Published at 22nd of May 2024 12:30:41 PM

Chapter 990: 1 as 0

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The number of zombies...increased again!

With the hard evidence in front of him, Ah Jin's mind was completely blank.

Facts have proved that the parallel universe instrument has not been closed at all. If not, it would be impossible for so many zombies to appear continuously, regardless of whether it has anything to do with Niyuli, this time... I am afraid he will suffer. !

If every zombie was the same as the previous five, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Ah Jin can no longer imagine what kind of terrifying end it will cause if tens of millions of zombies flood into the Soul Garden and the Soul Realm at once. Perhaps that is the real meaning... Doomsday!

No wonder...that universe will be destroyed!

There were nearly a hundred zombie groups, black like a tide, occupying the open space in front of the ruins of the laboratory.

"Ah~~ I smell it, fresh flesh and air!"

"Yes, this is the new universe, and we have fresh food again, hahahaha!"

"Great, I haven't eaten meat in a long time!"

"Hurry up, let's eat more before that group of people find out."

The zombies did not shy away from it at all, and they discussed in person how to divide them, and even divided up whose arms belonged to whom, whose thighs belonged to whom, whose brain tasted better, whose internal organs were more delicate, and so on.

Listening to the group of monsters discussing how to eat themselves, Ah Jin and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and opened their mouths and spat out the acid water that had been left overnight.

The zombies became more and more excited, and even many couldn't hold back and attacked each other.

"Stop talking about this!"

At this moment, a familiar figure walked out of the zombie group and raised his arms and shouted: "This is a brand new universe, we don't need to make noise at this time, everyone can get it, so we must unite, understand? ?"

"Listen, we don't need to fight because there's a lot of fresh flesh here!"

"As long as we work together, we can share delicious flesh, don't fight infighting now!"

A group of zombies listened to the man's words, quickly put down the fight, and turned their attention to them.

"They...have a leader?!"

Ah Jin was startled again, but his face changed drastically, and he said in horror: "Wait, this man, the Stars and Stripes uniform and shield... Isn't he Captain America Steve Rogers?"

Yes, the one who stopped the infighting of the zombies and called for unity was Captain America Steve Rogers.

It's just that at this time, he no longer has the slightest human posture, half of his head has been cut off, and he can still see the brain inside, but even so, he can still act and think.

Ah Jin suddenly realized something, his eyes widened, and he swept through the zombie group one by one, his face paler: "Iron Man Tony Stark, Hawkeye Barton, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow Natasha..."

Due to the high degree of decay of these zombies, he didn't recognize them at first.

But after seeing Captain America, Ah Jin carefully identified it and found that almost all the zombies here were registered by the Technology Development Bureau. The superheroes in this universe are also mixed with some super villains.

In other words...that's a superhero universe too!

It's just that those superheroes and villains have become the ghosts they are today!

"Hey hey, did someone come out?"

Zombie Steve walked up with a grin, licked his **** lips, and said, "But it doesn't matter, you will join us soon, of course, the premise is... you must be able to leave corpses! "


The next moment, Zombie Tony rode the armor and charged up with the Thunder Zombie Thor.

Zombie Hulk followed, roaring and bouncing high into the sky, as if a physical cannonball fell and the wind poured down.

"The ice dragon spins its tail!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes were slightly cold, and then he swept into the sky step by step.

The blade edge wrapped in extreme freezing air slashed out, the water vapor condensed into an ice dragon, and the icy cold wind roared up. Following the direction of the blade's blade, it instantly froze the zombies rushing in front.

Zombie Tony, taking advantage of his speed, made a large circle in mid-air and swooped close again.

"Fresh's mine!" Zombie Tony cheered excitedly, looking at the figure getting closer and closer, his saliva almost filled his mouth, and he wanted to tear off a piece of meat and fill it up hungry stomach.

Should he eat his arms first, or his thighs first?

No matter what, tear off a piece of meat first to relieve your cravings!

Zombie Tony got closer and closer, and when he could almost smell the scent of meat, he bumped into a pair of emerald-colored indifferent eyes.

"Ice Dragon Spinning Tail Juekong!" Hitsugaya Toshiro had already noticed him, and when he approached, he turned around and the blade fell.


Zombie Tony was directly hit by the giant tail and hit the ground heavily.

"Icicles of birds!" Hitsugaya Toshiro pointed with the tip of his knife, and the atmospheric moisture condensed into ice, falling from the sky like a cannonball.

The group of zombies were beaten and wailed, and they retreated steadily, as if they had the upper hand.

But, is this the truth?

I don't know if it's their illusion, the number of zombies... seems to have increased again?

From the first hundred or so people, there are almost four or five hundred people now, and the crowd is surging, densely packed like an ant colony.

"The number...too many!" Ah Jin screamed in horror.

No matter how strong the captain is, he can't stop so many... Superheroes and supervillains!

And from the underground tunnel of the ruins, there are still zombies pouring out. It is like an ant nest, and monsters are constantly being created. The number of zombies is almost every tens of seconds. increase!

The space was filled with the stench and rotten breath, as if a **** giant wave was pressing down, releasing a terrifying sense of oppression.

"What are you still doing?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly shouted, waking up the dazed Ah Jin and everyone: "Your mission is to find Niyuli and activate the wartime warning order, leave it to me here to stop it!"

"But... Captain Hitsugaya, you can't do it alone!"

Ah Jin's face was full of fear. He didn't think the captain alone could stop these hundreds of powerful zombies.

"Don't underestimate me too much..."

Hitsugaya Toushiro let out a sigh of relief, his spiritual pressure began to soar wildly, and his eyes swept coldly across the zombies: "Although the wartime warning order has not been issued, is a special situation, and it should be done afterwards. don't blame me."


The dark clouds covered the sky, and the dull thunder sounded.

The temperature between the heavens and the earth seemed to plummet by dozens of degrees, and the corpse and soul world in the clear sky was covered with clouds in an instant.

"That' the celestial phenomenon coming?!"

Ah Jin and the others were shocked in their hearts looking at the figure in the sky, like a god.

Although they had heard of it before, but now they have truly realized how terrifying the fact that the legendary ice-snow-type Zanpakutō is powerful enough to manipulate celestial phenomena!

"Irrelevant people, get out of here quickly."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes were cold, and the spiritual pressure all over his body gathered to the limit, like a volcano about to erupt: "The next battle is not something you can intervene. Leave here at least 50 kilometers away."


"I can't guarantee that you will not be involved by me."

Pieces of crystal clear snowflakes fell from the cloudy sky.

It was as if the entire Soul Soul Realm had come to winter, and the cold air even made ice layers appear on the ground, and the exhaled airflow turned into white air.

When Hitsugaya Toushiro stepped out, the whole world seemed to be shaking.

"Swastika! Solution!"

"Big Red Lotus... Ice Wheel Pills!"

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