Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:35:12 PM

Chapter 851: Sir, times have changed! (1)

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With a loud shout, Chen Lin cut through the sea level like a dragon, and turned into a golden lightning bolt with the piercing sound of thunder.

The frontal resistance was "Thunder Tiger Shattering the Sky", but Ikaris was only a little embarrassed. After stabilizing his body, he burst into full energy, and his eyes shot out blazing lasers.


Waves appeared on the flat sea, and were plowed out of the ravine by the straight laser, like a smooth section left after being cut.

The high-temperature laser light penetrated the beast tide, and the unlucky mutants who were accidentally hit along the way were directly vaporized into a cloud of blood before even a whimper could occur.

However, Chen Lin did not dodge or evade, and the psychic power poured out like a flood, and condensed into a giant dragon in his palm: "Nian Beast: Golden Dragon Splits the Sky!"


A lifelike giant dragon raised its head fiercely, and the scales all over its body burst into thunder, making a roar that shook the sky and the earth, rolled up tens of thousands of tons of waves, and rushed towards the laser beam unstoppable.

Boom! ! !

The golden dragon smashed the laser in one fell swoop, and a loud noise erupted.

The dazzling golden light occupies the sky, a huge mushroom cloud rises on the sea surface, and the terrifying high-temperature air waves are continuous, sweeping over like the trampling of ancient giant beasts, sweeping away the mutant race within a few miles.

The huge shock even spread to the land, and the terrifying ravines stretched out for several kilometers along the beach. Countless fish and shrimps living under the sea were lifted hundreds of meters into the air by the huge shock wave, mixed with meat foam. The blood rain washed down.

And this is just an appetizer.

The two were like violent beasts, using the vast ocean as a battle field, and started a near-crazy slaughter.

I saw that in just a few dozen seconds, the two had collided no less than a hundred times. The fierce golden light was mixed with angry waves, and thousands of tons of waves were set off, overwhelming the sky and hitting the four directions.

This is like a scene of destruction, which deeply shocked the Avengers.

Tony was the first to react, looking at the mutant race that was approaching the land, and said in horror: "Damn, we don't have time to be in a daze, these monsters are about to rush to the shore!"

Even though Chen Lin has tried his best to release a large-scale psychic ultimate move in an attempt to reduce the number of mutant beast tides, their number is still astronomical.

The mutant races they killed were nothing compared to the entire mutant race beast tide.

"The number...still too much!"

Everyone's faces were ugly.

Because they knew very well in their hearts that this would be a fierce battle, and unless one of Chen Lin and Icaris fell first, it would never end.

"Big man, it's your turn to appear!"

Steve took a deep breath, summoned the giant's right arm and the devil's left arm, exuding a terrifying murderous aura, and said coldly, "No one is stopping you this time, I have only one request, that is Hit me hard!"

"Thank you, Captain."

Banner, who had endured to the limit for a long time, had a tinge of green on his face, and his thick blood vessels burst into a terrifying smile: "That guy's anger... has already reached its limit!"

Hawkeye pulled an ugly smile: "I hope we won't become their fertilizer."

"There is only one mission!"

Steve's spiritual power spewed out, like a volcano about to erupt: "Don't let a mutant race break into human society!"

The mobilization in front of the station is over.

Without waiting for the others, Steve jumped off the fighter plane.

Tony's armor and mask closed, followed by flying out of the fighter plane, and said coldly: "Jarvis, the Atlas support system is ready, I want to build a dense firepower network behind the front line!"

Spider-Man Peter grabbed a parachute and jumped out of the hatch with the two in front.


Immediately after a roar, the big green guy rushed out of the hatch, like a cannonball, hitting the coast.

The last remaining Patton grinned bitterly, picked up the parachute and jumped out.

However, say so.

But when they really stood on the shore, they realized that they were too naive.

They didn't need to look up at all to see the endless black wave, which turned into a huge shadow that covered the sky and the sun, as if it was near the end. .

Take every breath with all your might.

Every nerve was stretched to the limit, as if it would be completely broken with just a gentle touch.

What is oppression?

This is the most intuitive sense of oppression. On the coastline that stretches for thousands of meters, there are only four of them, but the number of enemies to be blocked is like the number of sand in the Ganges.

Regardless of the terrain or the number of people, our side has no advantage at all, but it is the worst situation.

To defend the coastline of thousands of meters, it is tantamount to just relying on four people.


The earth was shaking violently.

Everyone's face was ugly, even mixed with a trace of pallor, heavy breathing came one after another, and nervous sweat leached from the surface of the body.

The terrifying aura of the beast tide erupted, as if it was about to devour the sky.

"team leader......"

Peter swallowed hard, his lips white and trembling and said, "Can we really stop so many mutants with just a few of us?"

"I can't stop it...I have to stop it!"

Steve almost clenched his teeth and said with bloodshot eyes: "If these monsters rush into human society, humanity will be completely finished!"

"Jarvis, hurry up!"

Tony urged anxiously: "Let the Atlas support system pour all the firepower into this area!"

"Understood, sir."

Jarvis paused for a moment, and then said: "But the coverage of Atlas' firepower is not enough to stop the coastline that is several kilometers long."

"No matter how many, let me cut a wave of their numbers first!" Tony ordered fiercely.

"Command received."

"The Atlas support system has been activated, and all eighty-eight armed satellites are locating enemy targets and targeting them for large-scale strikes."

The next moment, the sky will rain fire!

No... Look carefully, that's not Fire Rain!

Instead, the metal tungsten rods fell from the atmosphere one after another like a meteorite, occupying the entire sky like fireworks.

"Experience the weapons of mankind!"

Tony said fiercely: "This is a space-based weapon that I specially developed to deal with your group of alien monsters!"


The first metal tungsten rod fell, and the huge impact force of tens of millions of tons burst out with a roaring explosion that ripped apart the sky.

In an instant.

Just like the sea **** needle stirred the ocean, setting off a tsunami of destruction hundreds of meters high, a huge shock wave visible to the naked eye, easily torn apart countless mutant races.

Followed by the second and third...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A group of mushroom clouds rose up on the sea surface, setting off more than ten million tons of seawater, like a water column rushing into the sky.

The coastline was moved back hundreds of meters, and the place where the land was originally was flooded with bright red seawater. The seawater in the sky mixed with foul-smelling minced meat poured over the earth like a torrential rain.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!