Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 364

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:56:06 AM

Chapter 364: No. 1 Blood Vessel Enhancer (6000+)

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October 2014, Boxspace, Azkaban Human Laboratory.

Jerry instructed an advanced machine full of technology in front of him:

"Record, the 285th experiment, with dragon's blood as the main material, wormwood infusion, lovage, morning dew, desperate virus repair gene liquid, super soldier serum enhanced gene liquid..."

"Yes, master, the record has been completed!"

A series of records quickly appeared on the machine's screen, then grouped into a folder and kept them together.

Jerry nodded when he heard the words:

"Start experimenting with the new recipe!"

The huge machine immediately stretched out the manipulators that were modeled after the human arm. According to the requirements in the formula, they skillfully processed the materials one by one, and put them into a special container similar to a crucible one after another.

Half an hour later, Jerry stepped forward and began to chant the finishing spell on the liquid in the container with the sound of a beep.

With the end of the potion refining spell, the strange liquid in the container turned into amber, and the machine operated the container, put it into a crystal bottle, sealed it, and handed it to Jerry.

This huge machine is the one that S.H.I.E.L.D. gave him ten months ago. It is currently the most comprehensive and technologically advanced biological research instrument on earth.

However, in order to conduct the experiment more effectively, he used alchemy to make a large-scale magic modification on it, so that it can be more intelligently and effectively assisted to complete the content of the experiment.

In the past ten months, Jerry completely disappeared from the public eye and began to study and conduct biological research with peace of mind.

Even when Nick Fury and Coulson asked for help a few times, he refused.

Due to the use of refreshing and refreshing all the time, he soon learned all the biological knowledge of the university, and also obtained the biological geniuses from Dr. Banner, Dr. Hansen and the Jermaine of the Colson team respectively. A lot of scriptures.

In terms of biological knowledge and ability, he is no worse than some deadly biology professors on the earth.

And because of the enhancement of his ability to remember and remember, and the research materials obtained from S.H.I.E.L.D., his biological knowledge reserve is actually far more than those of ordinary biology professors.

However, after a series of biological experiments, he found that if he just wanted to create something that could strengthen the blood of wizards, it was almost impossible to achieve it if he just followed the level of the earth's biotechnology.

Therefore, he boldly combined the knowledge of potions he had learned with the biological knowledge of the earth.

With more advanced instruments, more scientific and effective experiments, and the use of special potion refining methods, various potion materials from the wizarding world and various serums from the earth are fused to form them with the power of magic.

Finally, after repeated experimental comparison and verification, data analysis, etc., he finally successfully developed a wizard bloodline enhancer.

It's just that the wizard's bloodline enhancer in the beginning always had some drawbacks when conducting human experiments, such as the sudden growth of a tail, an ear, and the like.

Later, after his continuous improvement, continuous addition of various herbs, and more in-depth analysis, observation, etc., all those bad side effects were finally removed.

The one he is holding now is the No. 1 bloodline enhancer that he feels is the most perfect.

However, it is still necessary to carry out corresponding human experiments to be fully confirmed.

"Nagini, come here!"

Following Jerry's call, a huge python quickly appeared at the door, and then transformed into a beautiful woman with an Asian face.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Go and bring an experimental body here!"

Jerry waved his hand, and the beautiful woman left immediately.

Because of the need to study the blood of wizards, Jerry not only collected the blood of normal wizards as research specimens, but also collected the blood of the blood-cursed orc Nagini for comparison.

Through blood amplification research, he also figured out the reason for the formation of the blood-cursed orcs, and while refining the bloodline enhancer, he tried to refine a bottle of bloodline reducing agent.

In fact, it turns out that the effect is not bad.

After taking the blood reducing agent, Nagini can also freely transform himself between the serpent form and the human form, just like becoming an Animagus.

It's just that Animagus can only become an ordinary animal, while Nagini's serpent body is a magical creature.

Given that Nagini's magic power is not low, and he has strong abilities in all aspects after turning into a big snake, he was also contracted by himself with a magic contract, and he is absolutely loyal.

He appointed Nagini as the warden of Akkaban Prison, cooperating with the Dementors, guarding the Death Eaters inside, and he is also the subject of his experiments now.

Five minutes later, Nagini walked into the laboratory with a somewhat blank woman.

"Master, this is the last experimental body!"

