Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:33:42 PM

Chapter 886: True Fight · Liberation (6)

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After a long time, He did not gather again.

It seems that as the man expected, in the process of numerous aggregations, He lost control of flesh and blood.

Even if it is as powerful as the old ruler, it cannot be eternal.

The so-called 'immortality' is only based on a certain level, imprinting the will and spirit in every cell.

If the spirit and will in every cell are wiped out, then the so-called immortal ruler of the old days can naturally be killed.

"Finally... dead?"

The man's eyes were full of exhaustion, and his spiritual power swept the starry sky again and again to confirm whether there was any omission.

Just as he was about to explore the secrets hidden in the depths of the starry sky, a dangerous reminder came to his mind.

He... is alive!

And it wasn't until a slippery tentacle emerged from the black windbreaker that he suddenly realized that he had been assimilated!

The thick spot of light appeared on the top of the head at an unknown time. Under the light source, a distorted shadow was stretched and extended infinitely in the universe. Then, at the position of the head, a blank arc was 'teared', two holes. Eye sockets, like a smiling face.

The weird 'smile' on the shadow's face looked a little crazy.

The two hole-shaped 'eyeballs' turned leisurely, their lips pulled an amazing arc, and said with a smile:

"The Old Ones... are immortal!"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then a babble sounded in his mind.

One after another smooth tentacles madly drilled out of his black windbreaker, and black frenzy flashed in the depths of his pupils.

The man tries to control his body to resist, only to find it seems out of control.

"The old rulers are here!"

"The old ruler is here now!"

"The Old Ones...will be forever!"

The frantic babble, like a thousand mad murmurs, was destroying his spirit.

The tentacles caressed his cheek 'intimately', as if licking, the cold touch and the sticky mucus on it made him feel sick from the bottom of his heart.

But gradually, he could not have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

All emotions, desires, and thoughts are being stripped out of my mind little by little over time.

I didn't even have the thought of resisting, I just wanted to watch quietly, be occupied by the tentacles little by little, and wait for the destruction to come.

Like being heavily sedated, he just wanted to sleep peacefully now.

Feeling that he gave up resistance, the speed of the mutation suddenly accelerated. First, the lower body started to grow black scales, the human limbs turned into animal claws, and the head also approached the shape of an 'octopus'.

"So...from the beginning...your purpose body?" The man's thoughts were intermittent, and he tried his best to ask a sentence.

"You... belong to me..."

In the deepest part of his mind, Cthulhu's voice sounded: "I will be... the new pillar!"

More and more slippery tentacles ooze out from the windbreaker, and the number of densely packed is astonishingly large, occupying the nearby void, and Cthulhu's voice echoes in the depths of his mind, as if the darkness pollutes his remaining spirit. fire.

Just a little bit more...

As long as he can occupy this last place, He can become a new 'pillar'!

But just when He was about to devour the last 'fire', the spiritual ocean, which was completely blackened and infiltrated and polluted, suddenly set off an endless storm, and a mountain covered with corpses was exposed under the monstrous waves.

And the boy sitting on the mountain suddenly opened his eyes.

Those are a pair of indescribable eyes, as if reflecting the broken world into the pupils, with cracks intertwined with magnificent colors, blooming unparalleled beauty, but exuding terrifying horror.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Cthulhu suddenly screamed and seemed to see something terrifying.

The boy slowly got up from the corpse, held a transparent blade full of cracks, and even slashed with a wave of his arm!

Space... no, it's the whole world, it's been slashed with a knife.

Gu Ao

Countless magnificent cracks are intertwined, as if the broken scene is slowly broken...separated.

"no no!!!"

" it on purpose!!!"

"Ah ah ah..."

Cthulhu's spiritual ocean was completely smashed by a knife.


In the real world, men regain control of their bodies.

The moment he opened his eyes, a terrifying spiritual pressure rolled in like a giant wave, directly crushing the countless incoming tentacles.

After condensing to the extreme, the spiritual pressure is like a terrifying scorching sun, which directly shatters everything in the vicinity, and the void is in the explosion of the astral wind, like a flag whistling in the wind.


The old ruler Cthulhu's eyes flickered, and he let out a roar of rage.

In the terrifying spiritual pressure storm, a man with a well-proportioned body and a sturdy physique, wearing a long black coat, with a long knife on his waist, and silver hair, walked out slowly on the turbulent air waves.

The terrifying air wave gradually subsided, and the vast spiritual pressure slowly stabilized.

But even so, the entire starry sky is still shivering under the pressure of the spirit, and countless void cracks are scattered throughout it.


The man took a step forward, and there were huge ripples in the void.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the great changes in everything in the world and himself.

Everything he could see, from the stellar celestial body to the tiny dust mustard seeds, became extremely clear in his eyes. It seemed that with a slight push, everything could be overturned and crushed!

Those broken memories in the past, now like a giant tree that has sprouted again, have all come back.

At the same time, strength is coming back.

Belonging to... the power of death!

"My name...Lord!"

The man clenched his fists, feeling the familiar power in his body.

When the five fingers were clenched tightly, let him germinate an illusion, as if he could smash the heaven and the earth as long as he waved it out.

"I am all things and all things are me. So...I am in all things!"

He slowly walked towards the old ruler, his eyes drooping slightly, and in his cold and indifferent eyes, there was indifference without any emotion.

boom--! ! !

An indescribable, boundless spiritual pressure filled the entire world.

It slammed into the boundless void like a mountain moving horizontally, and the violent collision caused rolling waves, thousands of hurricanes like giant dragons, roaring and rushing in the starry sky, and the void of thousands of miles shattered.

The long river transformed by the order of time and space flows in the shattered void.

Thousands of black-clothed sword-carrying incarnations are stepping on the long, galloping river, descending here from the past or the future.

"Swallow solution - I am in all things!!!"


"I only know today... I am me."

There was a trace of reminiscence in Lorde's eyes, and he sighed deeply and inexplicably.

If it wasn't for Cthulhu's intrusion into his spiritual world and the awakening of the second Zanpakutō, I'm afraid it would take some time to retrieve his memory.

Lost memories come back, and power comes back at the same time.

This feeling is very wonderful, once again mastering 'I am in all things', making him have a feeling of being in all things.

However, the old ruler at this time fell into a kind of madness.

I saw him chanting frantically, a certain supreme name in the depths of the universe, and uttering all blasphemous words, the endless anger was like substance, igniting this dead starry sky, and everything he saw collapsed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!