Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:41:17 PM

Chapter 673: Heaven and earth, I am the only one (17)

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Is... Ferry's voice? !

The sudden gust of wind is like a horsehair hedgehog, blowing up layers of air waves, rolling down like waves to the distance.

The lead color was thick and drooping like twilight clouds, and the mottled light and shadow penetrated and fell, accompanied by Ferry's calm voice, and saw the shadow of a giant object slowly emerging from the feet of everyone.

Everyone raised their heads at ninety degrees and saw a steel fortress floating in the air.

That is...S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Sky Mothership!

I thought that this aerial fortress would have crashed under the influence of Graki’s dream. I didn’t expect it to appear again when everyone was on the verge of despair. Although the sky mothership was seriously damaged, its appearance meant that With... Hope!

"Sorry, I'm a bit late."

Inside the bridge, Fury was covered in blood, with both hands propped on the damaged podium, but his eyes were very firm: "I had a dream before, which made people a little reluctant to wake up. I accidentally made it like this."

"But... it is enough to destroy a planet."

"There is a new type of engine in the Sky Mothership. It is an energy crystal extracted from the Cube of the Universe. It is a product created by combining with Lingzi. Once detonated, it can easily destroy the earth. I don’t know if this gift is enough... Not enough weight?"


Everyone looked at each other for a while, and it took a few seconds to react.

This guy Ferry... really doesn't have a long memory!

They are still studying the Rubik's Cube, and they have also created such a huge weapon of destruction.


At this moment, they suddenly understood the meaning of what Ferry did.


A violent explosion sounded from the Sky Mothership.

The entire bridge almost collapsed, and steel bars were inserted and dropped everywhere.

The surviving personnel were extinguishing the fire in an emergency, while dragging the injured body to operate the system. Agent Hill's shoulder was pierced by a steel bar, but she still insisted on running to deliver the director's order.

Brock Rumlow, the agent of the Hydra, went all out to carry a smashed steel bar at the moment. Even if his physical strength was on the limit, his legs trembled like a newborn lamb, and his shoulders were pressed out. There was a deep bloodstain, and he insisted on not letting go.

Just because directly below this steel bar is the energy system of the entire mothership, once he let go, the sky mothership will fall.

Sit Weir, a high-level Hydra known for his cunning, did not hesitate to fulfill Fury's orders at this time. Leave your job.

Everyone is working hard.

Position, camp, ideology, morphology... etc. are all left behind.

Whether it is Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D., their only identity now is human.

This aerospace mothership is the last hope of mankind.

So... absolutely can't let it fall!

"Can you...really do it?"

Tony couldn't help but doubt the mothership that was burning everywhere and in tatters.

The damage to the Air and Sky Mothership is worse than expected.

Of the original four giant engines, two of them were completely stalled, and the take-off deck was severely damaged and almost completely destroyed.

The outer armor of the entire mothership suffered a violent impact during the forced landing, which caused nearly 80% of its collapse. All the weapon systems it carried were not left, and they were all destroyed in the previous crash.

to be honest......

This situation can take off, and Tony admires S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It's already in this situation, do you have any other options?"

Fury raised his hand to wipe off the blood stains in front of his eyes, and raised his mouth with a wild smile: "Besides, all we have to do is to rush into the core of the celestial body and detonate it. It sounds simple, doesn't it?" Valley

"How can you say it so simple..." Tony showed a bitter face, and immediately laughed out: "No wonder you can be the director of S.H.I. Kind of plan."

"If it's crazy, you're pretty much the same."

Fury slowly closed his eyes, and a familiar figure appeared in his mind, inexplicably confused, and said in a low voice: "You really look like him, you should be called Howard's son... . Actually made the same choice."

"What did you say?" Tony asked again without hearing clearly.

"No... it's nothing."

Fury shook his head, changed the conversation, and said, "What are you going to do next? Just rush in. I don't think the Anunnaki people will watch us detonate their planet."

"Let's go over together and serve as the guard of the Sky Mothership."

Steve tightened the vibrating shield on his right arm, his eyes resolutely said: "Before the Sky Mothership reaches the specified target point, we will serve as your armor. No matter what happens, you will be protected!"

"Maybe we will never go back..."

Tony clenched his fists, and after a long silence, looked at everyone's faces: "Once the Sky Mothership detonates, we will never survive. Have you really considered it?"

"Someone has to bear it, hahaha."

Peter touched the back of his head, and said with a silly smile: "Someone told me that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. She made me a superhero, so I want to repay her kindness and continue her will. Go down."

"Being able to die earlier is a relief for me."

Although Frank was expressionless, there was a faint smile on his lips.

"I... it doesn't matter." Banner scratched his head and said half-jokingly: "If Hulk is there, I might not die yet."

"Then... let me go with you."

Chen Lin walked slowly with a severed arm, and sighed helplessly: "It's a good choice to die on an alien planet instead of death. Anyway...I can't go back to my hometown anymore, ashes are buried. It doesn't matter where it is."

"Then... let's go!"

Tony stopped speaking, took a deep breath, and dragged everyone to the Sky Mothership.

Maybe... this is the last time.

Once again, lend me your power.

"Bring the world into the palm of your hand, and analyze the truth of everythingIn my name, show it-Hephaestus!"

A surging spiritual pressure emerged from Tony's body, and flames spewed from the damaged deck. In the hazy phantom reflected by the flames, a muscular giant, dancing with a huge forging hammer, hit the air under his feet. fortress.

In the raging flames, the damaged warship is slowly healing itself like a miracle.

Tony wants to use his Hephaestus hammer to repair this warship carrying the last hope of mankind, until it rushes into the core of the celestial body, he can't stop the hammer swinging in his hand.


A flaming meteor dragged a huge flame and rushed straight to the star of destruction.

"Does a group of ants think that if you take courage, you can change the ending?"

The man in the striped suit who was watching this scene, his pupils as deep as black holes flashed with an unknown gloomy color: "Since you don't want to wait for death, let me end your last hope."

The man in a striped suit stretched out a hand and made a five-finger virtual grip.

Five huge transparent fingerprints suddenly appeared in the space, as if they were an extension of the man's palm, gradually closing and enclosing the Sky Mothership, and the nearby void was constantly being crushed by invisible forces.

Seeing that the battleship carrying the last hope of mankind was about to be destroyed in the hands of this man.

A sword that nearly split half of the sky was crushed, and accompanied by the mighty green light spreading across the sky, it was crushed like a earth-shaking tsunami, and the horrible energy fluctuations even tore the void apart, instantly submerging his figure.

"Don't be so anxious..."

Lan Ran stepped forward calmly, pointed the blade diagonally at the ground, and said with a smile: "There should be a bill to settle between us."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!