"Then I hope this time is a one-off success, otherwise I can only go to the world of "Harry Potter" again."

Jerry muttered as he watched the woman Nagini brought in.

The woman Nagini brought in was the only Death Eater in Akkaban, Bellatrix Lestrange, who had not been injected with blood boosters.

There are not many Death Eaters in Akkaban. In order to prevent accidents, Jerry cast an oblivion spell on each of them, clearing all their memories.

But it is precisely because the number is small that Jerry also saves resources as much as possible, focusing on wizard blood simulation experiments, supplemented by actual human experiments.

No way, the wizard's bloodline enhancer must use wizards as experimental subjects, and there is no way for ordinary humans to conduct experiments.

Therefore, only when he felt he had a better grasp would he find a Death Eater to conduct human experiments.

It's a pity that the previous ones all had some problems in the end. Either they didn't have an enhancement effect, or they had some strange organs, but they were not life-threatening.

Death Eater Bella is already the only Death Eater who has not conducted human experiments.

Ordering Nagini to fix Bella on the bed, Jerry inhaled the amber No. 1 bloodline booster into the needle and injected it into Bella's body.


! "

With the injection of No. 1 bloodline enhancer, Bella immediately let out a howl of pain.

Immediately afterwards, her blue veins burst and she began to struggle violently on the bed.

After a while, the metal device used to fix her hands and feet was forcibly freed by her.

Seeing this, Jerry's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Yes, there is no change in appearance. Oh, it seems to look a lot younger, the wrinkles have disappeared, and the strength enhancement effect is obviously much better than the previous medicine!"

When experimenting with potions before, no Death Eater could break free from the restraints of the laboratory.

Although Bella lost her previous memory, it might be the pain just now that made her feel disgusted with Jerry and Nagini. After breaking free, she rushed towards them immediately.

"All petrochemical!"

Jerry casually threw a full-body binding spell at Bella.

Bella didn't evade at all, but after she was precisely hit by the whole body restraint spell, she continued to charge at Jerry as if nothing was wrong, as if the petrification spell had no effect at all.

Jerry was not surprised but delighted when he saw this, because it means that the function of enhancing magic resistance in No. 1 bloodline enhancer has already played a corresponding effect.

"Call God Guard!"

Immediately afterwards, he summoned the Patronus of the second form and stopped in front of Bella.

Under Jerry's control, the Patronus in the second form grabbed Bella's two hands, intertwined her fingers, and began to wrestle.

Jerry, who was observing from the side, found that Bella's power at this time was actually comparable to that of his second-form Patronus.

You must know that Bella's strength is no different from that of ordinary human women before the experiment, and although the strength of the second form of the patron saint is not as strong as that of the giant form, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

This also means that Jerry is now comparable to the physical strength of the Asgardians. If he is injected with No. 1 bloodline enhancer, the increase in strength will only be more obvious than Bella.

"Try your physical defense ability!"

Seeing that Bella and the Patronus were wrestling, Jerry used the Flying Charm to summon a pistol, and then shot Bella's thigh.


The bullet hit Bella's thigh with precision, and then, causing almost no damage, it was bounced off by the fair skin on her thigh.

"It seems that the attack of ordinary pistols cannot break the defense."

Jerry nodded, then summoned a rifle and another shot.

This time, there was an obvious bloodstain on Bella's snow-white thigh, obviously the power of the rifle was enough to break the defense.

Finally, Jerry summoned the Barrett sniper rifle and put on the armor-piercing bullet for the last experiment.

With a scream, Bella's thigh was directly punched by the armor-piercing bullet, but it quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the armor-piercing bullet was squeezed out.

Obviously, the power of modern weapons such as sniper rifles is enough to cause damage to her body, but because the No. 1 bloodline enhancer contains part of the self-healing ability of the desperate virus developed by Dr. Hansen, the wound will automatically heal itself. healed.

Compared with Bella, Jerry's physical strength itself is not inferior to ordinary Asgar people because he has been practicing the art of longevity. After injecting No. 1 bloodline enhancer, his defense ability should be much stronger than Bella's.

"Now let's test the most important point, the increase in magic power."

Throwing away the sniper rifle, Jerry began to attack Bella with magic of different powers, and finally stunned her to the ground with a lightning strike of 50% power.

