pore. out.

The giant peeping at them swims slowly in the water, revealing all its terrifying postures.

It has a huge shape similar to a slug, and its back is covered with numerous sharp spikes, and on the rounder end of the oval, it has soft and wide lips, and there are three unknown tentacles on it, connected with three yellow eyeballs. .

The eyeballs they see are just the tip of the monster's iceberg!

When the giant in the lake reveals its complete posture, its chaotic biological appearance and invisible mental impact are a devastating blow to all creatures in the world, and it will almost instantly break through the limit of human rationality.

Even agents who had undergone inhuman training felt severe pain in the brain congestion at the moment.

Everyone had to withdraw their sights, afraid to look at the terrifying giant in the lake anymore, trying to shield the image engraved in their minds, because only in this way could they feel better.

After calming down, everyone was already covered with blood.

Barton recovered his sane in the panic, his face showed a look of horror. Is this the ‘god’ that descended on the earth from outside the sky as described in the myth?

But no matter what angle you look at...

The giants in this lake can't get along with the ‘gods’, they are more like some kind of distorted and disgusting monsters!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!