Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:35:44 PM

Chapter 835: Ring of Time (6)

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Yvette pressed the button of the pocket watch for the third time.

The two pointers began to turn again, indicating that the technique was about to take shape.

Now there are only the last two steps left. Once all the conditions are met, no matter how many clones the hive has in the world, no matter how many parasites are still alive, as long as this technique is completed, the hive will surely die!

The beehive that was split in two by a sword was as lifeless as it was dead.

This kind of inferior way of pretending to be dead, even Yvette can't be fooled, let alone Hasward.

It is a creature formed by the aggregation of countless parasites. His sword only wiped out some of the parasites, and he deliberately showed mercy. He only used less than 30% of his power. How could he kill the hive?

"If you're going to run away, I advise you to give up."

Husward's eyes flickered slightly under the frame, and he said calmly: "There is a spiritual enchantment that I set up nearby. If there is no strong spiritual pressure at the captain level, it is impossible to escape from here."

Probably realizing this, Hive slowly got up from the ground.

The split bodies fused together, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to their original appearance.

" did you break that wall of light?" Hive was puzzled.

The defense of the wall of light has been experienced personally, and it is definitely not something that can be broken by external force, but the man in front of him defied common sense and smashed the wall of light with a single sword. How did this happen?

You know, the inside and outside of that light wall are two different worlds!

Just as the second dimension cannot interfere with the existence of the third dimension, it is impossible for creatures in this world to interfere with creatures in other worlds, not to mention that a sword shatters the wall of light, directly injuring it hidden in the gap between the worlds.

"I'm not interested in explaining it to you."

Haswald slowly raised his hand and spread his fingers out: "Your Fullbring should not have appeared, it was just the product of an evil experiment, so on behalf of Lord Spirit King, I hereby take back your Fullbring. present."

"Impossible! Don't even think about it!"

As soon as he heard that he was about to take back his Full Revelation, Hive fell into an unprecedented panic, and said in shock and anger: "That is the power that God gave me, why do you take it away? You are not qualified!!!"

In fact, it didn't even find it.

For every word Hassward said, it subconsciously took it as fact.

"You brought it on yourself!!!"

Hive was in a state of extreme panic, anger tearing apart the remaining reason, roaring like a beast, and a terrifying Reiatsu was stirred up all over the body, the amber vertical pupils widened their eyes and stared straight at it. Hasward.

"Everything in the world should be under my control!"

"I am the Son of God who was chosen by God to come to the world. You poor creatures can only accept my domination!"

"Now... give me everything you have!!!"

There are about seventy or eighty eyeballs all over the body, gathering a strange purple light, shooting out countless dense beams.

Swish swish swish swish...  

The dense beams hit Husward one after another like a torrential rain.

Seeing this scene, Yvette's heart almost came to her throat, for fear that he would also be controlled by the hive.

However, as the purple light beam disappeared, Hasward did not have any pupil imprint, and no matter how the hive motivated the mind control, it could not affect him in the slightest, and Yvette finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Honeycomb's eyes widened, showing a terrified look: "Why... I have already hit you..."

"Didn't I say so?"

There was an invisible coercion in Haswald's multi-pupil eyes: "In front of these omnipotent [eyes], all your moves are meaningless, I have already seen the [eyes] that belong to you. future】."

"No... I don't believe it!" The hive roared wildly, and released the dominant beam almost desperately.

"The so-called Full Manifestation is essentially the use of the Spirit Son."

Haswald strolled in the purple beam, the spiritual pressure shield held up around his body bounced off all the beams, and said lightly: "By the way, let me tell you a common sense, when the difference between the spiritual pressure is too large, the stronger the The power can't affect the other side."

While speaking, Hasward walked to the hive.

Standing a head taller, he looked down at the collapsed hive, pursed his lips and said, "And the gap between you and me is already so big that I don't need to use any ability at all to easily disintegrate your Full Display."

A hand gently stroked the head of the beehive, and a calm voice echoed in the night:

"In the name of the Spirit King... usurp the altar!"

The pentagram altar bursting out with divine brilliance suddenly appeared at the foot of the beehive, but the simple lines outlined a profound charm.

Even if they had no experience with systematic training and did not know the pentagram symbolizing the Quincy at all, Yvette and Hive could feel a violent will that was almost arrogant and unreasonable.


A shrill scream broke out from the throat of the hive, and the whole face became hideous due to the distortion.

It can clearly feel that the energy in his body is being ripped off a little bit, and even the will to resist is being forcibly suppressed by the tyrannical will.

Usurping the altar, as the name suggests.

Forcibly usurp the opponent's power and strip it from the soul.

And in the process of stripping, depending on the practitioner's Reiatsu, it will cause varying degrees of pain.

The only person who could crack this trick was the head of the army, Ichibei, who completely ignored the usurping of the altar with the power of calling out his true name.

After a while, the screaming finally stopped.

The hive seemed to be dehydrated, lying on the ground withered like dry bones, with no radiance in its eyes, like a walking corpse.

"In this way, the conditions should be fulfilled, right?"

Hasward turned his head and looked at Yvette with wide eyes and lovely eyes, and said lightly.

"But... that's fine."

Yvette swallowed and seemed a little scared.

"Next, I'll leave it to you." Haswald looked into the distance and said with a heavy heart: "I have more important things to do, and the person you are waiting for...should It's coming soon, so don't worry."

Without waiting for Yvette to thank him, Hasward disappeared like a ghost.

With mixed feelings, Yvette took a deep breath, took heavy steps, slowly walked towards the hive, took out an ordinary dagger, and said softly: "The hatred for the past seventy years ends today. Bar."

The hive raised its head stiffly, losing all its power, as if stripped of its moral disguise, and turned into a beast.

In the scarlet bloodshot eyes, there is a ferocious and brutal killing breath, and I can't wait to tear everything in front of me. The hoarse voice is full of resentment: "I hate you... Yvette!"

"I know."

Yvette came to the hive and clenched the sharp dagger.

"If it wasn't for could I be born?!" Hive roared bitterly: "It's all your fault! You are obviously my mother, why don't you pay attention to me? You don't even want to share a little love. Give it to me!"

"I just want to be with you forever, what's wrong with me?!"

"Answer my question, Yvette, my mother, killing your offspring with your own hands, how do you feel?!"

When it came to the end, the honeycomb was almost broken, and the resentment in the eyes was so strong that it even made people feel palpitations.


A sharp dagger was inserted into the beehive's chest.

"From the beginning, your thinking was wrong."

Yvette knelt on the ground, lowered her head to meet Hive's resentful eyes, and said calmly: "You have never regarded yourself as a human being, and regarded everything as your prey, even my so-called mother body is nothing but you. It's just a step up to a higher level of nourishment."

"So please don't... make yourself so innocent."

"If it is just for your own survival, you can trample on other people's lives at will, manipulate their personality and will arbitrarily and control them like puppets, just to satisfy your own deformed desires, then you are unworthy. Call it human."

"You are not a **** and have no power over anyone."

"You are just a monster, the product of your actions to satisfy your desire to control, a monster who tries to put your own will above all human beings, tries to distort all truth and facts, and uses the power of lies to control other people's monsters."

"But you forgot one thing..."

"Truth and facts will never be distorted, and humanity will never thank you for your self-righteous 'justice and domination'."

"You ask how I feel?"

"Then I can answer you, I don't feel anything, I just feel sorry for you."

"A monster that only knows how to plunder since its birth, has no gratitude, is full of lies and hypocrisy, and can only control others."


"In the eternal cycle, repent of the sins you have committed."

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