Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:31:16 PM

Chapter 971: Can you stop this one knife?

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What is heat? What is cold again?

The so-called hot and cold, in fact, is the temperature.

Temperature is a form of translational kinetic energy between molecules in an object.

The faster the molecular motion, the higher the temperature, the hotter the object; the slower the molecular motion, the lower the temperature, the colder the object.

Based on this idea.

Lorde gave birth to a bold guess.

Since he owns the 'Remnant Fire Sword', 'Dahonglian Binglunwan', and 'Baixia Punishment', the three strongest elemental Zanpakutō in the history of the Soul Society, why not try and combine the two? what about?

The highest temperature of the residual fire sword can reach a temperature comparable to that of the core of a star, that is, a high temperature of 15 million degrees, which is enough to burn all objects to ashes.

And Dahonglian Binglunwan and Baixia Pu, combined with the lowest temperature in the future, have reached the absolute zero field, and even space and time can freeze.

With the help of omniscience and omnipotence, he made countless attempts, and finally found a balance, the critical point of fusion of the two.

And so, a new power was born!

A brand new power that allows him to control the temperature at will and subvert the laws of thermodynamics.

Now he, in the true sense, can destroy a planet at will.

By arbitrarily regulating the temperature, he can cause tsunamis or extreme weather at will, such as thunderstorms, heavy rain, tornadoes, typhoons, etc., which in turn destroys the climate of the planet, thereby causing more intense natural disasters.

It's not magic, and it's not science fiction.

Rather, it is a real rule that exists within the scope of human understanding and that exists in the universe.

"Actually, I want to thank you."

Lorde looked at Pharaoh Black calmly and said slowly: "If you use such power at will in the real universe, it will cause a huge disaster."

"But here is the dark dimension..."

"So I can, unscrupulously try, my true power."

The last word fell like a thunderstorm.

Lord took half a step with his left foot, leaned over and came to the black pharaoh, his right hand gripped the hilt of the knife, like a dragon looking up, from bottom to top, raised high.

A long knife that was charred and carbonized, seemed to break through the chaotic darkness of dawn, and suddenly burst into a splendid brilliance.

The black pharaoh's pupils shrank slightly, and he stepped back, but it was still not as fast as the swift blade, and the eyes reflected more and more brilliance, and finally the whole person was swallowed.


Comparable to the brilliance of millions of suns, it shone and dispelled the entire darkness for a while.

The blade was wrapped in extremely high temperature, and it released a violent storm that rolled thousands of miles. Like a dragon awakened in ancient times, it erupted with an aura that destroyed the world and engulfed the body of the black pharaoh in an instant.

And those planetary meteorites along the way were completely melted and dissolved in almost a blink of an eye, and turned into dust and scattered.

The fire marks left in the starry sky are like the scars of the universe, which cannot be healed for a long time, and they look terrifying and hideous.

If this knife is on Earth.

It is not difficult to imagine that the entire surface of the planet will be split in half, and the core will be destroyed and melted together.


Black Pharaoh jumped, like a meteor piercing the void, dragging the flames, breaking through the monstrous waves of flames.

Although he escaped, a huge wound was torn open by the knife on his chest.

what's surprising is.

There was no blood coming out of his wound, but a black mist, like a sticky gel, that kept overflowing from it.

And through the black mist, you can see that in his body, the sticky tentacles appear and disappear from time to time, but they quickly penetrate into the body and disappear as the wound heals.

"Almost died..." Black Pharaoh still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if the listing just now had no effect on him.

I saw him lightly extinguishing the flames on his body, shook his head, and said jokingly: "I didn't expect you to grow so fast, it's a bit beyond my expectations."

While he was speaking, Lord continued to approach, and when the blade fell, the terrifying coercion was wrapped in the mighty light of the blade, like a sky rushing down.


Black Pharaoh stepped back half an inch and would dodge half an inch, but his whole body was torn apart from it.

Together with the millions of miles behind the star field, it was split in half, and the storm caused by the high temperature was raging, and all visible and invisible substances within the range were vaporized in an instant.

Although the black pharaoh was split in half, he could still speak: "By the way, you shouldn't know yet, right?"

"I do not want to know!"

Lord cut him coldly.


In an instant, countless knife lights were cut out.

Like a densely interwoven torrent, pouring down and crushing the black pharaoh.

But in the next second, He recovered again.

"The 'flower' in your body is actually only half, and the other half is in your future body."

The black pharaoh continued to tell: "In the Garden of Eden, we successfully grabbed it, but I didn't expect that the old guy from God actually cut it in advance."

"I said, I'm not interested in knowing!"

Lord snorted coldly, and the offensive exploded more and more. It seemed that he completely ignored the consumption, squandering the flame to his heart's content, transferring heat to every part of the universe.

"Okay okay, skip this topic."

Black Pharaoh was annihilated again, but he was resurrected again, and it seemed that he had no intention of fighting at all.

"Why don't we talk, you and the future you, who is the real Lord Carl?" Black Pharaoh smiled maliciously.

"Shut up-!!"

Lorde's pupils shrank, suddenly roared furiously, smashed the space with a knife, caused a huge storm, and directly smashed the black pharaoh again.

"Ha ha ha ha......."

Black Pharaoh laughed wildly: "Do you want to know, or have you guessed it?"

Lord kept his mouth shut and just kept attacking.

The temperature is getting higher and higher!

As time passed, the entire dark dimension was boiling, like a huge furnace, emitting extreme terrifying heat.

In the extreme heat, the stars turned into burning fireballs, as if countless suns appeared at the same time, illuminating the dark dimension as bright as day.

However, there are even more terrifying things.

Countless stars decayed and gradually evolved into white dwarfs, releasing ultra-high temperatures and radiation, and the dazzling brilliance that was volatilized was clearly visible hundreds of thousands of light-years away.

Finally, Pharaoh Black realized something, and his face became extremely ugly: "You... are you trying to cause the heat death of the universe?!"

"It's too late to realize now, isn't it?" Lorde was expressionless, and with a light stroke of the blade, the space was cut like a piece of butter without any hindrance.

The so-called heat death is a physical guess.

In a closed isolated system, with the passage of time, the movement of all matter will intensify, the entropy of the universe will change from order to disorder, and then all the effective energy will be converted into heat.

The ultimate phenomenon is the limit of the maximum entropy increase.

Everything has become a state of disorder and chaos, and the universe will go to the fate of heat death and collapse into the original singularity again!

"do you know?"

Lord slowly walked towards the black pharaoh with a knife, and said lightly: "The moment of the highest temperature in the universe was when it was born, and humans named the temperature at this moment 'Planck temperature'."

Hearing this, the black pharaoh finally couldn't sit still, his face was extremely gloomy, his expression was like that of a demon that had taken off human skin, covered with terrifying blue veins, and let out a low roar that did not sound like a human voice: "You think... ...will that kill me?"

"Then... give it a try."

Lorde's expression was icy cold, and he placed his knives staggered under him, and said indifferently, "Can you stop this 140,000,000,000,000,00,00,00,000,000-bit knife!"


The sky trembled, and countless stars died.

At the same time, Lorde was like a dazzling white rainbow, dragging the invisible waves and rushing towards the black pharaoh from the other end of the starry sky.

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