Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:33:31 PM

Chapter 894: The Battle of Nimori! (3)

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esearch material? !

For a moment, the Death Gods of the 12th Division wondered if they were hallucinating.

The other party is the devil who is in charge of the crime of gluttony, one of the seven monarchs of hell, and has a terrifying existence in the dimension of hell!

However, such a terrifying **** demon king was used as research material by Nimori?

"Nirvana... Captain Nimori?"

A certain officer swallowed dry saliva and reminded with a horrified face: "He is one of the seven demon kings of hell. According to the information collected by the eighth division, at least he is a strong person around the first-class Reiatsu."

The Eighth Division is responsible for gathering intelligence, and information about other hells is basically passed on to the Shinigami divisions.

Among them, the devil in charge of the seven deadly sins, headed by Lucifer, the sin of arrogance, belongs to the strongest force in hell, and every devil is at least a first-class spiritual pressure. The evaluation standard of this world is... .Heavenly Father.

Moreover, this is not their real power.

After all, when the Demon King comes to the world, he needs to be restricted in various ways, so his performance and combat power vary.

But if it is in the **** they control, then the average strength of the seven demon kings is expected to be at least the 'transcendence' level.

In other words, it is a single cosmos-level powerhouse.

And the sin of arrogance, Lucifer, has a high possibility of surpassing, the level above the transcendence, that is, the 'multiverse level'.

The Reiatsu of the vice-captain Nie Yuuri, at most, is only second-class, that is, the 'sub-heavenly father'.

Later, the officer did not dare to say it, for fear of retaliation afterward.

"So... so what?"

Nie Mayuri looked indifferent and sneered: "The battle of the **** of death is not just a battle between Reiatsu."

"I'm afraid you haven't let Aizen beat you..."

The officer's lips moved, but in the end he didn't dare to speak his mind.

"It's just a mere human... how dare you use me as research material?"

After hearing these bold and arrogant speeches, Beelzebub, the sin of gluttony, showed an extremely angry look as expected.

To be so underestimated, Beelzebub's anger was visible to the naked eye. Thousands of compound eyes were turning around randomly, and the plague miasma that permeated the surroundings suddenly rioted like violent boiling water, and a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly surged.

"Aiya, it looks like I won't agree."

Nie Yuli shook his head in disappointment, and the spiritual pressure level increased by hundreds or thousands of times. :

"Then... I will make you feel very sorry for not agreeing to my proposal."

"My children, spread the plague and fear!"

Beelzebub, who was in charge of the crime of gluttony, opened his pale and fat arms, and shouted loudly, trembling with fat all over his body.

In the dense fog full of corruption and stench, countless disgusting flies buzzed and fluttered, setting off a black cloud containing deadly germs, whistling and plundering from the air. A twisted soul moaning and screaming.

"Is this the trick again?"

Nie Yuli smiled sarcastically, and crushed a bottle full of liquid: "It's a pity, although the shroud is very troublesome to make, but something like holy water...I want some how much."


After the bottle shattered, the liquid instantly vaporized upon contact with the air, raising a white mist that enveloped him.

The rich divine power fills the nearby space, enough to drive out all evil demons.

However, this time, the situation exceeded his expectations.

The pure white mist that the holy water turned into was polluted and corrupted in an instant after it came into contact with the foul-smelling, corrupt mist.

"Is it actually ineffective?" Nie Mayuri realized that something was wrong, and immediately fled the area covered by the dense fog.

"Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssddd with horns, humans!" , can I make it impossible for me to take you?"

Gu Xian

"As expected of the Demon King who is in charge of a major crime, he still underestimates you."

Nie Yuli's face was extremely ugly. Although his reaction was quick, his left arm was still stained with a stench of corrupt mist.

Countless dark green abscesses grow on the surface of the severely festered skin.

The foul-smelling yellow pus was constantly flowing out of the abscesses. An extremely weak feeling invaded the brain, as if suffering from some incurable severe disease, and the body's defense system was collapsing.


Nie Yuli made a decisive decision, directly tore off his left hand, and discarded it.

Soon the arm was covered with tumors, and then pus flowed out after the tumor ruptured, nourishing strange green mycelium, and then developing into a creep at an astonishing speed, swallowing all the vitality and energy within the range.

"What an amazing rate of corruption!"

Even Nie Yuli couldn't help being shocked after seeing this scene.

If he had reacted more slowly just now, I am afraid that he is now covered by mycelium, and the one that has evolved into a creep is him!

buzzing buzzing...

The swarms of flies came in a rotting mist, and a chaotic hum drowned out all sounds.

Nie Yuli's eyes sank, and he walked away again in a blink of an eye. At the same time, he also intended to lead Beelzebub to a sparsely populated area.

How could Beelzebub, the sin of gluttony, let go of the duck that reached its mouth, and two fly wings grew out of its back, vibrating and chasing it at a very fast speed, and at the same time let out a cold and evil laughter: "Human, I see where you are going. run!"

The wind whistled in his ears, and Beelzebub was chasing after him.

Nie Yuli calmly took out a meat tonic and stuck it on the lost left arm.

With the injection of a tube of medicine, the strong vitality activated the cells, and the peristaltic muscles regrown an arm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Well, it's almost recovered."

Nie Yuli tried to clench his fist to confirm that there were no sequelae, and came to the empty area of ​​Seiringei, and then looked at Beelzebub who was chasing after him, a cold expression on the corner of your lips: "How dare you hurt me, This will let you know how good I am!"

"Hiss, are you finally going to give up? Humans!"

Seeing that he finally stopped running, Beelzebub slammed heavily on the ground and said with a grim smile, "I'll free you right away, become a Primarch full of corruption and viruses, and slaughter your own kind!"

"Don't be too arrogant, you disgusting fly!"

Nie Yuli's face was as gloomy as water slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō, and a cold voice came out: "I'll let you close that disgusting mouth immediately, this will let you see ...the wrath of the scientists!"


"Golden Killing Jizo!!!"


The violent Reiatsu is like a raging wind, and a terrifying, cold and evil aura permeates.

The strange red light suddenly bloomed, pouring out like the pervasive mercury, and I saw a huge mass of flesh wriggling and forming at an extremely fast speed, casting a huge shadow in the sky.


A sound like a baby's cry suddenly resounded through the sky above Seiringei.

The wriggling piece of meat finally took shape, a huge golden baby head with two gray hollow eyeballs, but the body was like a giant worm, hundreds of centipede-like feet swayed, and the whole showed a strange atmosphere. .

The purple mist spewed out of the baby's mouth, completely blocking the stench of Beelzebub's thick mist.

"This guy's body contains 19.7 million kinds of poisons."

Nieyongli bit his golden teeth and said with deep hatred: "Its poisonousness is enough to obliterate all living things, although it is a pity that you cannot be used as research material, hahahahaha, but please die! "


The baby let out a cry and spit out a huge amount of purple poisonous mist.

Immediately afterwards, it squirmled like a centipede, its huge body charged towards Beelzebub, and stabbed countless blades from under its neck.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!