Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:39:47 PM

Chapter 716: 1 word power

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The truth in the world will always be covered up.

If you want to dig out the truth hidden behind false appearances, you often have to pay a certain price.

The supercomputer that records the civilization and history of Sandal is actually the first new star Roman Day a thousand years ago. It is the only one that can carry and master the power of the new star, reverse the balance of war between the two super civilizations, and force the Kerry Empire to sign peace. Treaty person.

But no one thought of it.

In order to allow the power of the rising star to continue, Roman Day stripped his consciousness and merged with the supercomputer.

There are more than one centurion in the Rising Star Legion, and they are all clones of Roman Day. They share the power of the Rising Star, and under the control of the digitized "world spirit", they protect this huge imperial civilization like a puppet. .

Are they Roman Day or the "world spirit" of the super life computer?

Or, is the super life computer the original Roman Day, or is it the birth of self-awareness data?

No one can give an accurate answer.

Perhaps the once new star Roman Day, now his consciousness has long been overwhelmed by huge amounts of data, and only a senseless obsession is left.

These centurions, who share the same genes as Roman Day, may be just the remaining obsessions of that man, the concrete puppets extended out, and there is no point in searching for who they are.

At this moment, they are Roman Day, or they can be called... Centurion of the New Star Legion!

Although the Obsidian Five and Ronan the accuser were unintentional, they still knew the truth of the fact that the Shan'dal civilization had tried to hide for thousands of years, and naturally they had to pay a corresponding price.

And this so-called price is their lives.

The power of the new stars in the nine centurions resonated, triggering a huge wave of energy to hit the entire sky.

The power of a new star that a person can bear is limited, at most only ten percent of Roman Day’s original power, far from being able to exert the true power of a new star, but if it is shared by nine people, then the power of the new star that can be carried, Will be dozens of times before.

The nine centurions are connected through resonance, and the power of the new star has surpassed the original Roman Day at the peak.

The golden torrent that rushed like the opening of the Tianhe River, for a time occupied most of the sky of Shandal, and completely dyed the city and the earth that should have fallen into the night after dusk into a golden glow, as if plated with a layer of gold foil. Dazzling.


In the blink of an eye, the nine golden lights scattered in all directions.

The rich golden light accompanies the afterimage, flickering at an extremely fast speed that the naked eye can't catch, like a white picture scroll, randomly splashed with ink, filling the sights with infinite brilliance.

No words can be used to describe the huge sound.

Because there is no word in the world that was created to describe this roar, what you see and think is only an unparalleled shock.

The golden rays of light roared, like a sharp blade, flashing back and forth between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, those golden lights turned into death scythes, frantically harvesting the lives of the invaders. The huge fleet weighing tens of millions was shot down in just a dozen seconds, as beautiful as a huge firework bursting in summer... .... And stern.

In the wind blowing, a series of fire meteors fell.

The ebony throat was so shocked that it seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't even say a word.

This is not...war at all.

It was the unilateral and naked slaughter of the Rising Star Centurion.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood that whether the Five Obsidians could leave alive today, I am afraid that a big question mark will be drawn.

What's more terrifying is.

Shandal, a super civilization with this kind of power, is still at a disadvantage in front of the Kerry Empire.

As a super empire that has lasted for thousands of years, the Kerry Empire has an unfathomable foundation. Ebony Maw can't help but doubt in his heart. Since Shandar hides its power, does the Kerry Empire also hide their power?

Especially the supreme wisdom of life computer in the Kerry Empire.

Condensing the crystallization of the highest knowledge of the Kerry people, including all science, philosophy, military, thought, etc., does the existence of the ruler of the Kerry Empire have a special connection with the world spirit of the Shandar civilization?

But unfortunately, time has not allowed Ebony Maw to think.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the other Black Yao generals were half disabled, and only him and Ronan were intact.

