Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 384

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:55:17 AM

Chapter 384: Great Magician? Pa Cricket? Leo

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The Cullo card made by Cullo Rido is based on yin and yang, representing the sun of yang, which is Kerubelos, which is Xiaoke, and the moon representing yin is the moon, which is Yuecheng Snow Rabbit.

Yang's subordinates are "Light" Clow cards, and Yin's subordinates are "Dark" Clow cards.

Light is in charge of earth and fire of the four elements, and darkness is in charge of wind and water of the four elements.

The source of Xiaoke's strength is the earth and fire. Only when these two Clow cards are subdued, Xiaoke can recover his true body and become the famous Clow card guardian beast, Kerubelos, instead of a winged one. Ragdoll.

In fact, Jerry only really knew how powerful Crollido was as he studied Crowrido's Crow cards one by one.

In the past, he judged that Crowley was very powerful because he felt that the other party could control time and predict the future, and the Crowley cards he created had many functions.

But now, he feels that Crowley is stronger than he thought before, and it is a level higher.

Sun, Moon, Light, Darkness, Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, if the principles of these cards are all thoroughly studied, Jerry found that they already have the basis for creating a small world.

After adding clouds, rain, snow, thunder, fog, trees, flowers, etc., even the weather and basic vegetation are there.

This is very different from the space in Jerry's space ring now.

The space in Jerry's space ring, although it looks like a small world, is not a small world created independently.

It is a special space that is gradually perfected by expanding the original space of the box through the traceless growth spell, and then moving in various things from the small world that has matured outside.

The flowers, plants and trees inside, including living things and air, are not created out of nothing, they are all formed by Jerry moving in from the outside world.

If his current ring space is more vivid, it is like the world created by technology in the movie "The Truman World" that he saw in his previous life, but he uses wizard alchemy and various magics.

The Clow card gave Jerry a different feeling. He felt that Clow Riddle might have really researched how to create a world. Although it may not have reached that level, it has definitely come a short distance on this road.

Because he just studied these library cards, his current ring space has been improved a lot, and it is more like an independent world.

This also made Jerry even more looking forward to seeing the Hiiragiza Elio, who inherited the memories of Chlorido.

The dazzling light radiated from Xiao Ke's body, making everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

After a while, the light subsided, and a handsome brain axe with big wings, er, or a big lion, appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Who are you?"

Sakura tilted her head to look at the liger with big wings that suddenly appeared beside her, showing a puzzled expression.

"I'm Krubellos!"

Xiao Ke said helplessly:

"It's a pity that the last card is a land card. If I had collected the land cards earlier, I could have been of some help!"

"Xiao Ke!

! "

Looking at the mighty Xiao Ke, Xiao Ying, Xiao Lang and Mei Ling's eyes widened.

Only Zhishi moved the camera towards Xiao Ke with a calm face, then took out his pink mobile phone and made a call:

"This is the end, where are you? Did you go to Xiaolang's house to get his Taoist uniform? Okay, I know."

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

Guanyue Gefan looked at Jerry, who had the same calm expression, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The powerful mage who did not appear in the prophecy, and the fact that he seemed to know about the coming of the trial of the moon, it was hard not to make her puzzled.

Fortunately, Hiirazawa Elio has arrived ahead of schedule and should be there soon, so she no longer has to worry about any accidents in the trial of the moon.

Jerry turned to look at Guanyue and shrugged:

"You don't look surprised either."

Guanyue Gefan was at a loss for words.

"It's a full moon, isn't it about to start!"

Jerry looked at the big round moon on the iron tower on the right, smiled and sighed.

At this moment, a black sedan came galloping, followed by an oversized van, which was the clothing car of Zhishi's family, and inside it was all kinds of "magic" designed by Zhishi for Sakura. Girl's uniform".

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

"On special days, wear special clothes to leave a message to commemorate. This is something that must be done. Berry Bell, Little Wolf, I also had your Taoist uniforms brought over from Wenbo. Get ready to take pictures!"

When Tomoyo saw that his clothing car was finally in place, he immediately said excitedly to the three of Sakura.

At this moment, Jerry suddenly moved in his heart, and he raised his head and looked over his head.

"I have something to do, leave first!"

With a wave of his hand, Jerry cast an Apparition Charm and disappeared in place.

"Oh, what a pity, I also specially designed a set of very suitable clothes for brother Jerry, and I want him to wear it and take a big photo with everyone!"

Seeing Jerry disappear, Tomoyo sighed regretfully holding his face.

Guanyue Gefan, who had been standing beside Yuecheng Snow Rabbit, saw Jerry leave, and a smile appeared on his face.


Above the small town of Tomoeda, a man wearing a black magician's robe, holding a long sun staff, and looking like Sakura's father Kinomoto Takashi, was floating there quietly.

On the left of him is a black leopard with a very cold expression and big butterfly wings, and on the right is a girl who also has big butterfly wings and looks very lively.

"Hiirazawa Elio, why are we here, is it because of the new owner of the Clow card below?"

The lively girl with big butterfly wings pointed at Sakura who had just changed her clothes and asked ~ Yes, I am also very curious, those Clow cards you made in your previous life should be very important to you. It's no longer of any use! "

The black leopard with big butterfly wings had a doubtful tone.

Hiirazawa Elio adjusted his glasses and asked with a smile:

"What, Spy, Ruby, don't you like it here?"

"That's not true. It's actually quite boring to stay in your office all the time. Besides, I seem to have discovered a very delicious magic!"

The girl called Ruby pointed to Momochi who was hiding behind a big tree not far from Sakura and the others, and stuck out her tongue and licked her lips.

Hiirakawa Elio smiled and did not have an interface, but turned to look at someone behind him and said politely:

"Is that Jerry Carmen the Mage?"

"It's still been discovered, as expected of the famous Great Mage Hiirazawa Elio!"

Jerry removes the Disillusionment Charm, revealing his body shape.

It turned out that he suddenly sensed three very obscure magical powers flying from a distance just now, so he immediately teleported into the air, activated the phantom body spell to hide it.

But obviously, the other party should have seen through his Illusory Body Curse a long time ago.


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