Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:38:48 PM

Chapter 746: determination

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The stars move, and the night falls.

Thousands of new gravestones were erected on the back hill of Tonsberg Township.

The man gathered up the villagers, buried them one by one in the back mountain, and erected a stone tablet to leave their names, and also left behind this cruel history, hoping that the people who lived here later would know what happened here. everything.

Old John was buried in the church, the place he had been guarding during his lifetime.

From the beginning to the end, the man did not use any special ability, but only relied on his own strength. Even he himself did not know why he did not choose a more convenient method, but there seemed to be a voice in the dark, telling him that he must and only can do so.

It always felt like doing that would make him... farther from humans.

After burying everyone, the man found a few bottles of mead from the rubble and left the town in a certain direction.

Although he didn't get his memory back, he had one thing that he had to do.




Twelve days after the fall of Norway.

The man crossed the entire European continent and came to the Siberian plain of Russia.

The Axis powers, led by Germany, ignited the war all over Europe, and no country was spared.

The beauty of art and the pinnacle of human wisdom are the countless ancient and gorgeous buildings built.

As well as many things that cannot be measured by value, they have been completely reduced to ruins under the fire of artillery fire.

The Eastern Front battlefield in Russia can never be described as a **** on earth.

Because this was the battlefield with the highest intensity, the largest scale, the most intense battle and the heaviest casualties during the entire World War II.

The number of people who died during the entire war was as high as 61 million people. The troops invested by both sides accounted for the highest in the entire World War II. The war potential of a highly developed industrial country can be described vividly.

Compared with the hairy bears in later propaganda, today's hairy bears are the real hairy bears.

Under the leadership of the Man of Steel, tens of millions of Slavs shouted Ulla to charge, fighting the torrent of steel with their flesh and blood. In the freezing temperature of minus tens of degrees, they blocked the advance of the German army and dragged them into a deadly winter.

"Soviet-German war..."

The man sighed and continued walking in the wind and snow.

Although the memory has not been fully recovered now, the man recalled the direction of the war, and the reason for his coming here is very simple, that is, the soul fragments in Yvette's body have experienced violent fluctuations here.

Soul Fragment is not always able to provide him with Yvette's position.

Only when Yvette is most excited and stimulates the power of the soul fragments, can the man sense the information from the soul fragments through the resonance fluctuations of the soul, so as to determine the location of the girl.

The last activation of Soul Fragment allowed him to 'see' a broken piece of information.

Yvette seems to be placed in a special container, surrounded by viscous blue unknown liquid, through the thick glass of the thick container, you can vaguely see many people wearing scientific research uniforms, in a laboratory similar to the laboratory. The environment is busy.

It was obvious that Yvette was being treated as an experimental subject.

Those who call themselves Hydra seem to want to use Yvette's power to change the direction of the Soviet-German war.


The cold winter of 1942 was several times colder than before.

The cold storm swept the snow, and the temperature dropped to minus forty to fifty degrees.

However, in Siberia, there is such an anomaly. With only a thin black coat, a man can ignore the cold temperature and walk in the vast wind and snow without being affected at all.

His route is not fixed, sometimes going straight and sometimes turning, in short, it seems like he is turning around.

In fact, it is not that the man is lost, but that he is looking for the trace of the German army alone.

Although he could not determine Yvette's location, one thing he was sure of was that Hydra had close ties with Germany, and the easiest way to find that secret organization was to ask the Germans.

He did not intend to participate in the frontal battlefield.

Therefore, the only German troops to choose from are those who are alone, or who perform certain tasks alone.

The sky gradually darkened, and the man found a place to stay.

It was a dilapidated urban area destroyed by artillery bombardment and covered with bullet craters. The collapsed floors supported each other, barely forming a space that could accommodate people, but it was just barely.

However, compared to other open-air venues, this is a pretty good place, at least sheltered from the wind and rain.

Men don't have to rest, but the weather will be worse at night. Instead of wasting time looking for the Germans, it is better to find a place to stay for a while, and it will be easier to find it when it is dawn.

The man bent down and got into the small space, who knew that there were two people inside.

Beside a pile of small fires, a pair of blond siblings huddled in the corner with their faces full of horror. Among them, the older sister was about twelve or thirteen years old, and the younger brother was only seven or eight years old.

The sister held a small knife in her hand and raised it tremblingly to point at the man.

From their thin and skinny appearance, it is not difficult to infer that they have not eaten for a long time, several sores have been cracked on their faces due to the weather, and two pairs of small eyes are full of fear.

The man was silent for a moment, and instantly understood the situation in front of him.

The brothers and sisters who lost their parents in this tragic war and became orphans could only stay in the ruins, evading the search of the German army, and persisting to survive.

He believed that the situation of this pair of siblings was definitely not an exception in this war.

There are also many families broken by the war, and countless orphans are stranded in the ruins after the war. If there is no miracle, these children will never survive the long winter and will eventually freeze to death and starve to death in the ruins. in.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."

The man took out a few cans of beef from his arms and carefully threw them to the siblings.

He still has a lot of such things. He took it after destroying a German army. Since he saw it, he had to manage it. It was just because he was hungry a few times.

When the siblings saw the canned beef, a ray of light suddenly lit up in their eyes.

The two-day starvation has brought the younger siblings to the limit. If they don't eat, they will freeze to death. The elder sister timidly took the can and saw that the man did not seem to be malicious, so she put down the short knife in her hand.


The elder sister couldn't wait to open the can, buckled a piece of beef with her hand, and put it into her brother's mouth.

I fed my brother several pieces of beef in a row, but my elder sister just swallowed her saliva, deducted a small piece for herself, put it in her mouth and sipped it slowly, with a happy expression on her face, as if she was eating a delicacy.

hard to imagine......

This kind of canned beef with a lot of oil and a very bad taste can actually make people show such a happy expression.

The man took out the clean water again and handed it to the siblings who were eating frantically: "Don't worry, there is still a lot of food, eat slowly."

After leaving almost all the food and water sources, as well as a few cotton-padded coats to keep out the cold, the sister and brother decided not to disturb them, so he stood up silently, intending to leave here in the dark.

However, when he was about to leave, someone grabbed his sleeve.

The man turned around and found that it was his younger brother.

"this is for you......."

The younger brother raised his childish face and held a golden medal in both hands: "This is Dad's most precious medal, I... only this, I will give it to you, you can help us Drive away the Germans?"

The man looked at the medal, which was still stained with blood, as if telling the heroic deeds of the master.

Seeing that he was silent, the little boy thought it was because the medal was not enough, so he took out a few pictures and a few small colored marbles from his pocket, and his hands full of frostbite held these things, timidly. said: "I'm sorry...I only have these things, they are my most precious treasures, I will give them all to you!"

The older sister came over, UU Reading took out a few crumpled banknotes from the dirty clothes, and slowly handed them over: "This is the pension of Mom and Dad... .. We only have this amount of money, uncle, don't think it's too little, okay?"

The crumpled banknotes were also stained with dried blood.

The blood-stained medal, the crumpled banknotes, the broken pictures, the colored glass balls, the two children gave the most precious treasures. Maybe these things are worthless, but they contain the most precious treasures of the children. Rustic hope.

The man looked down at the simple eyes of the two children, and there seemed to be some kind of emotional surging deep in his heart, and he made up his mind.

He crouched down, stroked the hair of the two children, and took all those things like a treasure: "Uncle promises you that you will drive away the Germans, but before that, you all have to live well, know that ?"


The man walked in the wind and snow and made up his mind.

He wants to end the war early, whether it changes history or not, and what the consequences will be.

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