Bella, who took No. 1 bloodline enhancer, already had magic resistance no less than that of a normal fire dragon.

But Jerry is not an ordinary wizard. With his current magical strength, if he uses his powerful magic with all his strength, even if it is a fire dragon, he will be killed on the spot, let alone Bella.

After being stunned, Jerry carried Bella on the bed in the laboratory, first used the forgetfulness spell to erase her memory just now, and then began to test her magic level.

The original intention of developing No. 1 bloodline enhancer was to increase the concentration of the wizard's bloodline, in order to increase the total amount of magic power, and then to be able to increase his magic power level more quickly.

Therefore, the previous effects are actually incidental, and the current test results are what he values ​​most.

"Level 310!"

Seeing the test results, Jerry's face suddenly showed a very bright smile.

If he remembered correctly, Bella's magic power level was only 132 before the injection of No. 1 bloodline enhancer, but now it is almost the same as his magic power level.

It can be seen that this bloodline enhancer has basically achieved his original goal.

Of course, Bella's level 310 is still different from Jerry's own level 325 now.

Bella's 310 magic power level is just the amount of magic power, it does not mean that she and Jerry can live forever, just like Dumbledore, Voldemort and Grindelwald, their magic power level is estimated to be at least 400.

However, they are still unable to achieve longevity.

The reason why Jerry can live forever, or the reason why magicians in the "Apprentice of the Magician" world can reach level 300 can live forever is because when they practice meditation, they not only improve their magic power, but also subtly make the essence of the body happen. changed.

The reason why it is set at level 300 is because if the magician has been practicing meditation, when his magic level reaches level 300, his body will almost be transformed by meditation and can reach the standard of longevity.

Jerry, on the other hand, is a special case.

Originally, when he practiced meditation, he had the blood of a wizard in his body, and he had magic power, but that was because his magic power level was very low. Later, the development of the blood of wizards increased the speed of magic power.

Normally speaking, Jerry may need to be between the 30th and 50th level to the 400th level to practice meditation before his body can be transformed by meditation and gain longevity.

However, later in the world of "Cardcaptor", because he absorbed the cultivation characteristics of Eastern and Western magic and Taoism, he improved the original meditation technique and became the current "Longevity Technique".

As a result, not only did he speed up his magic training, but his body transformation speed was greatly enhanced. Therefore, when he was at the 300th level, he was able to make his body reach the standard of longevity.

In general, under normal circumstances, the amount of magic power only represents the amount of magic power. Level 300 magic power can last forever, which is only suitable for those who cultivate magic power with meditation or the "Longevity Technique".

After all the test results were completed, Jerry did not immediately inject No. 1 blood vessel enhancer, but drew a tube of Bella's blood and asked Nagini to send it back to the original place to continue observation.

Although the actual measurement effect of No. 1 blood vessel enhancer is very good, to be sure that it has no side effects at all, Bella's blood needs to be tested in more detail and verified with time.

If Bella's blood analysis is ok, and he himself has remained normal, after a month, he can safely inject himself with blood booster No. 1.

After the injection of No. 1 blood vessel enhancer, in a short period of time, he will no longer focus on the follow-up research of blood vessel enhancer.

With the biological knowledge he has learned on Earth and his current level of potions knowledge, he can only achieve this level for the time being.

Maybe if he spends a few more years to continue his research, the effect of his bloodline enhancer will be better, but using that time to study magic, he feels that his strength will be improved more obviously.

In the follow-up, more powerful bloodline enhancers such as No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 need to be studied, unless they can learn a lot of alchemy technology far beyond the current biological knowledge of the earth in the future.


a month later.

After confirming that Bella's blood analysis was fine and Bella's performance was normal, Jerry injected himself with No. 1 blood vessel booster.

The result was unexpectedly good.

His body's strength, physical defense and magic defense, as well as the total amount of magic power, have all been greatly improved.

Because the foundation is thicker, the effect of his injection of No. 1 blood vessel enhancer is also much better than the effect of Bella's injection a month ago.

And he also found that not only the total amount of magic power in the body has increased a lot, but the cultivation speed of the longevity formula is also much faster than before the injection.

He speculates that the increase in the concentration of the wizard's bloodline is equivalent to the improvement of his aptitude, and the speed of cultivation will naturally be improved.

After he had injected the No. 1 blood vessel booster, he also injected Nagini with another tube.