The nine new star centurions did not know when they had surrounded the two of them, watching them silently with a pair of cold and indifferent eyes, as if they were mechanical life without emotion.

"Knot... is it over?"

Only despair was left in Ebony Throat's heart, thinking that if he chooses to surrender, there is a chance that he will be alive.

As for his loyalty to Thanos, he felt that his life was more important. After all, if you betray Thanos, you won't necessarily die, but now it's hard to say it will definitely die, and it will die very ugly.

"This is the gem of strength, it's yours now!" Within a few seconds of Ebony Throat, thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind. I can do anything!"

The accuser Ronan opened his mouth and widened his eyes, as if he didn't expect the ebony throat to be so decisive.

Just now, the guy who wanted to dedicate everything and loyalty to Thanos was the first to stand up and betray at the critical moment, and there was no hesitation in the process. The speed was so fast that the Centurion was bewildered for a few seconds.

"We don't need your allegiance."

The Centurion was stunned for half a second, and then his eyes became colder: "A subordinate who betrays his master at will, no one will appreciate him, and Sandal does not need your power. Your only ending is death!"

As soon as these words came out, Ronan instantly dispelled the idea of ​​surrendering.

Both left and right are dead, it is better to try a wave, anyway, even if you really die in the end, at least you can still retain a bit of face.

A bit of astonishment flashed in the eyes of Ebony Throat. He did not expect that the other party would refuse so simply, without even a little room for turning back. It is necessary to know that his magic and language control capabilities are still very useful in the universe.

"Anyone who knows the secret will die!"

The nine centurions separately locked down the predator and the smiling black-haired woman, as if they had issued the final judgment.

The next moment.

The three centurions moved across the void and appeared directly in front of Uozhihuaree. There were also three centurions, surrounded the predator's battleship.

Obviously, they didn't plan to let anyone, who knew the secret of Shandar, get out of this planet alive.

The three of Xingjue, Groot, Rocket, and Kamora who just crawled out of the mouth of the robbery shuddered when they saw this situation. Go in.

"Ah, can some of you let me go?"

Uozhihualie smiled unabated on his face, seemingly unaware of the Centurion’s killing intent, and said softly: “I’m just an ordinary medical staff. I have no intention of participating in the fight between you. I don’t feel any sense of your secrets. interest."

"No, everyone has to die!"

The three centurions said in unison, coldly: "Shandal's secrets are not allowed to be leaked, you are the ones that must be eradicated."

"Well, do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Uzhihualie tilted his head slightly and said with a chuckle: "Perhaps it is not too late for you to agree to my request now."

"Kill her, stop wasting time."

The Centurion was too lazy to continue to struggle, planning to release the power of the new star and kill these people.

The golden light beams condensed by the power of the three new stars were suddenly released from the palm of the centurion, bursting out unparalleled billions of brilliance, carrying the terrifying light and heat like burning the sky and boiling the sea, covering the fierce and frightened star of Maozhihua. Jue et al.


Mao Zhihualie still stood there and sighed softly, "I gave you a chance. You don't cherish it yourself."

In the next moment, the billions of brilliance suddenly disappeared.

The huge light and heat released by that huge energy, UU Reading disappeared almost instantly, as if it was erased out of thin air by some kind of force, even the centurion did not understand what was happening, his face showed A look of shock and shock.

It's just that a big text is left in the void where the energy disappears.

The text is completely black as ink, and there is a hint of sharpness in the front of the pen, deep in the void like a golden hook and iron stroke. The shock.

The majestic momentum surpasses the mountains, covering all things and watching the world.

In front of that word, they suddenly had an illusion that they seemed to be that tiny ant.

Display through universal language translator.

The black letter engraved in the void is written with a word "eliminate".

"Hehehe~ I'm not here at the right time."

A bloated and burly big fat man dressed in a wide white haori, stepped on the wooden clogs and wobbled up, with thick eyebrows and big eyes with a simple and honest appearance, and raised his hand to touch his bald head.

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