Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 462

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:51:02 AM

Chapter 462: Wizards and Guilds

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Two days later, Jerry, who was floating in mid-air, took back several language collectors.

"Silly girl, summarize the new languages ​​and words collected, and then transmit them to the translator."

"It's expected to be finished in five minutes!"

The voice of the smart system silly girl sounded in the bracelet.

"Induction completed, start transmission......"

"Transmission is complete, please restart the translator."

Jerry followed the steps to restart the translator attached to his earlobe. Two seconds later, when he looked up at the strange text on the building in the center of the city, a suitable translation had already appeared in the matching contact lenses in his eyes:

"Welcome to Harrugion Harbor!"

"It turns out that this port city is called Harugeon."

Landing in a deserted alley and releasing the phantom body spell, Jerry changed his clothes into the more common robes outside, and walked out of the alley.

At this time, the conversations of the pedestrians on the street were no longer incomprehensible in his ears, but all turned into the most familiar Mandarin through the translator.

And the words that can be seen on the street also have corresponding translations.

After wandering on the street for a long time, he quickly learned some information that he was more concerned about from the conversations of pedestrians and some books he bought.

The world he currently lives in is called Aslant.

The current location is Harrugion, a port city in the remotest part of the Fiore Kingdom, on the continent of Yinxigar in this world.

The Kingdom of Fiore is a permanent neutral country with a population of 17 million. This country has many people who live by magic, who are called sorcerers.

Of course, you can't be called a mage if you can do some magic, but you must reach a certain level of strength and then join a formal mage guild after passing the test.

Otherwise, you're just an ordinary person who knows magic.

Because magic is a very common thing in this world, there are traces of magic everywhere in life.

Just like when he was wandering the streets for the past two days, he could often sense that some passersby contained a certain amount of magic power, but most of them were very few, even worse than many first-year wizards at Hogwarts.

According to what he heard, because of its remote location and closeness to the sea, fishing has always been more prosperous than magic.

In the whole city, less than 10% of the people actually possessed magic power in their bodies, and even none of them could get the title of mages. Naturally, there was no mages guild.

If people really have ideas about magic, they will basically leave here and go to those big cities to learn magic.

Therefore, if Jerry wants to really understand the magic system of this world, it is definitely impossible in this city, because the people here don't actually know very much.

However, before leaving the city, he decided to visit the only magic shop in the city, maybe he could buy something useful.

For example: various types of magic books!

Yes, although there is no Sorcerer's Guild in this city, nor anyone who can be called a Sorcerer.

However, according to what he just heard from passers-by, there is still a magic shop here that provides supplies of magic items for traveling mages.

The current situation is that, through his knowledge of the basic common sense of the world in this short period of time, he has not found any movies, TV and novels related to the current information in his memory.

It can only be said that the story of this small world may not exist in the worlds he is currently experiencing.

He didn't particularly care about it. After all, he was relatively confident in his current strength. Even if he didn't understand the world, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Most importantly, this is the only world he's encountered where magic is so pervasive, and it may be helpful to his magical powers.

According to the introduction in a book called "What You Don't Know About the Sorcerer's Guild" that he just bought, the number of Sorcerer's Guilds registered in Eucalyptus in the entire Fiore Kingdom has officially exceeded 500 this year.

At present, according to the number of tasks completed by the major guilds, the Fairy Tail guild still ranks first.


Halfway through the city, by the river under a stone bridge, Jerry finally found the blue magic shop with the red octopus logo.

"Welcome, what do the guests need?"

As soon as he opened the door and entered the house, a bald old man who looked at least sixty or seventy years old greeted him warmly.

"Let me consider."

Jerry smiled and began to look around.

Probably because of the decline of magic in the city, the inside of this magic shop is not big and there is not much stuff.

"Guest, don't look at my store, but it's very complete, especially with many new products. Look at this year's most popular new product, the magic color changing box!"

The boss may not have come to the door for a long time. When Jerry appeared, he quickly took out a blue box and started to sell it.

Seeing this, Jerry also retracted his scrutiny, and looked over with interest.

I saw that the boss reached out and entered a little magic power into the box, and a small magic circle appeared on the box immediately~ Then the boss's original yellow clothes turned purple.

"When you go out, with this magic color changing box, you will no longer have to worry about the monotonous color of your clothes. There are dozens of different colors that can be changed at will!"


Seeing this, Jerry smiled and took the magic color-changing box in his hand and observed it.

Changing the color of an item isn't easy for Jerry.

The reason why he was interested was because this magic item with a very simple effect showed a magic system that was completely different from the magic he knew, and belonged to the unique magic system of this world.

"How much?"

Jerry decided to buy it first, and then study it slowly when he has time.

As soon as the boss heard Jerry asking about the price, his eyes lit up and he opened his mouth and said:

"This is the latest magic item, a little more expensive, 30,000 j!"

"No problem, do you have any other magic items to introduce, as long as I think it's good, I can buy them!"

Jerry pretended to take it out of his pocket, took out a stack of notes worth at least one million j, and placed it on the counter in front of the boss.

j is the general currency name of this country, there are banknotes and coins, there are four kinds of banknotes, 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10000, and there are six kinds of coins: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, and 500.

Since neither coins nor banknotes have any numbers or the like, Jerry can create them directly from nothing through his transfiguration spell.

Therefore, at least he will not be short of money in this world.

The boss looked at the banknotes on the counter, and his back, which was originally packed, suddenly straightened up.

He knows that today, he has met a big customer!


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