Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:36:48 PM

Chapter 780: kinslayer

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God says war is coming.

But He didn't say who the danger came from. Under Adam's inquiry, he even showed a feeling of secrecy many times.

It seems that even the Almighty God is taboo against that dark power.

The only news that came out.

It was God who told Adam to be careful. He suspected that the serpent that had tempted him and Eve to swallow the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil was probably the handwriting of that power.

The conversation ended quickly.

God just instructed Adam to prepare for the war, so he disappeared. Adam frowned deeply and left the Garden of Eden with a preoccupied look.

This ancient memory officially came to an end as Adam stepped out of Eden and ended with the coming of darkness.

The man thought it was all over.

Inexplicable memories, inexplicable conversations, inexplicable endings, full of doubts and nowhere to ask.

But when he opened his eyes again, he found that he guessed wrong, the 'dream' was far from over, and he was still trapped in Adam's memory.

When I opened my eyes again, the scenery that greeted my eyes was completely new. It was no longer a dry and vast desert, but a bronze building full of sci-fi colors and religious style.

In the sky above the bronze city, there is a huge energy shield, in the shape of a semi-circle with an upside-down jade bowl. It is located in the center of the city and is inserted into a high tower directly into the cloud. Like the sun, it shines brightly.

Countless shuttle-shaped aircraft shuttle in the orbit above the city, just like a description in a science fiction novel, and even more than that.

Seeing this scene, it is not difficult to speculate that it has been many years since the last memory node.

The speed of technological development has far exceeded men's predictions, and it is even more advanced than modern human technology.

Many things have changed.

But the only thing that hasn't changed is that Adam is still very young, just like what he saw last time, but there is a tiredness in his brows, his eyes are no longer as bright as last time, but a faint despair.

Adam sat on a bronze throne surrounded by luxurious bronze palaces. In front of him was a huge star field projection. The man glanced at it. Although he could not understand the marked text, he could vaguely guess that it was A real-time war sandbox.

The man's perspective turned again and saw that Adam was wearing the familiar power armor that he once fought against, but the color was slightly different, it was close to the texture and color of gold, and the surface was engraved with ancient characters.

The man tried to move, but found that his body was not under his control, so he instantly understood that this time he was just a spectator.

In line with the attitude of being at ease when it comes, the man did not get anxious because of this, brought himself into the audience's perspective, and then silently waited for the "story" that was about to happen next.

The door of the hall at the end of the corridor was slowly pushed open, and a thin figure came, and the heavy footsteps that seemed to hide their thoughts were very clear in the empty hall.

As the figure approached, Adam slowly raised his head, and the man saw the person coming.

Black broken hair, brown skin, blue eyes, and delicate facial features as measured, matched with a handsome face, he was the Adam twins he had seen before - Cain.

But what surprised the man was that the Cain he saw again after an unknown number of years was actually completely different from the original Cain.

There was no more cruelty and indifference in his eyes. Instead, there was an expression of grief, which was no greater than the emotion of death. It seemed to affect the surroundings, and when he walked, he could feel the chill in the air.

Between Cain's slightly frowning eyes, in addition to the mourning look, there was also a faint trace of tenderness. Cain? !

It's like a different person. If it weren't for the familiar blue eyes, the man might mistake him for Abel.


Cain came to the throne, stared at the silent Adam, knelt down on one knee and lowered his head, bit his lips tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "I want to implore you... to withdraw the order to execute Abel."

Execute... Abel? !

Hearing the news, the man was shocked and his mouth opened in disbelief.


Adam stared at Cain below, and was silent for a long time. The man could feel the reluctance and helplessness in his heart at this moment, and the turbulent emotions were like waves.

He loves his children very much, whether it's Abel or Cain, what happened to make Adam personally order that Abel must be executed?

The man vaguely felt that the truth of Abel's death might not be as recorded in the Bible, but something else.

Cain's personality changed drastically, Abel was ordered to be executed, Eve never appeared, Adam was in despair... What happened in the years he didn't see?

There is also the huge star war map, and this highly developed bronze civilization, and a series of questions, such as mushrooms after the rain, are deeply rooted in the heart of the man.

Da da da......

Cain knelt on the icy bronze ground and lowered his head deeply, not even daring to take a breath, like a sinner awaiting trial.

Adam tapped the armrest of the throne with his fingertips, making a crisp dapping sound. After a long silence, he sighed and said, "You should be very clear about the depth of the sin he committed, and I cannot forgive him, child."

"But, father..."

Cain bit his lip stubbornly, blood dripped down his chin, dripping on the bronze ground, a few blue veins popped up between his forehead, his emotions had reached the peak: "You should be more aware that the person who committed the sin was not the Uncle, but... He!"

"The one who can kill's him." In Adam's low and hoarse voice, there was a certain emotion suppressed, and the man could feel that it was an anger that had nowhere to release.

Abel's crime turned out to be killing the mother of mankind, the ancestor of women, Adam's wife, his own mother... Eve!

I have to say that this news really made the man stunned for a moment, and his heart seemed to be turbulent, and he couldn't stop for a long time.

He could still vaguely remember, how could that gentle-eyed child kill his mother?

messed up! It's all messed up!

The content recorded in the Bible has all been messed up here, and it was not Cain who committed the crime of killing his relatives, but his younger brother... Abel!

"Since that's the case, I have another request, and my father must agree to me." Cain raised his head slowly, with a look of firmness in his eyes.

Those eyes made Adam unable to refuse, and he could only sigh: "Speak, I will fulfill your wish, in the name of the first king of Akkad."


Cain leaned down, slammed heavily on the ground, and said solemnly: "I am willing to bear the sin of my brother Abel, and bear the curse of homicide from now on, walk on the earth, suffer all the abuses and disasters, and only ask my father. ......Leave Abel a chance."

"you are serious?"

Adam's eyes shrank suddenly, and then became red and ferocious, his sharp eyes shot out like swords, as if to see through Cain below, and his body was full of huge spiritual energy, as if to overturn the entire palace.


Cain's voice was not loud, but it revealed a trace of unshakable determination.

After a long silence.

Adam opened his mouth slowly and said, "I will destroy Abel's body in this life, but leave him a chance of life, and you... will bear his curse, and wander in the barren land forever. Atonement for him."

"Thank you dad..."

Cain's forehead was close to the ground, UU reading voice with a trace of sadness, trembling said: "In the days to come, father... take care."


According to the Bible.

Because of jealousy of his own brother, Cain was favored by God, and committed the earliest murder of mankind.

Cain was expelled from the Garden of Eden by God, and has been wandering in the world since then, carrying the sin of killing Abel, and being rejected by all things in the world.

God engraved a curse on Cain's forehead to kill his blood relatives, so that all life on the ground he stepped on would wither.

But because of Cain's weeping and pleading, God finally told him: Anyone who kills Cain will be punished sevenfold.

Cain...means 'get'.

But after this day, he lost everything, carrying the sins of his younger brother, and drifting forever on the barren land.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!