Although all the Death Eaters in Azkaban were wiped out of their memories by him, and with the exception of Bella, basically because they used a complete bloodline enhancer, the enhancement was not strong.

But on the whole, it is still a relatively dangerous person.

Therefore, it is more important to strengthen the strength of Nagini, the warden, and he cannot stay in the box space every day.

In fact, he originally planned to kill all these Death Eaters after the experiment was over. After all, every crime they committed was enough to be sentenced to death.

But after thinking about it, these Death Eaters have been cleared of all memories by him, and they have also become his human experiment subjects, and killing them is a bit unreasonable.

And in the future, he plans to make the box space a real small world, a small world that belongs to him completely.

These people could also survive here as the first Aboriginal people.

"It's time to start researching new magic!"

It took nine months and nearly 300,000 for Little Red Star, he finally solved the problem of the wizard's bloodline enhancement.

Now, what he needs is to put the focus of time back on magic, expand and strengthen his magic level, improve the power of magic, and learn new magic that he has never seen before.

It just so happened that the cooling down of his small world had already ended, and there were still more than 900,000 little red stars left.

Leaving the box space, opening the panel, and selecting the world of "Magic Sakura", Jerry clicked the confirmation without hesitation.

There are still 31 Clow cards that he has not studied, but there are many magic principles in them, which are very helpful to his current magic strength.

And if he remembered correctly, Elio Hirazawa, who truly inherited the magical memory and powerful magic of Crollidor, should also appear soon.

If you can communicate with him, there should be a good harvest.

As soon as the screen turned, the scene in front of Jerry turned into the magic hut full of various magic books and Taoism books, which was expanded with the Traceless Stretching Charm.


"Sure enough, when the Infinity Stones came out of the main world, they became ordinary stones!"

The first time he re-entered the world of Cardcaptor, Jerry took out the Reality Gem to check it out.

As he expected, the special power that turned the illusion into reality no longer exists in the reality gem, and there is only a gem that turns into an empty shell.

According to the information he learned from Gu Yi, the Infinity Stones are the six singularities born at the Big Bang of the universe, and each gem represents the most fundamental part of the law and power of the universe.

The power of the six gems comes from and represents the entire universe.

So they can never be destroyed. It's not that the six gems can't be destroyed, but the cosmic laws they contain cannot be destroyed unless the entire universe is destroyed.

If you simply destroy the gems, then as long as you wait for dozens or hundreds of years, new gems will be bred from the universe again.

Similarly, the power displayed by the six gems also comes from the universe of the main world. Once it is taken away from the universe of the main world as it is now, it will lose its power and become a slightly better-looking stone.

Fortunately, Jerry never thought of relying on the Reality Gem to dominate, but only used it to study and improve his own magic.

So, in this situation, it is not a big problem for him.

After putting away the reality gems, Jerry took out a Taoist book called "Hundred Solutions of Taoist Refiners" and began to study it~ Since the No. 1 bloodline enhancer was successfully refined, he has not only tested Looking at Bella's blood components, instead of continuing to do various biological experiments as usual, he devoted his main energy to new research.

However, this time his main research direction is not Western magic, but the contents of the Taoist books that Li Xiaolang brought from his family before, about the refining of Eastern magic weapons.

Compared with the alchemy of Western magic, the alchemy in Eastern Taoism actually has its own uniqueness.

Like the magic sword in Li Xiaolang's hand, when not in use, it can be turned into a jade bead through a spell and carried around the neck.

Before, he mainly focused on improving his magical power and making up for the shortcomings of his physical body, so he didn't spend much time studying the refining technique in Eastern Taoism.

Now that he can almost be regarded as a relatively balanced hexagonal mage, he can naturally take some time to study other things.

In particular, he always felt that he was constantly developing and even trying to evolve into a box of a small world, which was somewhat unsafe.

Although he also strengthened the box's defense ability through alchemy, because its body is only a wooden box after all, if it encounters an opponent of comparable strength, it is likely to break the box in the battle.

In the box space, he has all his net worth over the years. Once the box collapses, everything inside may be directly involved in the different space and disappear.

Therefore, he wanted to see if he could refine the box into a magic weapon with strong defensive capabilities through the Eastern Item Refining Technique, so that it was easy to carry and no longer had to worry about being damaged.


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