Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 389

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:54:55 AM

Chapter 389: out of the earth

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In Jerry's view, human beings on earth are not suitable for living in the ring space.

On the one hand, people are living well on Earth. You move a large number of them into the ring space to live, which is not a good thing in itself, and Gu Yi will not agree to it if he knows it.

On the other hand, although human civilization on earth is nothing in the universe, at least it has escaped from the state of ignorance.

Once a large number of people enter the ring space, it will take a while to explore the space, and it will be difficult not to discover some secrets of the ring space.

Don't underestimate human beings, and human scientists, maybe they can take advantage of Jerry's attention, and they can mess up his ring space to pieces.

Since he wants to develop borrowers, he must not just move a few people. Considering the future development, he definitely hopes to put a mature social system into his ring space.

Their civilization had better stay at the stage of the Middle Ages, or a little further ahead. They should not have any concepts about the universe, science, etc., and believe in the existence of gods and magic.

Then it's better to have different forces, different small countries, and complete social forms, so that there can be conflicts, interests, and the need for magic.

What he wants is to slowly build the ring space into a different world, and then put the book of Carmen in it, and spread it steadily as his strength improves.

This can be sustainable and maximize the benefits.

However, at present, the earth and the three small worlds he has opened have entered a modern society and do not meet his conditions.

"Looks like it's time to get out of the earth!"

The earth does not meet his conditions now, but the Marvel universe is so big, with countless planets, living with countless races and civilizations, it should not be difficult to find one that meets his conditions.

Exactly, now with his strength, he can also venture into the universe.

Not only to immigrate for his ring space, but also to learn some more advanced biotechnology knowledge and continue to improve his bloodline enhancer.

Moreover, there is no shortage of disasters in the universe. Maybe if you encounter some events that will destroy the planet, if you intervene to stop it, you can truly realize the freedom of the little red star.


Two months later, on the dining table.

"What? You're leaving New York to practice and study for half a year, but aren't you just a sophomore?"

Haas looked at Jerry in surprise.

Although Jerry usually only came back once a month after he went to college due to his busy homework, but this time he didn't see each other for half a year, which made him a little unacceptable.

Belle, who already had a big belly, and Elsa, who had obviously grown a lot in height, were obviously not very happy about Jerry's departure for half a year.

"Half a year is very fast, and this time is special. My supervisor told me that it will be of great benefit to my future graduation."

Jerry started to make up at the dinner table.

There is no way, he leaves the earth to go out for a lap, it is estimated that it will take at least half a year.

He didn't go home for half a year, and there was no news. It was estimated that Haas and others would be worried about death, so he made up such an excuse.

Although this excuse sounds a bit ridiculous, but who let him know magic and can control the school's professors to help him show various proofs, so Haas and others, although strange, finally had no choice but to accept it.

In the past two months, Jerry placed the remaining three mythical beasts and all the Carmen Mahjongs he created before returning to the main world, respectively, in various areas of New York.

I also watched my sister Aisha conquer all of them one by one under the leadership of Xiao Qinglong.

And he also specially left a special book of Carmen for Elsa without any conditions, so that Elsa can learn magic by herself in addition to using Carmen Mahjong.

He also took the time to upgrade Haas's small steel cannon and the entire house again, leaving all the robot soldiers behind.

He believed that as long as Gu Yi and Odin didn't shoot, no one should be able to hurt his family during his absence on Earth.

In case of a real emergency, through the connection of the four divine beasts, he can also sense it and find a way to get back as quickly as possible.



After saying goodbye to his family, Jerry found a no-man's land and shouted into the air.

Suddenly, a rainbow fell from the sky and took him away from the earth.

"Long time no see, Heimdall!"

Asgard teleportation hall, Jerry walked out of the rainbow and said hello to Heimdall in golden armor.

As someone who once helped Asgard guard the Rainbow Bridge, and has a half-master-disciple relationship with the goddess Frigga, Jerry is currently the only one who can summon Heimdall on Earth to open the Rainbow Bridge at will, besides Thor, People who came to Asgard.

The reason why he came to Asgard now is because he is not particularly familiar with the situation outside the universe, and he needs to come to Asgard to find some materials to learn.

In addition, on his own, there is no way to go to the planets where other civilizations in the universe are located. One is that he does not know the location, and the other is that his portal has not been opened that far for the time being~ So he needs to use Asgard some power of Germany.

Asgardians rarely leave the Nine Realms, but that doesn't mean they don't have the ability to leave, they just don't want to.

In fact, Asgard's technology is very developed. You can see many oversized turrets above Asgard City. They use energy weapons that surpass Earth's technology, and the damage is amazing.

And the Asgardians are also very famous in the universe, and their single combat ability is very powerful.

"Long time no see, Master Carmen, did you come to the Queen to learn magic again?"

Heimdall put away his guardian sword Bult Steel and closed the Rainbow Bridge.

Hamdal still has a very good impression of Jerry, the Earth Mage. If Jerry hadn't stopped Loki at the beginning, the Rainbow Bridge might have been destroyed.

As the guard of the Rainbow Bridge, the damage to the Rainbow Bridge and the invasion of foreign enemies are all his dereliction of duty.

"No, it's mainly because I want to discuss something with His Majesty Odin!"

Jerry laughed.

Heimdall looked at the direction of the Golden Palace:

"The father of the gods is discussing in the Golden Palace, and it is estimated that it will take two hours to end."

"Then I'll go to God Queen first, and then I'll ask to see after His Majesty Odin has finished discussing the matter."

Jerry nodded, got up and spread his wings, and flew towards the palace where the Queen of the Golden Palace lived.

While waiting for Odin, it is time to ask the goddess Frigga to borrow some books on cosmic forces, races, and planetary divisions, and by the way, ask Frigga for some relevant information.

Before marrying Odin, Frigga was the Princess of the Warner Protoss of Warnerheim. She was very knowledgeable, and she must know a lot about the things of the universe.


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